Accelerator physics issues for future electron-ion colliders (original) (raw)
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An energy recovery electron linac-on-ring collider
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
We present the design of high-luminosity electron-proton/ion colliders in which the electrons are produced by an Energy Recovering Linac (ERL). Electronproton/ion colliders with center of mass energies between 14 GeV and 100 GeV (protons) or 63 GeV/A (ions) and luminosities at the 10 33 (per nucleon) level have been proposed recently as a means for studying hadronic structure. The linac-on-ring option presents significant advantages with respect to: 1) spin manipulations 2) reduction of the synchrotron radiation load in the detectors 3) a wide range of continuous energy variability. Rf power and beam dump considerations require that the electron linac recover the beam energy. Based on extrapolations from actual measurements and calculations, energy recovery is expected to be feasible at currents of a few hundred mA and multi-GeV energies. Luminosity projections for the linacring scenario based on fundamental limitations are presented. The feasibility of an energy recovery electron linac-on-proton ring collider is investigated and four conceptual point designs are shown corresponding to electron to proton energies of: 3 GeV on 15 GeV, 5 GeV on 50 GeV and 10 GeV on 250 GeV, and for gold ions with 100 GeV/A. The last two designs assume that the protons or ions are stored in the existing RHIC accelerator. Accelerator physics issues relevant to proton rings and energy recovery linacs are discussed and a list of required R&D for the realization of such a design is presented.
We consider three scenarios for the recirculating electron linear accelerator (RLA) of a linac-ring type electronproton collider based on the LHC (LHeC): i) a pulsed linac with a final beam energy of 60 GeV ["p-60"], ii) a higher luminosity configuration with two cw linacs and energyrecovery (ERL) also at 60 GeV ["erl"], and iii) a high energy option using a pulsed linac with 140-GeV final energy ["p-140"]. We discuss parameters, synchrotron radiation, footprints, and performance for the three scenarios.
RLA and ERL Designs for a LINAC-RING LHEC
We consider three different scenarios for the recirculating electron linear accelerator (RLA) of a linac-ring type electron-proton collider based on the LHC (LHeC): i) a basic version consisting of a pulsed, 1.7 km long linac with a final beam energy of 60 GeV [“p-60”], ii) a higher luminosity configuration with a two cw linacs and energy-recovery (ERL) also at 60 GeV [“erl”], and iii) a high energy option using a pulsed linac of 3.9 km length with final energy of 140 GeV [“p-140”]. We discuss the parameters, synchrotron radiation, footprints, and the performance for the three scenarios.
Physical review accelerators and beams, 2020
The U.S. electron ion collider will utilize high current electron and ion storage rings with many bunches and large rf systems. Because of the dissimilarity of the two rings, the rf transients created by gaps or variations in the current distributions will be very different in the two rings. These transients cause a shift in the synchronous phase of the beams as a function of rf bucket position, can impact the luminosity through shifts in longitudinal position of the IP, will affect the performance of the rf and LLRF control loops, and may require significant rf power overhead to control. A machine design that uses superconducting crab cavities will also have sensitivity to gap transients and synchronous phase variations along the bunch train with variations in crab cavity voltage seen by each bunch, since the high Q of the crab cavities precludes modulating them to compensate for the time of arrival shifts caused by the gap transients in the main rf systems. All these effects make the problem of managing gap transients crucial to the operation of the EIC. This work presents methods to study the dynamics of the rf and LLRF systems for these heavily beam loaded facilities. An illustrative machine design example is presented and used to investigate the expected magnitudes of the rf gap transients, and exploration of various possible remedies to match the gap transients in the two dissimilar EIC rings. In addition to the study of the power required and gap transients, this work also estimates longitudinal coupled-bunch instabilities due to the baseline cavity fundamental impedance. The work is motivated to emphasize the importance of tools and methods to estimate these effects as part of the early design phase of the Electron-Ion Collider or any high current storage ring design.
Positron Options for the Linac-Ring LHeC
The full physics program of a future Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) requires both pe + and pe− collisions. For a pulsed 140-GeV or an ERL-based 60-GeV Linac-Ring LHeC this implies a challenging rate of, respectively, about 1.8 × 10 15 or 4.4 × 10 16 e + /s at the collision point, which is about 300 or 7000 times the rate previously obtained, at the SLAC Linear Collider (SLC). We consider providing this e+ rate through a combination of measures: (1) Reducing the required production rate from the e+ target through colliding e + (and the LHC protons) several times before deceleration, by reusing the e + over several acceleration/deceleration cycles, and by cooling them, e.g., with a compact tri-ring scheme or a conventional damping ring in the SPS tunnel. (2) Using an advanced target, e.g., W-granules, rotating wheel, slicedrod converter, or liquid metal jet, for converting gamma rays to e +. (3) Selecting the most powerful of several proposed gamma sources, namely Compton ERL, Compton storage ring, coherent pair production in a strong laser, or high-field undulator radiation from the high-energy lepton beam. We sketch some of these concepts, present example parameters, estimate the electrical power required, and mention open questions.
Dual-energy electron storage ring
A dual-energy electron storage ring is a novel concept initially proposed to cool hadron beams at high energies. The design consists of two closed rings operating at significantly different energies: the low-energy ring and the high-energy ring. These two rings are connected by an energy recovery linac (ERL) that provides the necessary energy difference. The ERL features superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities that first accelerate the beam from the low energy E L to the high energy E H and then decelerate the beam from E H to E L in the next pass. The different SRF cavities in the ERL section can be adjusted based on the applications. In this paper, we present a possible layout of a dual-energy electron storage ring. The preliminary optics of the ring is designed to optimize chromaticity correction, dynamic aperture, momentum aperture, beam lifetime, radiation damping, and intrabeam scattering effects. The primary focus of this paper is on the stability conditions and beam dynamics studies associated with this storage ring.
Status of the MEIC Ion Collider Ring Design
We present an update on the design of the ion collider ring of the Medium-energy Electron-Ion Collider (MEIC) proposed by Jefferson Lab. The design is based on the use of super-ferric magnets. It provides the necessary momentum range of 8 to 100 GeV/c for protons and ions, matches the electron collider ring design using PEP-II components, fits readily on the JLab site, offers a straightforward path for a future full-energy upgrade by replacing the magnets with higher-field ones in the same tunnel, and is more cost effective than using presently available current-dominated super-conducting magnets. We describe complete ion collider optics including an independently-designed modular detector region.
Ion effects in future circular and linear accelerators
Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference
In this paper, we discuss ion effects relevant to future storage rings and linear colliders. We ®rst review the conventional ion effects observed in present storage rings and then discuss how these effects will differ in the next generation of rings and linacs. These future accelerators operate in a new regime because of the high current long bunch trains and the very small transverse beam emittances. Usually, storage rings are designed with ion clearing gaps to prevent ion trapping between bunch trains or beam revolutions. Regardless, ions generated within a single bunch train can have signi®cant effects. The same is true in transport lines and linacs, where typical vacuum pressures are relatively high. Amongst other effects, we address the tune spreads due to the ions and the resulting ®lamentation which can severely limit emittance correction techniques in future linear colliders, the bunch-to-bunch coupling due to the ions which can cause a multi-bunch instability with fast growth rates, and the betatron coupling and beam halo creation which limit the vertical emittance and beam lifetimes.