Bone scintigraphy: procedure guidelines for tumour imaging (original) (raw)

Society of Nuclear Medicine Procedure Guideline for Bone Scintigraphy version 3 . 0 , approved June 20 , 2003


A. Bone scintigraphy is a diagnostic study used to evaluate the distribution of active bone formation in the body. B. Whole-body bone scintigraphy produces planar images of the skeleton, including anterior and posterior views of the axial skeleton. Anterior and/or posterior views of the appendicular skeleton also are obtained. Additional views are obtained as needed. C. Limited bone scintigraphy records images of only a portion of the skeleton. D. Bone single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) produces a tomographic image of a portion of the skeleton. E. Multiphase bone scintigraphy usually includes blood flow images, immediate images, and delayed images. The blood flow images are a dynamic sequence of planar images of the area of greatest interest obtained as the tracer is injected. The immediate (blood pool or soft tissue phase) images include 1 or more static planar images of the areas of interest, obtained immediately after the flow portion of the study and completed wi...

The EANM practice guidelines for bone scintigraphy

European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, 2016

The radionuclide bone scan is the cornerstone of skeletal nuclear medicine imaging. Bone scintigraphy is a highly sensitive diagnostic nuclear medicine imaging technique that uses a radiotracer to evaluate the distribution of active bone formation in the skeleton related to malignant and benign disease, as well as physiological processes. The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) has written and approved these guidelines to promote the use of nuclear medicine procedures of high quality. The present guidelines offer assistance to nuclear medicine practitioners in optimizing the diagnostic procedure and interpreting bone scintigraphy. These guidelines describe the protocols that are currently accepted and used routinely, but do not include all existing procedures. They should therefore not be taken as exclusive of other nuclear medicine modalities that can be used to obtain comparable results. It is important to remember that the resources and facilities available for patien...

Clinical uses of bone scanning

Skeletal Radiology, 1977

The skeleton is a frequent site of metastatic disease, Radiographic examination is not sufficiently reliable in early detection since an abnormality is unlikely to be observed until more than 50% of the bone material has been lost. Therefore, skeletal scanning represents a viable technique for demonstration of dynamic response of bone to tumor invasion. This technique provides a more sensitive method for detection of early skeletal metastatic disease. Technetium 99m labeled methylenediphosphonate seems to be the best technetium 99m labeled agent for skeletal images, although ethyline hydroxydiphosphonate may be equally good. The toxicity of the compounds is low and repetitive studies can be done for continued clinical evaluation of the patient without significant risk.

Observer variation in the interpretation of bone scintigraphy

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1996

To assess the reliability of bone scintigraphy, a random sample of 100 bone scans was reviewed twice by each of two physicians. Observer variation in the description and interpretation of bone scintigrams varied by diagnosis. Good to excellent K values were obtained for inter-and intraobserver variation in relation to metastasis or normal scans. For degenerative bone disease, as well as the specific agreement on major pathologies other than metastases, K values were found to be moderate. The agreement on the need for further radiographic studies was poor to moderate. The interpretation of bone metastases or normal scintigrams was found to be more reliable in a research setting than in the usual clinical framework, and the latter requires improvement. The interpretation of bone scintigraphy as consistent with degenerative changes is not reliable. The diagnosis should be evaluated by radiography.

Diagnostic bone scanning in oncology

Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 1997

Over the last several decades bone scanning has been used extensively in the evaluation of oncology patients to detect bone involvement. It can provide information about disease location, prognosis, and the effect of therapy. Bone scanning offers the advantages of whole body evaluation and the detection of lesions earlier than other techniques. However, as newer diagnostic tools become available, indications for bone scanning must be revised and the results combined with these other tests in order to provide optimum patient care. Advances in instrumentation and the subsequent improvement in image quality have allowed nuclear medicine physicians to provide more accurate bone scan interpretations. By optimizing image acquisition, it is often possible to determine lesion characteristics, which are more likely to represent malignancy. Knowledge of disease psthophysiology and other specific properties of the patient's primary tumor, along with subsequent correlation of scan abnormalities to patient history, physical examination, previous studies, and other radiological examinations, is essential for determining lesion significance. The differential diagnosis of a scan abnormality should also include consideration of both false normal and abnormal causes. The final interpretation should be clearly communicated to the clinician with appropriate recommendations for further evaluation. Only through careful attention to the patient, the clinician, and appropriate study acquisition parameters will bone scanning maintain its place in the evaluation of oncology patients.

Bone scintigraphy and the added value of SPECT (single photon emission tomography) in detecting skeletal lesions

The quarterly journal of nuclear medicine : official publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (IAR), 2001

Skeletal metastases are one of the major clinical problems for the oncologist. Over the last several decades bone scintigraphy has been used extensively in detecting bone involvement since it can provide information about disease location, prognosis and the effectiveness of treatment. Bone scan offers the advantage of total body examination, and images bone lesions earlier than other techniques. In this paper the main clinical problems related to the most common applications of bone scan in breast, prostate, lung cancer and other tumours are discussed. The experience carried out at the National Cancer Institute of Milan by using bone SPECT to detect single bone metastases is reported. One hundred and eighteen patients with bone metastases (from different tumour types: breast, lung, prostate, lymphomas, etc.) were studied by planar scintigraphy, SPECT and other radiological modalities (CT, MRI or X-rays). The overall performances of bone SPECT were sensitivity: 90.5% (19/21), specifi...

Differentiation of Malignant and Degenerative Benign Bone Disease Using Tc99m MDP and Tc99m Citrate Scintigraphy

Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 1998

Seventy-seven adult patients with suspected skeletal metastases were divided into two groups. In group A (n=30), following intravenous administration of 20 mCi (740 MBq) of technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate (99mTc-MDP), 3-and 24-h scintigraphy of bone lesions was performed. The 24/3 h lesion to bone background radiouptake ratio (RUR) was calculated for each lesion. In group B (n=47), the same procedure was followed with dexamethasone intervention (10 mg in 24 h) following the 3-h acquisition. In group A, after determination of the critical point, malignant and degenerative bone lesions could be separated with a sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 0.76, 0.72 and 0.73, respectively. The mean RUR of the malignant lesions was 1.20+ 0.23, and that of the benign lesions, 0.95+ 0.15. In group B cases, significantly increased sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 0.87, 0.94 and 0.92, respectively, were found (P<0.001). The mean RUR of the malignant lesions was 1.48+ 0.34, and that of degenerative lesions, 0.88_+ 0.19. Dexamethasone interventional bone scintigraphy seems to be a new cost-effective method for differentiating malignant from degenerative bone lesions using the RUR.

Nuclear medicine in primary bone tumors

European Journal of Radiology, 1998

Introduction: Conventional radiography is the method of choice to diagnose a primary bone tumor but in many cases it is necessary to integrate it with nuclear medicine scintigraphy using several radionuclides, including 67 Ga, 201 Tl, 99m Tc-MIBI and especially 99m Tc-diphosphonates. Recently a new technique has been recently introduced, that is positron emission tomography with 2(18 F) fluoro-2 deoxy-D-glucose as radiopharmaceutical. Objective: The specific purpose of this work is to show that nuclear medicine bone scanning is a very important method in the detection and diagnostic management of primary bone tumors. Diagnosis, staging and follow-up: Three-phase bone scintigraphy, integrated with SPECT, is clinically useful to confirm the radiologic diagnosis of bone tumor. These techniques conveniently related to each other and to radiographic findings, can evaluate the tumor's local aggressiveness, often differentiating benign from malignant lesions, to monitor treatment efficacy, to permit total body scanning for the detection of recurrences. Nuclear medicine diagnostic techniques are not in competition with radiographic tools as CT and MRI which are highly sensitive in detecting even small lesions thanks to their excellent anatomical resolution. In questionable cases, we can integrate radiologic imaging with dynamic studies, in particular with FDG-PET, increasing the specificity of diagnosis and permitting more accurate follow-up. Conclusions: Patient management optimization needs the integration between dynamic nuclear medicine findings and the anatomical patterns provided by conventional radiology to increase imaging sensitivity and specificity. Equipe work is determinant to customize the diagnostic work-up to the individual patient's needs to reduce the cost of patient management avoiding useless examinations.