The Influence of Work Stress on Employee Productivity on PT. Mita Gema Mandiri in Jakarta (original) (raw)

Analysis of The Effect of Work Stress and Work Environment on Employee Performance Arema Aremania Bersatu Berprestasi Indonesia Ltd

Journal Research of Social, Science, Economics, and Management, 2021

One of the determinants of a company's progress, both service and non-service, is the resources it has. The company or a business entity feels that the company's goals will not be achieved without quality resources. However, they often do not realize that companies only make employees or their resources tools/assets to achieve company goals, not as individuals who need recognition and appreciation. This study aimed to analyze How much influence the work environment and work stress have on employee performance at Arema Aremania Bersatu Berprestasi Indonesia Ltd. In this study, the independent variables are Work Stress (X1) and Work Environment (X2), while the dependent variable is Employee Performance (Y). This type of research is quantitative research analyzed using statistics. The number of samples obtained by using a saturated sample that makes the entire population of Arema Aremania Bersatu Berprestasi Indonesia Ltd. became a sample of 63 respondents. This Analysis uses m...

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Analysis of The Effect of Work Stress and Work Environment on Employee Performance Arema Aremania Bersatu Berprestasi Indonesia Ltd Cover Page


The goal of the study was to investigate the impact of stress on productivity of employees at the Pothys boutique, a textile showroom. According to dean, stress related illness have been a leading cause for low productivity levels in the work place. Immense pressure at work has led to stress which makes it the number one factor that has lead to illness and dissatisfaction towards the organisation. For this study Descriptive study was utilized, as the main goal was to find the impact of stress on productivity in the organisation was concerned. Thus the study helped to elucidate descriptive information on the impact of stress on employees at the Pothys boutique, and gave specific details about the phenomena in question. Research was conducted within the frame work of the survey .The sampling used for this study is stratified random sampling. The respondents in this study were the 80 employees at the Pothys boutique who were employed during the period of the study. Questionnaires were designed and distributed to all the sections at the Pothys boutique. From the results obtained it was evident that there were many stress factors that the employees at Pothys boutique endured, and the enquiry proved that the impact of stress affected productivity negatively .The fact that the majority of the employees thought that the organisation did not care about them was a reflection of huge dissatisfaction that undoubtedly lowered productivity

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The Effect of Stress on Employees Productivity Cover Page

The Relationship between Job Stress and Employee Performance in Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia


One-fourth of Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product or GDP is from the manufacturing industry sector. Indonesia's government has proactively encouraged companies to increase their production capacity to meet the global demands, leading to strong demand for employees to work harder, affecting the workers' health. Overwork is often associated with fatigue, stress, and various health problems. Moreover, stress due to excessive work is a general problem many industries face and frequently influences workers' performance.  Therefore, this research intends to examine the relationship between work stress and workers' performance, particularly in the manufacturing industry in Indonesia. The sample data are collected from ninety-three workers at the staff level across various companies in the manufacturing sector. The relationships between the determining factors and the Employee Productivity are evaluated by using the multivariate regression analysis. At the correlatio...

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The Effect of Work Stress on Employee Performance

Asean International Journal of Business, 2022

The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of work stress during the Covid19 pandemic on employee performance. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. Where to process the author's data using SPSS version 23. This research was conducted onPT Pan Baruna Pekanbaru Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia. The sample in this study were employees of PT. Pan Baruna was limited by the administration division and the sales division, which amounted to 87 people. Sample selection using purposive sampling method. In collecting data, the author uses primary data sources with questionnaires as a tool.Based on table 5.47, it can be seen that the simple linear regression equation formed is Y = 93.147 + (-0.822X). From these equations it can be explained that if the work stress variable increases by 1%, then the work performance of employees at PT. Pan Baruna Pekanbaru Branch decreased by 0.822. This shows that the work stress variable contributes negatively to employee performance, ...

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The Effect of Work Stress on Employee Performance Cover Page


ABSTRACT This study will be carried out to assess effects of stress management on employee’s productivity in service industry. The objectives will be as follows, to examine effects of counseling on employee’s productivity, to assess effects of leisure on employee’s productivity and to examine the effects of working environment on employees’ productivity. While carrying this study a descriptive research design will be adopted to analysis data. The research will also adopt quantitative method in analyzing the finding of the study. Census survey will be adopted in this study since the population is too small and hence researcher will be in a position to reach them. The questionnaire will be the main instrument for data collection in this study. Before data collection validity and reliability will be carried out in order to confirm whether data collection instrument are accurate and reliable. Data will then be analyst using table in form of frequencies and mean.

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The Influence of Work Stress, Working Cost, Compensation and Work Discipline on Employee’ Productivity Cover Page


Prosiding ICOGISS 2019, 2019

The impact of work stress is declining job motivation and performance of employees. Work motivation is needed by the individual employee as the impetus for creating a work of passion. Employee performance arises as an effective response to the job tasks performed by employees. High workload will lead to the emergence of stress on employees. Work stress caused by work conflict, workload, work environment as well as the influence of leadership. This study aimed to examine the variables antaseden job stress on work motivation and performance of employees as the dependent variable. Questionnaires were used to test the independent variables, intervening variables and the dependent variable based on the theoretical study researchers compiled. The statements in the questionnaire have been tested validity. Respondents of this study were all employees of Muhammadiyah University of Jember, amounting to as many as 120 employees. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondent’s as many as 120 copies and all questionnaires were returned and filled in correctly so it deserves to be processed. The results of this study indicate that the first hypothesis that labor conflict variable positive and significant effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or accepted H1 evidenced by the results of the test work conflict variable on job stress is beta value (β) of 0.299 with a ρ-value of 0.001 is smaller than α (0.001 <0.05). In the second hypothesis indicates that the variable workload and a significant positive effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or H1 is accepted. This is evidenced by the results of the test variable workload to job stress is beta value (β) of 0.201 with a ρ-value of 0.014 is less than the α (0.015 <0.05). While the third hypothesis the results showed that the working environment variable nigatif and significant effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven kebenarnnya or H1 is accepted. This is evidenced by the results of test variables to work stress work environment is beta value (β) of -0421 with a ρ-value of 0.000 is less than the α (0.000 <0.05). The fourth hypothesis proof shows that leadership variables no significant effect on job stress of employees at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember, not truth or H0 is accepted, evidenced thereby variable test results obtained kerjai leadership to stress the value of beta (β) of 0.129 with a ρ-value of 0.112 greater than α (0.112 <0.05). While in the fifth hypothesis is that the variable job stress had no significant effect on work motivation at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or H0 is accepted, evidenced by the results of the test variable job stress on work motivation is beta value (β) of 0.064 with a ρ-value of 0.487 greater than α (0.487 <0.05). The sixth hypothesis proves that the variables that work motivation positive and significant effect on employees Performance at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember proven true or H1 is accepted, evidenced by the results of the test variable work motivation on employee Performance is beta value (β) of 0439 with ρ-value of 0.000 over smaller than α (0.000 <0.05). The seventh hypothesis proves that work motivation variable and not significant effect on employees Performance at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember proven true or rejected H1 evidenced by the results of the stress test variables working against the employee Performance is beta value (β) of 0.127 with a ρ-value of 0.119 is greater than on α (0.119 <0.05)

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Strength of factors responsible for job stress and its' impact on workers' performance

It is general prediction which is proved by research that employee feels stress while working in an organization which is caused by different factors that carries negative impact on workers' productivity. Stress can be described as psychological unsafe feeling which comes into existence when employees' skills, abilities and working conditions not according to job requirements. Researchers have explored different factors those are responsible for stress in organizations and having harmful effect on workers' productivity. In this study seven factors of stress: Qualification mismatch, workload, job and family equilibrium, boss attitude, job autonomy, job security and career ambiguity are observed. Main objective of this study to examine was how strongly these factors are responsible for stress and how strongly stress effect workers' productivity. To achieve objective structured questionnaire used to collect information from 146 employees of different organizations from different sectors located in different cities i.e. Islamabad, Faisalabad, Lahore and Toba Tek Singh. Consequently study revealed that all factors are not equally responsible for stress and stress distorts workers' productivity.

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Job Stress and Productivity A Conceptual Framework.pdf

International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2017

The Indian IT industry has seen an increase of 1.3 million women employees in 2016. The study is about job Stress and employee productivity. From the various review of literature we have identified the factors affecting Job Stress and Productivity. The literature is collected from the year 1974 to 2016 on various areas like the definition of the concepts to various factors influencing the Job Stress and productivity. The various sectors covered on which job stress and productivity factors are studied include construction, banking sector, education institution, financial institution, IT, Call center, and Private hospital. The variables/indicators that can be identified in the existing literature to study job stress are workload, role ambiguity, gender discrimination, interpersonal relationship. The variables/indicators for measuring employee productivity are identified as work schedule/timings, competence of supervisor, compensation, systems and procedures, group dynamics, absenteeism and presenteeism. The paper also throws light on meaning of various indicators mentioned above. In addition, the conceptual framework models the relationship between job stress and productivity.

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