Perbedaan Status Gaki Ibu Hamil Dan Tidak Hamildi Kecamatan Buluspesantrenkabupaten Kebumenpropinsi Jawa Tengah (original) (raw)

Perbedaan Kunjungan Antenatal Care Antara Ibu Hamil Peserta Progam Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Dan Bukan Peserta PKH DI Kecamatan Kalisat Kabupaten Jember

IKESMA, 2018

Pregnant woman has a risk of mortality; therefore, it is necessary to prevent the maternal mortality by pregnancy test. PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan) is a program that supporta pregnancy test. This study aims to determine the different of antenatal care visits between pregnant women PKH participants and non PKH participants in Kalisat, Jember. This study was analytic with cross sectional approach. The data was analyzed by using chi-square test. The sample of this study were 36 pregnant women in each group randomized in 2016.The results showed that there was a significant difference between occupation status and accessibility to the antenatal care visit (completeness) between pregnant women PKH participants and non PKH participants where pregnant woman PKH participant who unemployed and have easy access are visit antenatal completely compared to pregnant woman non PKH participants. There is a difference between occupation status, husband support and accessibility to antenatal visit ...

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Perbedaan Kunjungan Antenatal Care Antara Ibu Hamil Peserta Progam Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Dan Bukan Peserta PKH DI Kecamatan Kalisat Kabupaten Jember Cover Page

Hubungan Status Gizi Ibu Saat Hamil Dengan Berat Lahir Bayi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pegantenan Pamekasan


Abstrak Ibu hamil dengan status gizi buruk atau mengalami KEK (Kurang Energi Kronis) cenderung melahirkan bayi BBLR dan dihadapkan pada risiko kematian yang lebih besar dibanding dengan bayi yang dilahirkan ibu dengan berat badan yang normal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara status gizi ibu dengan berat bayi lahir di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pegantenan Pamekasan pada bulan Mei – Juni 2018. Jenis penelitian analtik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 40 orang dengan menggunakan simple random sampling diperoleh jumlah sampel 36 orang diuji menggunakkan uji chi square dan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakkan kuisioner. Ibu bersalin di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pegantenan Pamekasan pada bulan Mei – Juni 2018 hampir seluruhnya memiliki status gizi baik yaitu 80,6%, dan berat lahir bayinya hampir seluruhnya > 2500gr. Hasil uji chi-square diperoleh nilai p = 0,003 dan α = 0,05...

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Hubungan Status Gizi Ibu Saat Hamil Dengan Berat Lahir Bayi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pegantenan Pamekasan Cover Page

Karakteristik Ibu Hamil Dengan KEK Di PUSKESMAS Sumberberas Banyuwangi 2021


One of the causes of maternal death is Chronic Energy Deficiency. Pregnant women who are at risk for chronic energy deficiency can be seen from the measurement of the upper arm circumference which is less than 23.5 cm. Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016, pregnant women who suffered from CED were 629 mothers (73.2 percent) of all maternal deaths and had a risk of death 20 times greater than mothers with normal. sez in pregnant women can be caused by the characteristics of pregnant women consisting of age, education and parity. This research method is descriptive, this research was conducted to determine the characteristics of age, education and parity of pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency in PUSKESMAS Sumberberas Muncar Village Banyuwangi. This study uses a total sampling technique where all the data of population members are used as a sample of 30 people. The data collection technique in this study was by using secondary data thro...

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Karakteristik Ibu Hamil Dengan KEK Di PUSKESMAS Sumberberas Banyuwangi 2021 Cover Page

Gambaran Kesehatan Mental Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Pangkajene

Kampurui Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Journal of Public Health), 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only caused a public health crisis but also social, demographic and economic as well as psychosocial effects. Anxiety caused during pregnancy has a negative impact on pregnancy, such as increasing the risk of preeclampsia, depression, nausea, vomiting and even causing premature labor or negative miscarriage, including pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to determine the mental health picture of pregnant women during the covid 19 pandemic. This study is a quantitative study with a descriptive approach. The population is pregnant women who come to visit for antenatal care activities. The number of samples in this study was 117 pregnant women obtained using the Lameshow formula. the source of data is primary data from interviews using questionnaires while secondary data from MCH data at puskesmas, health offices and related journals. The results of this study found that the description of mental health disorders that occurred in Pangkajene Health...

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Gambaran Kesehatan Mental Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Pangkajene Cover Page

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PKM Kelas Ibu Hamil Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesehatan Ibu Dan Janin DI Posyandu Melati Desa Bukit Kratai Wilayah Kerja Upt Blud Puskesmas Rumbio Cover Page

Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Dan Suami DI Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi

Jurnal Abdimas Kesehatan (JAK), 2019

Lack of knowledge of pregnant women and husband about pregnancy and various things related to pregnancy have a negative influence on the health of the pregnant women, fetus /child, family and community. One effort that can be done by nurses is to provide health education to pregnant women and husband. Puskesmas Putri Ayu is a community health center as partner that has carried out sintegrated antenatal services according to the program, but in its implementation a little pregnant women were accompanied by their husbands when conducting antenatal visit. The target and outcome of community service activities is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women and husband about pregnancy, various needs during pregnancy, various changes that occur during pregnancy and the importance of husband's support for pregnant women. The implementation method used is survey, observation, interview, discussion, and demonstration through health counseling and pregnancy exercises in the prenatal cl...

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Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Dan Suami DI Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi Cover Page

Karakteristik Ibu Dan Status Gizi Balita Menurut BB/U DI Desa Tambakan Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan Tahun 2019

Journal of Nutrition College

Latar Belakang : Balita BGM merupakan indikator awal terjadinya gizi kurang. Ibu berperan penting dalam tumbuh kembang balita. Prevalensi BGM/D di Kecamatan Gubug meningkat sebesar 0,52% dari tahun 2017 ke tahun 2018. Desa Tambakan memiliki prevalensi BGM/D terbesar. Faktor tidak langsung penyebab terjadinya gizi kurang pada balita yaitu umur ibu saat hamil, pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, jumlah anak ibu, pengetahuan ibu, dan riwayat sakit ibu saat hamil.Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan karakteristik ibu dengan status gizi balita menurut BB/UMetode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 89 responden diambil menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengambilan data karakteristik ibu dan balita menggunakan KMS dan kuesioner. Status gizi balita menggunakan pengukuran antropometri. Analisis univariat menggunakan uji deskriptif, analisis bivariat menggunakan uji chi squared, dan analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik.Hasil : Mayorita...

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Karakteristik Ibu Dan Status Gizi Balita Menurut BB/U DI Desa Tambakan Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan Tahun 2019 Cover Page

Hubungan Status Gizi Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Kejadian BBLR DI Puskesmas Tengaran


Latar Belakang : Berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) adalah faktor penyebab kematian bayi prenatal di Indonesia sebesar 34%. Kejadian BBLR di kabupaten Semarang sebesar 26,4%. Gizi ibu hamil yaitu LILA dan kadar Hb sangat menentukan berat badan bayi yang dilahirkan. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi ibu hamil dengan kejadian BBLR di Puskesmas Tengaran Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2018. Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan case control. Populasinya adalah semua bayi yang lahir di Puskesmas Tengaran Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2018, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah semua bayi dengan perbandingan 1:1, 56 bayi BBLR dan 56 bayi yang tidak BBLR. Data analisis menggunakan analisi univariat yang berisi distribusi frekuensi dan analisis bivariate menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada ibu dengan riwayat KEK sebesar 48,2% dan ibu yang anemia sebesar 44,6%. Hubungan KEK ibu hamil dengan kejadian BBLR...

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Hubungan Status Gizi Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Kejadian BBLR DI Puskesmas Tengaran Cover Page

Gambaran Skor Karies Menurut Status Kehamilan DI Puskesmas Bayat Kabupaten Klaten


Increasing the incidence of dental caries is a health problem in Indonesia. Based on Riskesdas 2013, caries patients in the women group (70.7%) were higher than the men group (64.8%). Pregnancy is one cause of high dental caries in the group of women. This is caused by physiological and hormonal changes during pregnancy. The prevalence of dental caries in pregnant women in developing countries as much as 60-87%. The purpose of this research to describe differences in a score caries between nonpregnant women and pregnant women at the Bayat Health Center. This research is descriptive research with Cross sectional approach. The population of this study were all women who examined the teeth and mouth in April 2018 with the age of 20-35 years. The sample is taken as many as 50 pregnant women and 50 non-pregnant women was selected based on the consecutive sampling method. Assessment of dental caries using DMF-T index. Data analysis using frequency distribution and Crosstab. The results sh...

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Gambaran Skor Karies Menurut Status Kehamilan DI Puskesmas Bayat Kabupaten Klaten Cover Page

Hubungan Status Kek Ibu Hamil Dan BBLR Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita DI Puskesmas Tawiri Kota Ambon

Jurnal Kesehatan Terpadu

Stunting in infants is influenced by maternal nutritional histories such as chronic energy deficiency (CED) and iron deficiency anemia. Maternal nutritional status before and during pregnancy affect thegrowth of the fetus. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between CED status ofpregnant women with the incidence of stunting in children under five in the Tawiri health center inAmbon City. This research type was an observational with case-control design and using purposivesampling. The research subjects were children who had stunting with 76 cases and 163 controls.Univariate data analysis using frequency distribution, bivariate using Chi-square. The results showedthat pregnant women with CED, their children did not experience stunting (77.91%). LBW occurs inpregnant women who experience CED (70.00%), while LBW does not occur in pregnant women whoare not CED at 71.77%. Stunting occur in infants who are not LBW (64.47%). Stunting did not occurin infants with a hi...

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Hubungan Status Kek Ibu Hamil Dan BBLR Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita DI Puskesmas Tawiri Kota Ambon Cover Page