A topological conjugacy of invariant flows on some class of Lie groups (original) (raw)

On topological conjugacy of left invariant flows on semisimple and affine Lie groups

Proyecciones (Antofagasta), 2011

In this paper, we study the flows of nonzero left invariant vector fields on Lie groups with respect to topological conjugacy. Using the fundamental domain method, we are able to show that on a simply connected nilpotent Lie group any such flows are topologically conjugate. Combining this result with the Iwasawa decomposition, we find that on a noncompact semisimple Lie group the flows of two nilpotent or abelian fields are topologically conjugate. Finally, for affine groups G = HV , V ∼ = n , we show that the conjugacy class of a left invariant vector field does not depend on its Euclidean component.

Transitivity of Families of Invariant Vector Fields on The Semidirect Products of Lie Groups

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1982

In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a family of right (or left) invariant vector fields on a Lie group G to be transitive. The concept of transitivity is essentially that of controllability in the literature on control systems. We consider families of right (resp. left) invariant vector fields on a Lie group G which is a semidirect product of a compact group K and a vector space V on which K acts linearly. If 5F is a family of right-invariant vector fields, then the values of the elements of if at the identity define a subset T of 7.(0) the Lie algebra of G. We say that if is transitive on G if the semigroup generated by U XE¡,{exp(tX): t » 0} is equal to G. Our main result is that if is transitive if and only if Lie(F), the Lie algebra generated by T, is equal to L(G).

Lie Transformation Groups

Algorithmic Lie Theory for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations, 2007

Suppose G is a Lie group and M is a manifold (G and M are not necessarily finite dimensional). Let D(M) denote the group of diffeomorphisms on M and V(M) denote the Lie algebra of vector fields on M. If X: isv a. complete-vector: field-then; Exp tX will denote the one-parameter group of X. A local action <£ of G oh M gives rise to a Lie algebra homomorphism + from L(G) into V(M). In particular if G is a subgroup-of D(M> and <|> : G x M-> M is the natural global action (g»p)-> g(p). then G is called a Lie transformation group of M. If M is a Hausdorff manifold and G is a Lie transformation group of M we show that is an isomorphism of L(G) onto (L(G)) and L = + (L(G)) satisfies the following conditions : (A) L consists of complete vector fields. (B) L has a Banach Lie algebra structure satisfying the following two conditions : (BI) the evaluation map ev : (X,p)-> X(p) is a vector bundle morphism from the trivial bundle L x M into T(M), (B2) there exists an open ball B r (0) of radius r at 0 such that Exp : L-> D(M) is infective on B r (0). Conversely, if L is a suba-lgebra of V(M) (M Hausdorff) satisfying conditions (A) and (B) we show there exists a unique connected Lie transfor-+ mation group with natural action : G x M-> M such that tj) is a Banach Lie algebra isomorphism of L(G) onto L .

Left invariant geometry of Lie groups

Cubo, 2004

Section 3 Poisson manifolds (3.1) Definition of a Poisson manifold (3.2) Reformulation of the Jacobi identity (3.3) Examples of Poisson manifolds (brief summary) Example 1 Symplectic manifolds Example 2 Dual space H* of a Lie algebra H Example 3 Lie algebra H with an inner ...

A remark on the invariant theory of real Lie groups

Colloquium Mathematicum, 2019

We present a simple remark that assures that the invariant theory of certain real Lie groups coincides with that of the underlying affine, algebraic R-groups. In particular, this result applies to the non-compact orthogonal or symplectic Lie groups.

An Invitation to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras

A Lie group G is a space which possesses two structures: 1) structure of a group; 2) structure of a smooth manifold. These structures are compatible in the sense that the group operations (" multiplication " a, b → a · b and " taking the inverse element " a → a −1) are both smooth. Main examples of Lie groups are matrix groups:

On the complete integrability of the geodesic flow of pseudo-H-type Lie groups

Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 2018

Pseudo-H-type groups G r ,s form a class of step-two nilpotent Lie groups with a natural pseudo-Riemannian metric. In this paper the question of complete integrability in the sense of Liouville is studied for the corresponding (pseudo-)Riemannian geodesic flow. Via the isometry group of G r ,s families of first integrals are constructed. A modification of these functions gives a set of dim G r ,s functionally independent smooth first integrals in involution. The existence of a lattice L in G r ,s is guaranteed by recent work of K. Furutani and I. Markina. The complete integrability of the pseudo-Riemannian geodesic flow of the compact nilmanifold L\G r ,s is proved under additional assumptions on the group G r ,s .

Geometric results on linear actions of reductive Lie groups for applications to homogeneous dynamics

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems

Several problems in number theory when reformulated in terms of homogenous dynamics involve study of limiting distributions of translates of algebraically defined measures on orbits of reductive groups. The general non-divergence and linearization techniques, in view of Ratner’s measure classification for unipotent flows, reduce such problems to dynamical questions about linear actions of reductive groups on finite-dimensional vector spaces. This article provides general results which resolve these linear dynamical questions in terms of natural group theoretic or geometric conditions.