Il classicismo illustrativo dei monumenti ai Caduti della Grande Guerra (original) (raw)
La cultura dell’Antico nelle arti figurative dalla Restaurazione alla Grande Guerra, Atti del Convegno Internazionale Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II 24-25-26 nov. 2021, a c. di M. Osanna e I. Valente, Naus Editoria Napoli, 2023, 531-539
This contribution will regard models derived from antiquity that will be widely used in the large production of monuments regarding the First World War in Italy. First, and in some cases unique, chance for local communities to commit an artwork exhibiting a civic value in the public space, monuments for the First World War, originated from the need to grieve for the loss of thousands of young people, represent the level of artistic culture and historical consciousness of most o cities and towns in Italy. The wide realization of monuments, with the aim to celebrate National Unification and its heroes, stated and disseminated a series of typological and iconographic models that found in the Vittoriano in Rome main occasion of elaboration and diffusion. Subsequent commemorations of Italian victory in the First World War could take advantage, therefore, of a figurative lexicon not only widely used, but even significantly augmented, resorting to elements derived from antiquity, from the decorative and symbolic details but also from the embodiment. Based on the classification realized by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage, we have collected observations related to artworks with different artistic quality and relevance in all Italian regions. We can, in this way, perform observations and comparisons which let us identify how much classical antiquity was recognised as an identity heritage and historization element. E' severamente vietata la diffusione e riproduzione del presente pdf. Ogni abuso sarà perseguito ai sensi di Legge. flora antologia di arti figurative tra antico e contemporaneo 5 Copyright © Naus Editoria. E' severamente vietata la diffusione e riproduzione del presente pdf. Ogni abuso sarà perseguito ai sensi di Legge.