Additive manufacturing technology: laser material processing and functionally graded materials (original) (raw)

Primena laserskih tehnika za određivanje optičkih parametara materijala


The influence of stimulated electromagnetic radiation in optical part of spectra (visible, UV and IR) to materials is for almost half a century the issue of research including a lot of unexplained processes and stances. From one point of view represents new form of source and from the other the relation to spontaneous sources in the same spectral area as well as the power. The issues could be divided into theoretical-experimental processes from biomodulation to destruction and to the area where coherent radiation is used in diagnostic methods for material study. In this thesis the subject was approached from theoretical-experimental side. The observation of materials was forwarded trough material response functions, meaning trough their collective role expressed using optical characteristic materials. In experimental part of the thesis a series of experiments was conducted, determining certain optical parameters for chosen samples along with spectroscopic approach. That would be the...

Пути повышения свойств заготовок деталей ГТД из жаропрочных титановых сплавов, полученных методом прямого лазерного выращивания

Aerospace technic and technology, 2021

Today, additive technologies for the production of billets from heat-resistant titanium alloys are used in aircraft engine building and the aerospace industry. However, the mechanisms of structure formation and the level of mechanical properties in such blanks are poorly understood and are of interest. Currently, available data are not sufficient for the confident application of additive technologies in the production of aircraft engines. This paper evaluates the microstructure and substantiates the possibility of improving the mechanical properties of workpieces of GTE parts made of VT20 titanium alloy, obtained by laser-powder additive surfacing. For research, workpieces with a size of 215x120x4 mm 120x85x14 mm were grown. As a "building" material, a powder of spherical shape of particles was used, the chemical composition of which corresponds to the alloy VT20. The research results showed that during laser-powder growth in the VT20 alloy, the formation of "hardenin...

Comparison of Additive Manufacturing with Conventional Manufacturing Processes

Additive Manufacturing, 2019

Введение Пчелиное маточное молочко (ПММ) производится главным образом из гипофарингеальных и мандибулярных секреторных желез молодых рабочих пчел (Apis mellifera) и состоит из воды, углеводов, белков, свободных аминокислот, липидов, витаминов (главным образом тиамина, ниацина, рибофлавина), минеральных веществ (главным образом железа и кальция) и значительного количества биологически активных соединений [1, 7, 8, 9]. Сегодня ПММ широко используется во многих странах в качестве коммерчески успешных пищевых добавок. Для ПММ установлено несколько фармакологических эффектов, включая иммуномодулирующие действие, противоопухолевое и антиоксидантное действие, а также адаптогенные свойства [10, 14, 16, 17]. Средний химический состав свежего ПММ включает воду (50-70 %), белки (9-18 %), углеводы (7-18 %), жирные кислоты и липиды (3-8 %), минеральные соли (около 1,5 %) и небольшое количество полифенолов и витаминов. Лиофилизированный продукт содержит <5 % воды, 27-41 % белков, 22-31 % углеводов и 15-30 % жиров [9, 14, 16]. Особый интерес ученых вызывает жирнокислотный состав ПММ, представляющий собой уникальную фракцию продукта. Около 80-90 % (по сухому весу) жировой фракции ПММ составляют свободные жирные кислоты с исключительно редкими и необычными структурами (рис. 1). В жировой фракции ПММ преимущественно содержатся короткоцепочечные (от 8 до 12 атомов углерода) гидроксикислоты, дикарбоновые кислоты, моногидроксикислоты,

The Digital Twin and Optimization of Cast Metal Structures in Additive Manufacturing

Control Systems and Computers

The actual task of engineering science should be to promote the technological development of the national economy, modernization of its material and technical base with the advanced development of the processing industry. One of the modern technological trends is the “digitalization” of production processes, the features of which on the examples of obtaining cast metal structures by additive methods will be considered in this article.

Control of Equipment for Incremental Forming Using a Laser Tracker

Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics

The technological equipment geometry control has a significant impact on the overall quality and performance of the product in many manufacturing processes such as multi-position assembly and stamping as well as on productivity and production costs. One of the most promising means of technology equipment geometry control in the digital economy condition is a laser tracker. The robotic incremental sheet forming process assumes the necessary flexibility and profitability due to a very flexible tool chain. In this case, the trajectory of the universal tool is set using a processing program determined by the product geometry. The technological equipment geometry control of the robotic complex for incremental sheet forming was carried out in 2 stages. At the first stage, the measurements were carried out manually in the absolute range measuring system mode. At the second stage, a dynamic measurement of the blank plane displacement was carried out automatically in the interferometer mode ...