A New Model of Our Universe's Origin (original) (raw)

An Alternative Approach toward the Origin of the Universe

Ph&C Journal

The Big Bang is the most accepted theory of how the Universe was born. However, this theory explains only the development of the Universe, not its origination. This paper develops two main ideas: a) that a strong philosophical approach encourages innovative think-1 1 ing through the sharing of new scientific enlightenment, and b) the origination of "something" from "nothing" without violating the conservation laws. The second idea underlies our Universal Theory of Origination (UTO). The Universe has evolved on cosmological, physical, biological, psychological, and intellectual (human) levels. Our UTO explains how upper-level substances originate from lowerlevel substances. The origination of the physical level based on the origination of the biological level is described stepwise using a unitary law. We also provide a scope for understanding the origination of the biological, psychological, and intellectual levels. Our hypothesis is supported by a) well-known formal research and experiments, and b) an inference proof that nature behaves in a unitary way from one level to another. In the UTO, a fact can be displaced to another level by changing only the adjectives. A known aspect at one level can be interpreted on another level, giving rise to unknown truths. This work provides the basis of UTO, in turn resolving many open questions such as the origination of the physical world, space expansion, expansion acceleration, looking back in time, and the differences between galaxies.

Origin of the Universe

An Improved, Logical Theory which Complies with All Science Laws A Continuous "Dribbling" Little Bang sort of Effect Nearly everyone today seems to consider Physics to be a form of Philosophy, where each person can then feel free to make assumptions, speculations, opinions and judgments, to then be able to arrive at pretty much any conclusion he or she wishes. I was taught most of my Physics at the University of Chicago, and a long time ago. Given the technology of nuclear bombs and a zero-errors attitude, we were taught to never make "assumptions" or "speculations" and to be very cautious about "expressing opinions" or "making judgments". Instead, we were taught to entirely do our thinking based on "known facts" and "strict logic". The very popular Big Bang Theory would not be so popular if some serious logical flaws in it were considered (and somehow explained). The original Big Bang proponents in the 1940s even admitted that they neglected the actual creation of everything, that their theory only begins a moment later, after all of the actual creation had already (somehow) occurred. Those Big Bang people even gave a name to that material that (allegedly) existed before their Big Bang. They called it Ylem. That is when their famous "Big Bang" began, around 10-35 second later, and (they claim that) their actual "Bang" lasted another 10-35 second. They even admitted that it is a serious problem that they cannot explain about how everything had earlier actually come into existence. The Big Bang proponents thereby (allegedly) claim that the entire Universe then had already existed, before their famous Big Bang, as a really, really tiny object, smaller than even a single proton in a single atom. After their Big Bang, they then claim that an even more implausible event took place, which they call Inflation Theory. In another 10-32 second, this Inflationary Theory claims that the tiny speck which was the entire Universe very suddenly expanded (Inflated), in all directions at once by a factor of 10+50 to become the size of the huge existing Universe we know today, all in another 10-32 second. We Physicists are supposed to rely absolutely on logic, and that Inflationary Theory violates many of the scientific Laws that we base all of science on. Separate from needing to explain where the 10+54 kilograms of the material of the entire Universe actually came from before their Big Bang, or how all of that material could have fit inside a truly tiny particle, there is now the requirement for all those trillions of trillions of tons of mass to accelerate up to velocities quadrillions of times faster than the speed of light (which is impossible) for that Inflation expansion to have all occurred in 10-32 second, but then that everything had to then instantly decelerate and essentially stop to become the Universe that we now know. You can do that math to confirm this problem. You have up to 13 billion light years distance to travel, each of 6 trillion miles, where every particle in the Universe allegedly accelerated, traveled, and then decelerated, all in 10-32 second. (If you do the math well, you should get necessary velocities of about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles/second.) The Big Bang proponents are not able to explain these things, and they don't even try! And we traditional Physicists used to think that the fastest velocity is the speed of light or 186,000 miles/second was the fastest anything could ever go! How gullible are people to accept that such logical silliness makes sense? But few people ever actually "do the math" (as a Theoretical Physicist is supposed to always do) and they simply accept that somebody's smiling face seems to make it all really believable. The Big Bang Theory is immensely popular, but only because virtually no one understands the exotic elliptic curved-space Riemannian Geometry Tensor Calculus on which it is based. Also, because of problems like those acceleration and speed of light issues with their Inflationary Theory, they have somehow convinced all Physicists to choose to be willing to abandon all the known and accepted Laws of science in deference to this very sexy Big Bang claim. All of those universally accepted Laws of science were based on hundreds of years of smart people doing familiar Euclidean [or Plane] Geometry. In Contrast Much better than the very illogical Big Bang Theory, this concept is a solidly logical explanation for the beginning of the Universe. Instead of being based on wild speculation, this is entirely based on actual experiments that many Physicists (including me) have performed, which we Physicists call "Pair Production" experiments. In these unique experiments that Physicist actually creates brand new particles or photons in a laboratory (out of NOTHING). There is no having to abandon all of the Laws of Science and Euclidean logic they were all derived through. This Pair Production experiments approach even provides an actual explanation for the actual creation of all objects and photons, where the Big Bang proponents have to neglect trying to explain such things.

A Modern Look at the Origin of the Universe

Zygon�, 1990

In what follows, I review the modern theory of the origin of the universe as astronomers and physicists are coming to understand it during the last decades of the twentieth century. An unexpected discovery of this study is that the story of "cosmogenesis" cannot be completely told unless we understand the fundamental nature of matter, space, and time. In the context of modem cosmology space has become not only the bedrock (so to speak) of our physical existence, it may yield a fuller understanding of the universe itself.

Second part of origin of universe

The phenomenon that defines the universe is found We will now look for a phenomenon that meets the requirements listed before, knowing that the system's existence is part of the physical universe. We can rule out as candidates to the local physical phenomena as its area of influence only comes to its closeness. We also have to do without Atomic explosions of short range compared to what is the universe of enormous dimensions, chaos because it is not a system of existence and relativity because it is static.

The Origin of the Universe as Interpreted by Model Mechanics

In the past 100 years theoretical physics and cosmology development have been conducted almost exclusively on a mathematical basis, leading to abstract mathematical objects or processes such as fields, space-time, curvature in space-time, time dilation, length contraction, virtual particles, action at a distance, curled-up dimensions, Entanglement, Dark Energy, Dark Matter etc. It is assumed that these abstract mathematical objects do not physically exist in our physical universe. It is also assumed that there exists a physical model of our universe that can provide physical explanations for all our mathematic. This paper describes a unique physical model of our universe, called Model Mechanics. The provisions of Model Mechanics lead to a new theory on the origin of our universe.

On the Creation of Universe Out of Nothing

International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2010

This work aims at using a semiclassical approach to explain how the universe was created out of nothing, i.e., with no input of initial energy nor mass. The inflationary phase with exponential expansion is accounted for, automatically, by our equation of state for the very early universe.

Theory of Creation

slides, 2024

Power point slides Not published Created for presentation Will be frequently updated These slides are not copyrighted, but its contents are taken from the referenced books and articles, which may have copyrights.

The origins of the universe: why is there something rather than nothing?

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2015

Perhaps the greatest mystery is why the universe exists in the first place. How is it possible for something to emerge from nothing, or has a universe in some form always existed? This question of origins-both of the universe as a whole and of the fundamental laws of physics-raises profound scientific, philosophical, and religious questions, culminating in the most basic existential question of all: Why are we here? Discussion of this and related questions is presented in this paper.