Neurotransmitter phenotypes of descending systems in the rat lumbar spinal cord (original) (raw)

Origin and neurochemical properties of bulbospinal neurons projecting to the rat lumbar spinal cord via the medial longitudinal fasciculus and caudal ventrolateral medulla

Bulbospinal systems (BS) originate from various regions of the brainstem and influence spinal neurons by classical synaptic and modulatory mechanisms. Our aim was to determine the brainstem locations of cells of origin of BS pathways passing through the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) and the caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM). We also examined the transmitter content of spinal terminations of the CVLM pathway. Six adult rats received Fluorogold (FG) injections to the right intermediate gray matter of the lumbar cord (L1-L2) and the b-subunit of cholera toxin (CTb) was injected either into the MLF or the right CVLM (3 animals each). Double-labeled cells were identified within brainstem structures with confocal microscopy and mapped onto brainstem diagrams. An additional 3 rats were injected with CTb in the CVLM to label axon terminals in the lumbar spinal cord. Double-labeled cells projecting via the MLF or CVLM were found principally in reticular regions of the medulla and pons but small numbers of cells were also located within the midbrain. CVLM projections to the lumbar cord were almost exclusively ipsilateral and concentrated within the intermediate gray matter. Most (62%) of terminals were immunoreactive for the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 while 23% contained the vesicular GABA transporter. The inhibitory subpopulation was glycinergic, GABAergic or contained both transmitters. The proportions of excitatory and inhibitory axons projecting via the CVLM to the lumbar cord are similar to those projecting via the MLF. Unlike the MLF pathway, CVLM projections are predominantly ipsilateral and concentrated within intermediate gray but do not extend into motor nuclei or laminia VIII. Terminations of the CVLM pathway are located in a region of the gray matter that is rich in premotor interneurons; thus its primary function may be to coordinate activity of premotor networks.

Neurotransmitter systems of commissural interneurons in the lumbar spinal cord of neonatal rats

Brain Research, 2007

There is strong evidence that commissural interneurons, neurons with axons that extend to the contralateral side of the spinal cord, play an important role in the coordination of left/right alternation during locomotion. In this study we investigated the projections of commissural interneurons to motor neurons and other commissural interneurons on the other side of the spinal cord in neonatal rats. To establish whether there are direct contacts between axons of commissural interneurons and motor neurons, we carried out two series of experiments. In the first experiment we injected biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) into the lateral motor column to retrogradely label commissural interneurons that may have direct projections to motor neurons. Stained neurons were recovered in the ventromedial areas of the contralateral gray matter in substantial numbers. In the second experiment BDA was injected into the ventromedial gray matter on one side of the lumbar spinal cord, whereas motor neurons were simultaneously labeled on the opposite side by applying biocytin onto the ventral roots. BDA injections into the ventromedial gray matter labeled a strong axon bundle that arose from the site of injection, crossed the midline in the ventral commissure, and extensively arborized in the contralateral ventral gray matter. Many of these axons made close appositions with dendrites and somata of motor neurons and also with commissural interneurons retrogradely labeled with BDA. The results suggest that commissural interneurons may establish monosynaptic contacts with motor neurons on the opposite side of the spinal cord. Our findings also indicate that direct reciprocal connections between commissural interneurons on the two sides of the spinal cord may also exist.

A comparison of the distribution and morphology of ChAT-, VAChT-immunoreactive and AChE-positive neurons in the thoracolumbar and sacral spinal cord of …

Veterinarni …, 2008

Present knowledge concerning the organization of cholinergic structures of the spinal cord has been derived primarily from studies on small laboratory animals, while there is a complete lack of information concerning its structure in the pig. In the present study we employed choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) immunocytochemistry and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry to identify the cholinergic neuronal population in the thoracolumbar and sacral spinal cord of the pig. The distribution of ChAT-, VAChT-and AChE-positive cells was found to be similar. Distinct groups of cholinergic neurons were observed in the gray matter of the ventral horn, intermediolateral nucleus, intermediomedial nucleus as well as individual stained cells were found in the area around the central canal and in the base of the dorsal horn. Double staining confirmed complete colocalization of ChAT with AChE in the ventral horn and intermediolateral nucleus although in the intermediomedial nucleus only 64% of the AChE-positive neurons expressed ChAT-immunoreactivity, indicating unique, region restricted, diversity of ChAT and AChE staining. Our results revealed details concerning spatial distribution and morphological features of the cholinergic neurons in the thoracolumbar and sacral spinal cord of the pig. We also found that the pattern of distribution of cholinergic neurons in the porcine spinal cord shows great similarity to the organization of the cholinergic system in other mammalian species studied.

Spinal Interneurons

Neuroscience in the 21st Century, 2013

Elzbieta Jankowska Abbreviations C T and L segments Cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal cord segments EPSPs Excitatory postsynaptic potentials GABA Gamma aminobutyric acid HRP Horseradish peroxidise IPSPs Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials NA Noradrenaline 5-HT Serotonin VGLUT1 Vesicular glutamate transporter one VGLUT2 Vesicular glutamate transporter two WGA Wheat germ agglutinin Brief History Progress in studies of spinal interneurons has been related to the progress in technical facilities to a much greater extent than in studies of spinal reflexes and in other fields of physiology. Each new technique has opened new possibilities of analysis of these neurons and their networks. Thus, until the 1960s the contribution of spinal interneurons to motor behavior could be deduced primarily indirectly from their actions on motoneurons. However, the situation dramatically changed when it became possible to investigate properties of single functionally identified interneurons, electrophysiological and morphological, as well as immunocytochemical and pharmacological. Recent progress in molecular biology opens further possibilities in studies of these neurons, allowing to trace the origin of their subpopulation from

The morphology and distribution of neurons containing choline acetyltransferase in the adult rat spinal cord: An immunocytochemical study

The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1984

A monoclonal antibody to choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine (ACh)-synthesizing enzyme, has been used to localize ChAT within neurons in immunocytochemical preparations of adult rat spinal cord. Morphological details of known cholinergic spinal neurons are presented in this study, and previously unidentified ChAT-containing neurons are also described. Immunoreaction product was present within cell bodies, dendrites, axons, and axon terminals, thereby allowing comprehensive descriptions of the distribution of ChAT-positive neurons and the interrelationships of their processes. In the ventral horn, ChAT-positive motoneurons were located in the medial, central, and lateral motor columns, and their dendrites formed elaborate longitudinal and transverse ChAT-positive bundles. These bundles were present throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the spinal cord. In the central gray matter, small ChAT-positive cell bodies were clustered around the central canal. Small longitudinal fascicles of immunoreactive processes were also observed in this region adjacent to the ependymal layer. The intermediate gray matter of virtually the entire spinal cord was spanned by medium to large ChAT-positive multipolar cells termed partition neurons. At autonomic spinal levels, partition neurons were intermingled with other immunoreactive cells that were identified as preganglionic sympathetic or parasympathetic neurons because of their locations and morphological characteristics. In the sympathetic system, four groups of ChAT-positive neurons were observed; the principal intermediolateral nucleus (ILp) in the lateral horn, the central autonomic cell column (CA) dorsal to the central canal, the intercalated nucleus (IC) located between ILp and CA, and the funicular intermediolateral neurons (ILD in the white matter lateral to the ILp. The dendrites of ILp and CA neurons formed substantial longitudinal bundles within each group, as well as transverse bundles between the groups that resembled the rungs of a ladder. ChAT-positive cell bodies were also present in the dorsal horn, and those located in laminae 111-V extended dendrites dorsally into a longitudinal plexus within lamina 111.

Morphology of midlumbar interneurones relaying information from group II muscle afferents in the cat spinal cord

The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1989

The morphology of midlumbar interneurones with peripheral input from group I1 muscle afferents was analysed after intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Twenty-three interneurones were stained intrasomatically and five others intra-axonally. The majority (10 of 13) of interneurones located in lamina VII (intermediate zone and ventral horn interneurones) were found to project ipsilaterally. They had medium-sized somata and dendrites projecting radially over a distance of more than 1 mm. All of these neurones had axons that projected caudally within the ventral part of the lateral funiculus or in the lateral part of the ventral funiculus, although four had in addition an ascending secondary axonal branch. Numerous axon collaterals were given off from these axons, both before and after they left the grey matter. The collaterals arborized within laminae VII, VIII, and IX, where they covered the area of several motor nuclei. Intra-axonal labelling of five neurones with similar input and axon trajectories revealed several axon collaterals given off between the cell body and the terminal projection areas in L7 or Sl segments. Only three of the labelled interneurones located in lamina VII and displaying the same kind of input had axons with different destinations; their axons crossed to the opposite side of the spinal cord and ascended within the contralateral ventral funiculus. These were large neurones with extensive dendritic trees, which had fairly thick axons with initial axon collaterals that branched primarily ipsilaterally (within laminae V-VIII). Interneurones located in lamina V and in the bordering parts of laminae IV and VI (dorsal horn interneurones; n = 10) constituted a very nonhomogenous population. They projected either ipsilaterally or contralaterally and had either ascending or descending axons running in either the lateral or ventral funiculi. Generally, dorsal horn interneurones had cell bodies smaller than those of intermediate zone and ventral horn interneurones, and their dendrites extended less extensively and less uniformly around the soma. Their initial axon collaterals branched primarily in the dorsal horn, or in lamina VII, but not in or close to the motor nuclei. Our results support the conclusions of previous physiological studies that the intermediate zone and ventral horn midlumbar interneurones with group I1 input and that project to motor nuclei have collateral actions on other interneurones in the L4-L6 segments, and that dorsal horn interneurones do not project to motoneurones, but have as their targets other interneurones or ascending cells. On the other hand, we have not found any projections 0 1989 ALAN R. LISS, INC.

Axons of Passage and Inputs to Superior Cervical Ganglion in Rat

The Anatomical Record, 2018

Wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase was injected into the entire (0.8 μL) or partial (rostral or caudal, 0.1-0.3 μL) superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of the rat (male Sprague-Dawley, N = 35) to examine the distribution of neurons in the middle (MCG) and inferior (ICG) cervical ganglion that send axons bypass the SCG. Whole-mounts of the SCG, cervical sympathetic trunk (CST), MCG, ICG, and sections of the brainstem and spinal cord were prepared. With entire SCG tracer injection, neurons were labeled evenly in the MCG (left: 258, right: 121), ICG (left: 848, right: 681), and CST (up to 770). Some neurons grouped in a single bulge just rostral to the MCG, which we termed as the "premiddle cervical ganglion" (pMCG). The left pMCG (120) is larger and has more neurons than the right pMCG (82). Centrally, neurons were labeled in lamina IX of cervical segments (C1: 18%, C2: 46%, C3: 33%, C4: 3%), intermediate zone of thoracic segments (T1: 31%, T2: 35%, T3: 27%, T4: 7%), and intermediate reticular nuclei (96%) and perifacial zone (4%) of brainstem. The rostral and caudal SCG injection selectively labeled neurons mainly in brainstem, C1-C2 and in T1-T2, respectively. Before projecting to their peripheral targets, many neurons in pMCG, MCG and ICG run rostrally within the CST rather than segmentally through the closest rami, from the level of SCG or above. Neurons in pMCG and MCG may have similar or complementary function and those in brainstem may be involved in the vestibulo-autonomic interaction.