Clinical and Economic Efficiency of Vaccination in a Pneumococcal 13-Valent Conjugate Vaccine in Patients with Chronic Bronchitis at a Young Age (original) (raw)
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Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences, 2021
Background. Vaccination against pneumococcal infection is one of the priorities in improving the quality of treatment and prevention measures in adults with various pathologies. The effectiveness of vaccination is directly related to the individuals ability to form an adequate specific immunity. Aims the aim of the study was to assess the level of post-vaccination antibodies to capsular polysaccharides of S. pneumoniae in adult patients with bronchial asthma (BA) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) after administration of 13-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine (PCV13). Materials and methods. The ELISA method was used to determine the level of IgG antibodies to 12 capsular polysaccharides serotypes 1, 3, 4, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, 23F of S. pneumoniae that are part of PCV13, and 2 serotypes 9N, 15B that are not part of the vaccines using research test systems developed on the basis of the I.I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera. Groups of adul...
Current Pediatrics
Background. Immunological potency of 13-valent pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-13) in children with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) is still unstudied. Estimates of the genetically engineered biologic drugs (GEBD) effects on pneumococcal vaccination results also remain controversial.Objective. The aim of the study was to explore the PCV-13 efficacy in patients with SJIA and who is on treatment with monoclonal antibodies against interleukin 6 receptor (tocilizumab) and interleukin 8 receptor beta (canakinumab).Methods. The study included patients under the age of 18 with SJIA in remission or active form of disease vaccinated with PCV-13. The vaccine was administered in single dose of 0.5 ml intramuscularly in patients on treatment with GEBD or 3 weeks before GEBD administration for the first time (for patients with active disease). Vaccination was considered effective at achievement of the minimum protective level of antibodies to capsular polysaccharide of pneumococcus (anti...
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Background. Infections are the main cause of death for patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. In adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), mortality caused by respiratory infections is 2–5 times higher than in the population. One of the frequent infectious complications in the course of treatment with tocilizumab, the first-choice drug for treating systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA), is pneumonia characterized by a poor clinical picture, normal values of laboratory indices of the disease activity (ESR, C-reactive protein) with pronounced changes in the lungs revealed by computed tomography. In case of acute respiratory infection in children with systemic JIA, immunosuppressants and genetically engineered biological preparations (GEBP) are discontinued. This often leads to an exacerbation of the underlying disease and the progression of a pathological process. At present, vaccination against pneumococcal infection in Russia is not included in the standard for ma...
Vaccination against pneumococcal infections in adults
Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2018
The following key issues of pneumococcal infection prophylaxis were discussed during the expert council: incidence rates of community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia and other pneumococcal infections, local epidemiological data, increases in antimicrobial resistance and pneumococcal serotypes substitution, current international and Russian clinical guidelines, practical approaches, and pneumococcal vaccination coverage of adult population in the Russian Federation. The agreement between the experts about a need to distinguish the use of conjugate vaccines and polysaccharide vaccines in different subpopulations has been achieved.
Current Pediatrics
International practice of immunization against pneumococcus in patients with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) receiving biological therapy is generalized in this review. High efficiency and safety of pneumococcal vaccines in children with SJIA is presented. Numerous researches show the adequate immune response after vaccination as well as alongside with genetically engineered biologic drugs therapy. Prevention of pneumococcal disease in patients with SJIA reduces the risk of development of pneumococcal diseases severe complications.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2008
Uvod U Sr bi ji ima do sta oso ba obo le lih od pne u mo kok ne pne u mo ni je. Kod oso ba sta ri jih od 65 go di na, imu no kompro mi to va nih i bo le sni ka s ko mor bi di te ti ma kao što su hro nič na op struk tiv na bo lest plu ća i kon ge stiv na in sufi ci jen ci ja sr ca po sto ji naj ve ći ri zik za na sta nak pne u mo kok ne pne u mo ni je. Većina bo le sni ka se le či em pi rij ski, iako se če sto pred vi di či we ni ca da Strep to coc cus pne u mo ni ae mo že bi ti re zi sten tan na iza bra ne an ti bi ot ske le kove. Tro ško vi za bol nič ko i am bu lant no le če we bo le sni ka s ovim obo qe wem ve o ma su vi so ki. Vak ci na ci ja ri zič nih bo le sni ka od raz vo ja bo le sti iza zva nih sa Strep to coc cus pne u mo ni ae u Sr bi ji vr ši se pri me nom pne u mo kok ne po li saha rid ne vak ci ne pre ma kli nič kim in di ka ci ja ma. Ta čan broj vak ci ni sa nih i uku pan broj re gi stro va nih bo le sni ka i da qe ni je po znat, ali je si gur no da je neo prav da no ma li. Ciq rada Ciq ra da je bio da se to kom jed no go di šweg pe ri o da is pi ta ju broj i osnov ne od li ke oso ba bol nič ki leče nih od pne u mo ni je, vr sta uzroč ni ka in fek ci je, pri me we ni an ti bi ot ski le ko vi, tra ja we i tro ško vi bol nič kog leče wa u Insti tu tu za pluć ne bo le sti i tu ber ku lo zu Kliničkog cen tra Sr bi je u Be o gra du. Metod rada Re tro spek tiv no su ana li zi ra ni me di cin ski po da ci bo le sni ka le če nih od pne u mo ni je to kom 2006. godi ne u Insti tu tu za pluć ne bo le sti i tu ber ku lo zu Kliničkog cen tra Sr bi je u Be o gra du. Rezultati To kom po sma tra nog jed no go di šweg pe ri o da bol nič ki je le če no 290 bo le sni ka, od če ga je uzroč nik in fekci je po tvr đen kod 116 (40%). Bol nič ko le če we je u pro se ku tra ja lo 12 da na, a tro ško vi le če wa po bo le sni ku bi li su 32.031,74 di na ra (402,42 evra). Tro ško vi le če wa po bo le sni ku s op štom i in ten ziv nom ne gom bi li su 18.290,01 di nar (229,78 evra). Di stri bu tiv na ce na po je di nač ne vak ci ne "Pne u mo 23" u Sr bi ji bez po re za bi la je 746,90 di na ra (9,38 evra). Zakqučak Pne u mo kok na pne u mo ni ja je zna ča jan me di cin ski i eko nom ski pro blem za zdrav stve ni si stem Sr bi je. Prime na an tip ne u mo kok ne vak ci ne mo že bi ti ko ri sna u sma we wu ukup nih tro ško va le če wa od pne u mo kok ne in fek ci je.
Voprosy sovremennoj pediatrii, 2012
Сибирский государственный медицинский университет, Томск, Российская Федерация С целью оценки клинико-иммунологической эффективности современной мукозальной вакцины в течение 5-летнего периода проведено клиническое наблюдение 40 детей в возрасте от 6 мес до 5 лет, страдающих частыми респираторными заболеваниями и патологией ЛОР-органов. Показано, что исследуемый препарат существенно снижал частоту эпизодов респираторных инфекций и потребность в назначении антибактериальной терапии, хорошо переносился пациентами, повышал содержание сывороточного IgA. Последействие препарата продолжалось в течение 1-2 лет. Ключевые слова: дети, частые респираторные заболевания, иммунодефициты, мукозальная вакцина.