Aspects of Nuclear Physics: A joint meeting on QCD and QGP, (HADRON-RANP (original) (raw)

Pion masses at finite temperature

We present preliminary results on a study about the thermal variation of the charged and neutral pion masses to one loop, analyzing their electromagnetic difference, in the context of Chiral Perturbation Theory with two flavours, as well as using a light resonance model. We find that the pion mass difference increases for, at least, low and intermediate temperatures, unlike the chiral limit decreasing result. The axial-vector mixing arising from chiral restoration smooths the Debye-screening temperature increase. Taking into account further corrections due to axial and vector resonances, dominated by a 1 and ρ particles respectively, does not change significantly the ChPT prediction.

Two perspectives for the thermal behavior of an effective hadronic coupling constant

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 1999

The pion nucleon vertex function at finite temperature is studied in two frameworks: (a) the thermal (linear) sigma model to leading (one-loop) order, and (b) a thermal QCD-Finite Energy Sum Rule. Both approaches indicate that the strength of the pion-nucleon coupling decreases with increasing T, vanishing at a critical temperature. The associated mean-square radius is a monot.onically increasing function of T. diverging at, t,he critical temperature. We interpret. this fact. as (analytical) evidence for deconfinement.

On pion mass and decay constant from theory

Europhysics Letters, 2021

We calculate the pion mass from Goldstone modes in the Higgs mechanism related to the neutron decay. The Goldstone pion modes acquire mass by a vacuum misalignment of the Higgs field. The size of the misalignment is controlled by the ratio between the electronic and the nucleonic energy scales. The nucleonic energy scale is involved in the neutron to proton transformation and the electronic scale is involved in the related creation of the electronic state in the course of the electroweak neutron decay. The respective scales influence the mapping of the intrinsic configuration spaces used in our description. The configuration spaces are the Lie groups U(3) for the nucleonic sector and U(2) for the electronic sector. These spaces are both compact and lead to periodic potentials in the Hamiltonians in coordinate space. The periodicity and strengths of these potentials control the vacuum misalignment and lead to a pion mass of 135.2(1.5) MeV with an uncertainty mainly from the fine stru...

Nucleon Properties at Finite Temperature in the Extended Quark-Sigma Model

American Journal of Physics and Applications, 2014

Hadron properties are studied at hot medium using the quark sigma model. The quark sigma model is extended to include eighth-order of mesonic interactions based on some aspects of quantum chromodynamic (QCD) theory. The extended effective potential tends to the original effective potential when the coupling between the higher order mesonic interactions equal to zero. The field equations have been solved in the mean-field approximation by using the extended iteration method. We found that the nucleon mass increases with increasing temperature and the magnetic moments of proton and neutron increase with increasing temperature. A comparison is presented with recent previous works and other models. We conclude that higher-order mesonic interactions play an important role in changing the behavior of nucleon properties at finite temperature. In addition, the deconfinement phase transition is satisfied in the present model.

The pion nucleon sigma term with dynamical Wilson fermions a feasibility study

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 1997

We calculate connected and disconnected contributions to the flavour singlet scalar density amplitude of the nucleon in a full QCD lattice simulation with n f = 2 dynamical Wilson fermions at β = 5.6 on a 16 3 × 32 lattice. We find that both contributions are of similar size at the light quark mass. We arrive at the estimate σ πN = 18(5)MeV. Its smallness is directly related to the apparent decrease of u, d quark masses when unquenching QCD lattice simulations. The y parameter can be estimated from a semi-quenched analysis, in which there are no strange quarks in the sea, the result being y = 0.59(13).

QCD determination of the pion nucleon σ term and the strangeness content of the proton

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 1991

A strong violation of the Quark Line Rule is observed if we allow the pion nucleon a term to attain the present experimental value. This in turn indicates the possibility of a large strangeness content in the proton. In this work we have shown that the value of the o term is seen to be raised from what is expected from the GMOR scheme of chiral symmetry breaking through a ~um~rule which shows that the ratio of the meson wave function renormalization constants Z-=/Z ~ may deviate considerably from unity by using the recent QCD estimate on the quark vacuum w-condensate ratio o/ ° I.

The Pion Mass Formula

Australian Journal of Physics, 1998

The often used Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner (GMOR) mass formula for Nambu-Goldstone bosons in QCD, such as the pions, involves the condensate < qq >, f π and the quark current masses. Within the context of the Global Colour Model (GCM) for QCD a manifestly different formula was recently found by Cahill and Gunner. Remarkably Langfeld and Kettner have shown the two formulae to be equivalent. Here we explain that the above recent analyses refer to the GCM constituent pion and not the exact GCM pion. Further, we suggest that the GMOR formula is generic. We generalise the Langfeld-Kettner identity to include the full response of the constituent quark propagators to the presence of a non-zero (and running) quark current mass.

Pion propagation in the linear sigma model at finite temperature

Physical Review D, 2000

We construct effective one-loop vertices and propagators in the linear sigma model at finite temperature, satisfying the chiral Ward identities and thus respecting chiral symmetry, treating the pion momentum, pion mass and temperature as small compared to the sigma mass. We use these objects to compute the two-loop pion self-energy. We find that the perturbative behavior of physical quantities, such as the temperature dependence of the pion mass, is well defined in this kinematical regime in terms of the parameter m 2 π /4π 2 f 2 π and show that an expansion in terms of this reproduces the dispersion curve obtained by means of chiral perturbation theory at leading order. The temperature dependence of the pion mass is such that the first and second order corrections in the above parameter have the same sign. We also study pion damping both in the elastic and inelastic channels to this order and compute the mean free path and mean collision time for a pion traveling in the medium before forming a sigma resonance and find a very good agreement with the result from chiral perturbation theory when using a value for the sigma mass of 600 MeV.

Electromagnetic effects in the pion dispersion relation at finite temperature

We investigate the charged-neutral difference in the pion self-energy at finite temperature T . Within Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) we extend a previous analysis performed in the chiral and soft pion limits. Our analysis with physical pion masses leads to additional non-negligible contributions for temperatures typical of a meson gas, including a momentum-dependent function for the self-energy. In addition, a nonzero imaginary part arises to leading order, which we define consistently in the Coulomb gauge and comes from an infrared enhanced contribution due to thermal bath photons. For distributions typical of a heavy-ion meson gas, the charged and neutral pion masses and their difference depend on temperature through slowly increasing functions. Chiral symmetry restoration turns out to be ultimately responsible for keeping the charged-neutral mass difference smooth and compatible with the observed charged and neutral pion spectra. We study also phenomenological effects related to the thermal electromagnetic damping, which gives rise to corrections for transport coefficients and distinguishes between neutral and charged mean free times. An important part of the analysis is the connection with chiral symmetry restoration through the relation of the pion mass difference with the vector-axial spectral function difference, which holds at T = 0 due to a sum rule in the chiral and soft pion limits. We analyze the modifications of that sum rule including nonzero pion masses and temperature, up to O(T 2 ) ∼ O(M 2 π ). Both effects produce terms making the pion mass difference grow against chiral-restoring decreasing contributions. Finally, we analyze the corrections to the previous ChPT and sum rule results within the resonance saturation framework at finite temperature, including explicitly ρ and a1 exchanges. Our results show that the ChPT result is robust at low and intermediate temperatures, the leading resonance corrections within this framework being O(T 2 M 2 π /M 2 R ) with MR the involved resonance masses.