Extended maximum boost control scheme based on single‐phase modulator for three‐phase Z‐source inverter (original) (raw)

The paper compares three PWM control methods on a single-phase Z-source inverter (ZSI); traditional, simple- boost (SB-PWM), and modified-reference (MR-PWM). A model of the inverter in an open-loop system was built in Matlab/Simulink. The methods and their modulation indices were analyzed against two design parameters (dc-input voltage and switching frequency), the analysis basing determination of the Z-source inverter’s performance. Keywords - pulsewidth modulation (PWM); Z-source inverter; total harmonic distortion (THD)

— In this paper, two traditional inverters (Voltage source inverter & Current source inverter) are compared with newly introduced Zero Source Inverter (Zsi).As per the topology of Converters, Voltage source converter has a capability of increasing the output as per requirement of condition and it works as a boost converter. Also voltage source inverter has a capability of step-down the output and works as a buck inverter. On other hand, Opposite to the voltage source converter topologies, current source converter has a capability of step-down the output and works as a buck converter. Where Current source inverter has a capability that it can be increasing the output as per requirement. This newly introduced design which is Zero source converter design has a capability of both voltage source and current source converter. That mean, it can be step up and step down the output as per design consideration and requirement and providing unique features that cannot be obtained in the traditional voltage-source(or voltage-fed) and current-source (or current-fed) inverters where a capacitor and inductor are used, respectively In traditional voltage source converter and current source converter a capacitor and inductor are used respectively. But in ZSI, both capacitor and inductor are used for Buck and Boost process. The Z Source converter overcomes the conceptual and theoretical barriers and limitations of Traditional voltage source and current source converter. The Z-Source concept can be applied to all DC-TO-AC, AC-TO-DC, AC-TO-AC, DC-TO-DC power conversion. This paper describes Inverter mode of voltage source converter, current source converter and Zero source converter. Also the comparison of three of them. There are three control modes of ZSI out of which analysis and simulation of Simple boost control method of ZSI is demonstrated in this paper.

This paper represents study of Z-Source Inverter using different controlling techniques like simple boost control, maximum boost control, maximum constant boost control and space vector control. All the techniques were implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK, also relation with voltage gain versus modulation index and voltage stress versus voltage gain were analyzed in detail and verified. It was observed that gain of Z-source inverter can be varied by varying its parameters like modulation index and shoot-through duty ratio. The comparison shows that even though simple boost control technique was having higher boost factor, Maximum constant boost control technique is most suitable in PWM technique.

— This paper presents the analysis for different control techniques in Z-source inverters. The voltage gain versus modulation index from simulation result is compared with the mathematical calculated voltage gain. Further detailed analysis of %THD, %harmonics of output voltage at different modulation indexes for different boosting techniques of a Z-source inverter are also performed with respect to the traditional VSI by MATLAB based simulation. Keywords- Z-source inverter; shoot through; boost factor; voltage gain; voltage stress; total harmonic distortion (THD) switching cycle, to achieve the same optimal harmonic performance. This paper represents the comparison of voltage gain, %THD and %harmonics at different modulation indexes using different boosting techniques, in Z-source inverter. The boosting techniques for the Z-source inverter used in this paper are the simple boost control, the maximum boost control, the 3 rd harmonic injected constant boost control and the 3 rd harmon...

—In this paper, an Enhanced Z-source inverter is proposed. Compared to the traditional Z-source inverter, it can obtain high voltage conversion factor with a short shoot-through duration, and can decrease Z-source capacitor voltage stress significantly. In order to identify its inherent character, the transient modeling of continuous conduction mode (CCM) in dc side is presented. Through the detailed analysis, a right-half-plane zero is found in its control-to– output function. Moreover, an improved control method for the Z-source inverter is proposed in this paper. In comparison with traditional maximum constant boost control method, this improved control method has noticeable advantages. Not only switching frequency can be reduced significantly but also the volume of the Z source can be lessened as a result of six shoot through states per carrier period while obtaining the same voltage boost gain. Simulation and experimental results have demonstrated the validity of small-signal models and the merits of the proposed control method. Index Terms—small-signal model, signal-flow-graph, non-minimum-phase system, pulse width modulation (PWM), Voltage gain, Z-source inverter.