Ra(h)ul's Split-personality Disorder (original) (raw)

Have Hindus Become More Intolerant, Or less Indulgent?

When the Semitic free run on the Hindu turf under Sonia’s proxy watch ended with the ascent of Narendra Modi onto the Delhi gaddi, the Indian agendas of the Christian west and the Muslim umma faced impediments resulting in the brouhaha over the growing religious intolerance of Hindus towards India’s minorities. Given the racial biases and the religious prejudices of both against the Hindus and that the world media, by and large is controlled by them, a critical appraisal of their propaganda with objective lenses is called for. Hence, as the accusation is on the religious ground, it is imperative that the theocratic credos of Islam and Christianity as well as the philosophical ethos of santana dharma aka Hinduism, the only surviving ‘way of life’ of yore on earth, are to be reckoned with.

First chapter Dhul-Qarnayn and Semitic-Aryan connection

One of the greatest discoveries of the world history of ancient time was achieved during archeological excavation in the palace of Babylonian capital in 1879. It was a small clay tablet in cylinder shape written in cuneiform Akkadian cuneiform scripts and it revealed very important corner stone of the human civilization. Now it has been preserved in British museum. When it is translated in modern language it proved highly intelligent inscription of politico-religious diplomatic protocol, it is identified as the human right charter of first world Emperor Cyrus the great. In this cylinder he described how he entered into Babylon without any bloodshed and conquered the hearts of the peoples of Babylon and released and freed all the captives as well as all the Jews to their own land. Most of the historians thought he was a patroness to the God Ahura Mazdah like his next emperor Darius the great but this cylinder proved that he believed in supreme God Marduk of Babylonian mysterious origin. Cyrus distinguished himself on a special religious-political standpoint of peaceful negotiation of his vast Empire with different nations and cultures and superseded all others ancient Emperors in the world for ever.



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The Situation of Women in the Gulf States, COUNTRY EXPERTS Dr Mona Abbass Fadhel (Bahrain) Dr Philippa Winkler (Iran and Iraq) Dr Wanda Krause (Kuwait and Qatar) Dr Khalid M. Al-Azri (Oman) Dr Sherifa Zuhur (Saudi Arabia) Dr Shahida El-Baz (United Arab Emirates)

Focusing on women’s rights and gender equality in Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, this study provides a socio-cultural, political and economic analysis of women’s situation in the Gulf region. The first 6 chapters consist of a comprehensive overview of the most important women’s rights issues in all of the eight Gulf States, including recommendations for the European Union as a whole and the European Parliament in particular to support women’s rights and gender equality in these countries. This overall part is followed by a graphic overview of the most important findings of the study. In chapters 7 to 14, more specific and detailed data on the situation of women and their rights is presented per individual Gulf State. Throughout the study, the cultural and historical heterogeneity of the region has been taken into account. AUTHORS Dr May Seikaly, Wayne State University Rahil Roodsaz, MSc, Atria Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History Drs Corine van Egten, Atria Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History COUNTRY EXPERTS Dr Mona Abbass Fadhel (Bahrain) Dr Philippa Winkler (Iran and Iraq) Dr Wanda Krause (Kuwait and Qatar) Dr Khalid M. Al-Azri (Oman) Dr Sherifa Zuhur (Saudi Arabia) Dr Shahida El-Baz (United Arab Emirates) EDITORIAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Prof. Dr Willy Jansen, Director Institute for Gender Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen Dr Renée Römkens, Director Atria Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History Drs Thera van Osch, Independent consultant/Director OQ Consulting BV Kinga Lohmann, Director KARAT Coalition RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATORS Erika Schulze Ottavio Marzocchi Policy Department C: Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs European Parliament B-1047 Brussels E-mail: poldep-citizens@ep.europa.eu

India of the 1970s and Gulzar's Construction of Gender: Aandhi as a Case for Indian Women

Media Watch, 2019

This paper examines the social construction of gender by Gulzar in the film Aandhi and maps it with the cultural and socio-political changes that took place in the country during that era. Aandhi 1 is the first Hindi film that narrates the dilemma of a modern woman politician-a space largely occupied by men. Gulzar went against the norms of film making in the seventies and directed a film based on woman politician which broke certain gender stereotypes. Aarti, the female protagonist in the film, wishes to have everything in life at her whims and fancies. She is a non-conformist. She challenges the norms set by society and refuses to become a sandwich between her father 's selfish ambitions and husband's patriarchal needs.