Comparison of RAPD and AFLP as methods for genetic identification on Vitis based on the analysis of anonymous genomic sequences/COMPARACIÓN DE RAPD Y AFLP COMO MÉTODOS DE IDENTIFICACIÓN GENÉTICA DE VID BASADOS EN EL ESTUDIO DE FRAGMENTOS GENÓMICOS ANÓNIMOS (original) (raw)
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Agricultura Técnica, 2000
Until recently grape cultivars were identified based entirely on ampelographic criteria. Currently a number of molecular techniques based on PCR can be applied for exhaustive genetic analysis on plants. These methods proceed through the direct analysis of DNA, in this way avoiding the interference due to environmental interactions. In this paper the application of RAPD and AFLP for the analysis of genetic diversity in a group of more than 50 grape cultivars is presented. Using 18 RAPD primers, 103 information bands were identified, corresponding to 29.9% of polymorphism. In comparison, using only four AFLP primers produced 86 information bands, with a very similar percentage of polymorphism (29.6%). Both methodologies exhibited an adequate degree of reproducibility, evaluated on a collection of 48 Cabernet Sauvignon clones. The dendrograms based on these data sets graphically depicted the ability of both methods to differentiate all the cultivars studied. In the case of Cabernet Sauvignon clones, AFLP permitted the identification of a number of differences that could be related to morphological differences detected among these clones, such as cluster length. The comparison of both methods, principally related to their ability to differentiate cultivars and clones, suggests that AFLP is the more adequate method for both purposes. Nevertheless, both methods could be implemented, given that under controlled conditions appropriate levels of polymorphism and reproducibility are displayed.
Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, 2003
RAPD-PCR, although a relatively fast and simple technique for cultivar characterization, is influenced by several parameters that need to be optimized prior using it as a routine identification methodology. The repeatability of olive RAPD patterns was investigated under different PCR conditions. Among the conditions tested the quality of the DNA, the Taq DNA polymerase source, changes in Mg 2+ and dNTPs concentration, pathogen infestation of olive tissues and different thermocyclers could alter the RAPD patterns. In contrast, small changes in the temperature of annealing, the DNA concentration and the age of tissues from which DNA is isolated did not affect the amplification patterns.
Optimización de la técnica RAPD para identificar cv de olivo
RAPD-PCR, although a relatively fast and simple technique for cultivar characterization, is influenced by several parameters that need to be optimized prior using it as a routine identification methodology. The repeatability of olive RAPD patterns was investigated under different PCR conditions. Among the conditions tested the quality of the DNA, the Taq DNA polymerase source, changes in Mg 2+ and dNTPs concentration, pathogen infestation of olive tissues and different thermocyclers could alter the RAPD patterns. In contrast, small changes in the temperature of annealing, the DNA concentration and the age of tissues from which DNA is isolated did not affect the amplification patterns.
Diversidad genética molecular de Mirabilis expansa mediante Rapd
Se estudió la diversidad genética mediante la técnica de RAPD en 37 accesiones de una colección del norte del Perú de ¿chago¿ o ¿mauka¿ Mirabilis expansa; Se obtuvieron 60 marcadores polimórficos con 9 de 19 iniciadores decaméricos. Se calcularon los índices de iniciador RAPD, obteniéndose los valores más altos con los iniciadores OPA04, OPA09 y OPA13, lo cual sugiere su uso valioso en futuras investigaciones con RAPD en colecciones más grandes o para especies de Mirabilis. Con el coeficiente de Simple Matching y el algoritmo UPGMA se obtuvo un dendograma del cual, a un coeficiente de 1, se observan 31 grupos. Esto indicaría unos 16.216 % de posibles duplicados en la colección de Germoplasma. Con un índice de similitud de 0.85 se encontró que se forman 8 clusters o grupos, sin coincidir en su mayoría con los 5 morfotipos reportados. Además se realizó un Análisis Molecular de Variancia con 2 componentes: interregional y entre accesiones/ región, cuyos valores fueron 21.69% y 78.3%, r...
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