Synchronous beam diagnostic system using cordless telephones at SPring-8 (original) (raw)
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A new detector for photon beam position monitoring designed for synchrotron radiation beamlines
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2002
For the latest generation of SR sources, local bump orbit feedback systems are being developed for the improvement of the stability of the delivered radiation. The high brightness beamlines using undulator radiation are the most sensitive to electron beam oscillations. Therefore, Photon Beam Position Monitors (PBPM) are being built as detectors of beam movement and as references for feedback systems. The PBPM must not be destructive and has to be suitable for continuous usage. Usual storage ring configurations permit a significant part of the radiation coming from the upstream and downstream dipoles to be superimposed with the undulator radiation. A novel detector, based on spectroscopic techniques, has been developed at ELETTRA. It can be tuned on the working energy of the undulator from a few eV to some keV. A detailed description of the detector layout and its working principle is presented. Its performance with respect to the stability requirements of the beam of synchrotron radiation is also analysed. r 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. (A. Galimberti). 0168-9002/02/$ -see front matter r 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PII: S 0 1 6 8 -9 0 0 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 1 8 4 5 -9
A phase-space beam position monitor for synchrotron radiation
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2015
The stability of the photon beam position on synchrotron beamlines is critical for most if not all synchrotron radiation experiments. The position of the beam at the experiment or optical element location is set by the position and angle of the electron beam source as it traverses the magnetic field of the bend-magnet or insertion device. Thus an ideal photon beam monitor would be able to simultaneously measure the photon beam's position and angle, and thus infer the electron beam's position in phase space. X-ray diffraction is commonly used to prepare monochromatic beams on X-ray beamlines usually in the form of a double-crystal monochromator. Diffraction couples the photon wavelength or energy to the incident angle on the lattice planes within the crystal. The beam from such a monochromator will contain a spread of energies due to the vertical divergence of the photon beam from the source. This range of energies can easily cover the absorption edge of a filter element such as iodine at 33.17 keV. A vertical profile measurement of the photon beam footprint with and without the filter can be used to determine the vertical centroid position and angle of the photon beam. In the measurements described here an imaging detector is used to measure these vertical profiles with an iodine filter that horizontally covers part of the monochromatic beam. The goal was to investigate the use of a combined monochromator, filter and detector as a phase-space beam position monitor. The system was tested for sensitivity to position and angle under a number of synchrotron operating conditions, such as normal operations and special operating modes where the photon beam is intentionally altered in position and angle at the source point. The results are comparable with other methods of beam position measurement and indicate that such a system is feasible in situations where part of the synchrotron beam can be used for the phase-space measurement. research papers J. Synchrotron Rad. (2015). 22, 946-955 Nazanin Samadi et al. Phase-space beam position monitor 947
NSLS-II RF Beam Position Monitor-System Test and Integration
TEST AND INTEGRATION D. Padrazo, O. Singh, K.Vetter, J. Mead, A. Dellapenna, M Maggipinto, K. Ha, W. Cheng, A. Caracappa, C. Danneil Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA Abstract. The NSLS-II Synchrotron Light Source is a state of the art 3GeV electron storage ring currently in the process of commissioning at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The RF Beam Position Monitors (RF BPM) are one of the key diagnostics systems required for a successful and efficient commissioning. There are more than 250 RF BPM installed in the injector and storage ring. Each RF BPM was fully tested, first under laboratory environment, and then after installation utilizing a built in pilot tone signal source. These successful tests provided a solid base for the integrity of the RF BPM system, prior to the start of beam commissioning. This paper will describe tests performed and results of system integration.
Beam position monitor with the digital signal processing
A new electronics for beam position monitor (BPM) that was developed and tested at VEPP-4M storage ring is described. A single module includes 4-channel ADC and DSP TMS320 that can be connected via serial data link with a central processor board. 10 bits ADCs are simultaneously synchronized and have maximum sample rate 15 MSPS. DSP provides the possibility of digital processing of information according to the algorithms loaded from the central processor. Specifications of several operation modes and their examples at the beam of VEPP-4M are presented.
Design and testing of a fast beam position monitor
Proceedings of the 2003 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37440), 2003
The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) group is currently exploring the physics of space-charge dominated beams. Seventeen Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) will be used to determine the beam centroid for steering correction purposes to within 0.5 mm. Since the pulse length is relatively long (100 ns), the BPMs can also be used for temporal beam profiling. These features are extremely useful for perturbation and longitudinal dynamics studies. For these uses the BPM needs a temporal resolution better than 2 ns. We report on the final design and testing as well as other unique features of this device.
The X8C dual wire beam position monitor
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1994
Design and performance of a UHV compatible dual wire beam position monitor are presented with specific applications to beamline X8C at the NSLS. This device can determine the relative vertical position of the X-ray beam to within ±5 w m. At X8C, the wire monitor is used to observe the reproducibility of the X-ray beam position after each new electron fill and to watch for instabilities that may arise during stored beam conditions. Data from the NSLS X-ray ring pickup electrodes are presented to independently assess wire monitor accuracy .
Design of button beam position monitor for the Brazilian Synchrotron light source
2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), 2007
We present the electrical and mechanical design of a button beam position monitor (BPM) recently developed and installed in the UVX electron storage ring at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). The first characterization results will also be presented. This development started when we observed strong correlation between false stripline BPM readings and the external temperature of this BPM. Simulations indicate that the temperature gradient in the BPM body can cause deformations that could explain the false readings in some BPMs. The small dimension of the button compared to the stripline and the better thermal isolation between the button and the BPM body should contribute to minimize this problem.
Beam position monitors for the Cornell electron synchrotron
Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366), 1999
The Cornell 10-GeV Electron Synchrotron, built in 1968 for fixed-target physics, has served since 1979 as injector to the storage ring CESR. In this mode, which calls for a sparse fill pattern (45 bunches at most), the original beam position monitors are ineffective. An improved system, now under construction, is described.
Applications of Beam Diagnostic System at the VEPP-4
Advanced applications of the beam diagnostic systems installed at the 6GeV electron-positron collider VEPP-4M and its 2GeV booster VEPP-3 (1), are described. The systems are based on a turn-by-turn processing of signal measured by electrostatic beam position monitors (2). A technique for beta function correction has been used for adjustment of the VEPP-4M magnet structure. This technique is based on measurement of amplitude of free coherent betatron oscillations, proportional to the square root of beta function. Results of the measurements are given. A new method for observation of non-linear betatron motion on phase space, using a single beam position monitor, was developed. This method has been tested by computer simulation, and successfully used to study nonlinear beam dynamics on the VEPP-4M. Results of numerical tests and beam measurements are presented. The diagnostic system is applied too for high resolution measurement of low frequency beam vibrations. Results obtained at th...
Vacuum and Beam Diagnostics for the Linac Coherent Light Source ( LCLS ) Undulator System
The LCLS, now under construction at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in California, will be the world’s first x-ray free-electron laser when it comes online next year. Design and production of the vacuum and beam diagnostics is the responsibility of a team from the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). The Argonne-provided components are: the internally polished 3.4-m-long aluminum extrusion vacuum chambers, a highly flexible bellows and its beam liner, a submicron-accuracy x-band cavity beam position monitor, a fixed-wire diagnostic for beam location, and a beam loss monitor system. These components are either being or have been constructed and delivered to SLAC for installation. An overview of these systems, including achieved results, will be presented. INTRODUCTION The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) will be the world’s first x-ray free-electron laser when it becomes operational in 2009. The LCLS is a US-DOE-funded project that is cur...