Service-Oriented Architectures for Pervasive Computing (original) (raw)

Lightweight Service Oriented Architecture for Pervasive Computing


Pervasive computing appears like a new computing era based on networks of objects and devices evolving in a real world, radically different from distributed computing, based on networks of computers and data storages. Contrary to most context-aware approaches, we work on the assumption that pervasive software must be able to deal with a dynamic software environment before processing contextual data. After demonstrating that SOA (Service oriented Architecture) and its numerous principles are well adapted for pervasive computing, we present our extended SOA model for pervasive computing, called Service Lightweight Component Architecture (SLCA). SLCA presents various additional principles to meet completely pervasive software constraints: software infrastructure based on services for devices, local orchestrations based on lightweight component architecture and finally encapsulation of those orchestrations into composite services to address distributed composition of services. We present a sample application of the overall approach as well as some relevant measures about SLCA performances. 1

A Homogeneous Service Framework for Pervasive Computing Environments


This paper introduces am odel addressing the heterogeneity problem of Pervasive Computing systems from aresource, service and context management viewpoint. The presented system architecture, called UBIDEV is acollection of abstraction services for semantic-drivenm anagement of the physical environment that provide a design methodology that allowad escription of the behavior of the whole system in terms of coordinated homogeneous services. Most of the existing approaches try to hide heterogeneity using as ingle uniform abstraction layer liket he Java VM; these models do not fit the requirements of pervasive computing systems where the dynamism and the heterogeneity if the environment need to be taken into account even at the design level. The presented model faces heterogeneity of pervasive computing systems allowing applications to be described in terms of services provided rather than their lowlevel instantiation details. The main contribution of UBIDEV is in the holistic approach in the management of the environment from the resources, services and context viewpoint. The resulting coordination model allows applications to be described in terms of their functionality while maintaining the degree of dependence theyh avew ith the physical environment. At the application level, the provided abstractions allowt ob uild applications that were previously seen as difficult to build: context-awareness that scale along several dimensions, resource and service management that copes with heterogeneity using an agreed semantic, holistic coordination of resources in aservice-oriented abstraction model. An example application scenario is then described to underline the approach and the added value of such architecture in terms of system design and resource and service management.

Towards service orientation in pervasive computing systems

Information Technology: Coding and …, 2005

The emergence of the service-oriented computing paradigm has opened the possibility of using dynamic binding of application requirements to the resources needed to fulfill application tasks. Especially in pervasive computing that is characterized by disconnected operation and mobility, the process of using service specifications and dynamic binding becomes critical. In this paper, we summarize our ongoing work in the area of integrating service orientation into pervasive computing using the notion of specifying service requirements and using these specifications to bind to the available resources dynamically instead of hardwiring them statically. We term these specifications programmable requirements since they can be interpreted at run time to bind to a resource satisfying those specifications. Interestingly this approach also satisfies the basis for two key types of adaptation prevalent in pervasive computing systems -functional and architectural -as we show in this paper.

Developing Pervasive Systems as Service-Oriented Multi-Agent Systems

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2012

The development of Pervasive Systems is an emerging research topic due to the high heterogeneity of involved technologies and the changing nature of the existing platforms/devices, which make it hard to develop this kind of systems. This work presents a Model Driven Development approach to develop agent-based software for Pervasive Environment in order to design and implement application prototypes in an easy and productive way. Our approach provides a method for the specification of Pervasive Systems, which allows to face the development of such systems from a higher abstraction level. The deployment over different execution platforms is achieved by means of automatic transformations among models that described entities and the environment (UML-like). The result is a simplified and homogeneous deployment process for Agent-Based Pervasive Systems. keywords: Multi-Agent Systems, Pervasive Systems, Model Driven Development.

Services in Pervasive Computing Environments: from Design to Delivery


SUMMARY The work presented in this thesis is based on the assumption that modern computer technologies are already potentially pervasive: CPUs are embedded in any sort of device; RAM and storage memory of a modern PDA is comparable to those of a ten years ago Unix workstation; Wi-Fi, GPRS, UMTS are leveraging the development of the wireless Internet.

Service-Oriented Autonomic Pervasive Context

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016

Pervasive computing promotes environments where smart, communication-enabled devices cooperate to provide services to people. Due to their inherent complexity, many pervasive applications are built on top of service-oriented platforms, providing a set of facilities simplifying their development and execution. In this paper, we present such a platform, iCasa, extended with an autonomic, service-oriented context module. This module is programmed with a domain-specific serviceoriented language built on top of iPOJO, the Apache service-oriented component model. It is validated on smart home applications developed with the Orange Labs.

Autonomic Service-Oriented Context for Pervasive Applications

2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), 2016

Pervasive computing promotes environments where smart, communication-enabled devices cooperate to provide services to people. Due to their inherent complexity, many pervasive applications are built on top of service-oriented platforms, providing a set of facilities simplifying their development and execution. In this paper, we present such a platform, iCasa, extended with an autonomic, service-oriented context module. This module is programmed with a domainspecific service-oriented language built on top of iPOJO, the Apache service-oriented component model. It is validated on smart home applications developed with the Orange Labs.

Service Provision for Pervasive Computing Environments

Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing and Commerce

The fast development on microelectronics has promoted the increase on the computational power of hardware components. On the other hand, we are facing a significant improvement on energy consumption as well as the reduction of the physical size of such components. These improvements and the emergence of wireless networking technologies are enabling the development of small and powered mobile devices. Due to this scenario, the so-called pervasive computing paradigm, introduced by Mark Weiser in 1991 (Weiser, 1991) is becoming a reality. Such a paradigm envisions a world where environments are inhabited by computing devices, all of them seamlessly integrated into peoples’ lives, and effectively helping to carry on their daily tasks.

Service oriented pervasive applications based on interoperable middleware

Proceedings of the 1st …, 2006

The widespread deployment of inexpensive communications technology, computational resources in the networking infrastructure, and network-enabled end devices poses an interesting problem for end users: how to locate and interact with a particular network service or device. The increasing presence of mobile and ubiquitous applications has created a need for distributed systems and applications that are dynamic and can efficiently adapt to changes in service availability, user requirements and protocols. This paper describes the development of pervasive applications based on a middleware proposal which extracts the functional description of available services in heterogeneous networks exposing it in a unified syntax, and offering them using some standardized protocols.