Determinate or indeterminate growth? Revisiting the growth strategy of sea turtles (original) (raw)

Impact of exceptional growth rates on estimations of life-stage duration in Hawaiian green sea turtles

Endangered Species Research, 2018

The Hawaiian green sea turtle Chelonia mydas population has steadily increased since its protection under the US Endangered Species Act of 1978. However, an understanding of their recovery status is stymied by lack of certainty regarding the population age structure. Based on the observed slow growth rates of juveniles, current assessments place age at first reproduction in Hawaiian green sea turtles at 35−40 yr, although a recent study suggests 23 yr for this population. It is possible that somatic growth dynamics such as growth spurts have been missed by traditional mark−recapture studies. Skeletochronology provides annual longitudinal data on growth rates of marine turtles, allowing for the detection of rare but potentially important growth spurts. The present study uses skeletochronology to estimate growth rates and detect the frequency of growth spurts in 30−90 cm straight carapace length (SCL) Hawaiian green sea turtles. We found that growth spurts occurred throughout the life...

Indeterminate growth in long-lived freshwater turtles as a component of individual fitness

Evolutionary Ecology, 2013

Although evidence that reptiles exhibit indeterminate growth remains equivocal and based on inadequate data, the assumption that they do is still widely accepted as a general trait of reptiles. We examined patterns of variation in adult growth using long-term mark-recapture data on 13 populations of 9 species representing 3 families of freshwater turtles located in South Carolina, Michigan, and Arizona in the USA and in Ontario, Canada. Across 13 study populations, growth rates of all adults and only those that grew averaged 1.5 and 1.9 mm/yr respectively. Sources of variation in growth rates included species, population, sex, age, and latitude. Most adults of both sexes with recapture intervals greater than 10 years grew, but across all populations an average of 19 % of individuals did not grow (some with recapture intervals up to 30 years). For known-age adults of three species, the highest growth rates occurred during the 10 years following sexual maturity, and the proportions of non-growing individuals increased with age. Growth rates of adults were on average 92 % lower than those of juveniles. Based on linear relationships of clutch size and body size of females at average juvenile and adult growth rates it would take 0.7 (0.2-1.2) years and 8.6 (min-max = 2.3-18.5) years, respectively, to grow enough to increase clutch size by one egg. The majority of within population variation in adult body size in 3 species appeared to be a combination of differences in ages at maturity and juvenile and early adult growth, rather than indeterminate growth. The results from our study populations indicate that increases in body size (and associated reproductive output) that results from indeterminate growth are not substantial enough to represent a major factor in the evolution of life histories in general or the evolution of longevity and aging specifically.

Age and size at maturation- and adult-stage duration for loggerhead sea turtles in the western North Atlantic

Marine Biology, 2015

mark associated with maturation were 90.5 for females (range 75.0-101.3) and 95.8 for males (range 80.6-103.8). Ages at maturation estimated from (1) the rapprochement skeletal growth mark; (2) back-calculated SCL-at-age data; and (3) bootstrapping and fitting Fabens modified von Bertalanffy growth curve to back-calculated growth data were very similar between approaches, but demonstrated a wide possible range. Mean age predictions associated with minimum and mean maturation SCLs were 22.5-25 and 36-38 years for females and 26-28 and 37-42 years for males. Post-maturation longevity (i.e., adult-stage duration) was similar for males and females, ranging from 4 to 46 years (mean 19 years).

Growth rates and age at maturity of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles estimated from a single-population foraging ground

Marine Biology

In sea turtles, somatic growth rates and Age at Sexual Maturity (ASM) are important parameters for investigating population dynamics. Moreover, ASM informs on the time lag needed to observe the effects of past environmental variables, threats and conservation measures acting at nesting beaches on future numbers of clutches or nesting females, that are the most monitored indices. Assessing ASM of mixed populations that share the same foraging areas is difficult, as in the case of the Mediterranean Sea that is frequented by turtles originating from both the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. Here we investigated growth rates of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) foraging in the Adriatic Sea, known to be frequented only by individuals of Mediterranean origin. Capture–mark–recapture records of 79 turtles provided growth rates ranging from – 1.1 to 9.6 cm yr−1 which were analyzed through Generalized Additive Models. When integrated with previous data on growth rates in the first years...

Life-History Variation in Marine Turtles

Copeia, 1994

We studied correlations among traits related to body size and reproductive behavior in marine turtles, using data from 96 different populations representing seven species. Our analyses focused on patterns of phenotypic covariation among species and among populations within species. At the species level, body size correlated positively with several reproductive traits, including egg size and overall reproductive effort. A trade-off between clutch size and egg size was confirmed for marine turtles, after factoring out the effects of body size. Patterns of variation within species were different from those among species. For example, in five out of six species there was a positive relationship between adult body size and clutch size, although this correlation was not found at the interspecific level. We also found important differences among species in the way life-history traits correlated with one another. Four species having a sufficient number of samples exhibited congruent worldwide patterns of body size variation. A comparative approach may prove useful for extending demographic models developed for loggerhead turtles to less well-known species, even though many of the model parameters have not been estimated for other species.

Variation in age and size at sexual maturity in Kemp's ridley sea turtles

Age at sexual maturity (AgeSM) is one of the most serious demographic data gaps for sea turtle populations. Better estimates of AgeSM and associated variance would improve evaluation of population dynamics and responses of populations to disturbances and conservation measures. A population of Kemp's ridleys Lepidochelys kempii was raised in captivity under the same conditions from hatchlings to several years after maturity. Data collected from 14 female Kemp's ridleys at Cayman Turtle Farm over a 16 yr period allowed us to determine mean and variance in age, length, mass, and body condition at maturity, average pre-maturity growth rates, and post-maturity growth rates, as well as interactions among these parameters. Age, length, and mass at maturity exhibited considerable variance, with ranges of 5 to 12 yr, 47.0 to 61.0 cm, and 20.0 to 36.8 kg, respectively. Pre-maturity length growth rate is the best single predictor of AgeSM, accounting for 87% of the variation in AgeSM. Pre-maturity mass growth rate is the best single predictor of size at maturity, accounting for 51 and 65% of variation in length at maturity and mass at maturity, respectively. Although estimates of age and size at maturity from captive Kemp's ridleys cannot be applied to wild populations because of the effect of nutrition, the amount of variation around age and size at maturity in Kemp's ridleys from Cayman Turtle Farm is a good first approximation of inherent (or genetic) variation in these parameters for wild Kemp's ridleys. Population models for Kemp's ridleys that now employ a knife-edge estimate of AgeSM would be improved by incorporating a maturity schedule that reflects the variation in AgeSM.

Front-loading life histories: the enduring influence of juvenile growth on age, size, and reproduction of primiparous female freshwater turtles

Evolutionary Ecology Research, 2018

Primary questions: (1) How do juvenile growth rates influence age and body size at maturity of females of three species of freshwater turtles? (2) Are the patterns similar among species that occupied the same wetlands over the same three decades? (3) What are the reproductive traits (i.e. clutch size and egg size) of primiparous females (first lifetime reproduction)? (4) Is there evidence that adult growth rates subsequently reduce the initial differences in the body size and reproductive traits of primiparous females? Secondary questions: We asked several additional questions of Painted Turtles. Are growth rates of older juveniles more similar to growth rates of young juveniles or adults? What is the earliest age at which juvenile growth rate is detectably correlated with age and body size of primiparous females? Sample sizes of the other two species were too small to use for these questions. Organisms: Three long-lived freshwater turtle species: Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta ma...

Compensatory Growth in Oceanic Loggerhead Sea Turtles: Response to a Stochastic Environment

Ecology, 2003

Compensatory growth (CG, accelerated growth that may occur when an organism that has grown at a reduced rate as a result of suboptimal environmental conditions is exposed to better conditions) is considered an adaptation to variable environments. Although documented thoroughly under captive conditions, CG has rarely been studied in wild populations. In their first years of life, oceanic-stage loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) have relatively little control over their geographic position or movements and thus have an extremely stochastic lifestyle with great variation in food availability and temperature. This environmental variation results in variable growth rates. We evaluate somatic growth functions of oceanic-stage loggerheads from the eastern Atlantic based on skeletochronology that allowed us to assign age and cohort to each individual. We demonstrate CG in these turtles based on three different analytical approaches: changes in coefficients of variation in size-at-age, generalized additive model regression analyses of somatic growth, and linear regression of age-specific growth rates. As a result of CG, variation in size-at-age in these juvenile loggerheads is substantially reduced. Thus, size is a better predictor of age than expected based on variation in growth rates. CG decreases with age, apparently as loggerheads gain greater control over their movements. In addition, we have evaluated for the first time in wild sea turtles the time-dependent nature of somatic growth by distinguishing among age, year, and cohort effects using a mixed longitudinal sampling design with assigned-age individuals. Age and year had significant effects on growth rates, but there was no significant cohort effect. Our results address critical gaps in knowledge of the demography of this endangered species. Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 5 PLATE 1. An oceanic-stage loggerhead with a curved carapace length of 17.3 cm. The sharp projections on the vertebral scutes are characteristic of this life stage. Photograph by Skye White.

Ecological regime shift drives declining growth rates of sea turtles throughout the West Atlantic

Global change biology, 2017

Somatic growth is an integrated, individual-based response to environmental conditions, especially in ectotherms. Growth dynamics of large, mobile animals are particularly useful as bio-indicators of environmental change at regional scales. We assembled growth rate data from throughout the West Atlantic for green turtles, Chelonia mydas, which are long-lived, highly migratory, primarily herbivorous mega-consumers that may migrate over hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Our dataset, the largest ever compiled for sea turtles, has 9690 growth increments from 30 sites from Bermuda to Uruguay from 1973 to 2015. Using generalized additive mixed models, we evaluated covariates that could affect growth rates; body size, diet, and year have significant effects on growth. Growth increases in early years until 1999, then declines by 26% to 2015. The temporal (year) effect is of particular interest because two carnivorous species of sea turtles - hawksbills, Eretmochelys imbricata, and logger...