Implementasi Manajemen Mutu DI SD Swasta Bani Adam as (original) (raw)
2019, SABILARRASYAD: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Kependidikan
Planning for Quality Improvement of Education in SD Bani Adam AS is done through identification, objectives, benefits, planning steps, stages of planning, including indicators or quality targets to be achieved as a process of improving the quality of education. The form of planning includes the arrangement of resources that contain the maintenance and development of facilities and infrastructure. Planning on funding and costs consists of allocating funds for the development of facilities and infrastructure, developing the learning process, and increasing the ability of human resources. Organizing Resources in Improving Education Quality at SD Bani Adam AS is carried out with a detailed process of all work that must be carried out by each individual in achieving organizational goals, the division of workload into activities that can be carried out by each individual and the development of work mechanisms so that there is coordination of the work of the members of the organization into an integrated and harmonious union. The implementation of the Education Quality Improvement Plan in Bani Adam AS Elementary School has not yet fully followed the stages of the implementation of general guidelines for implementation, because the concepts and objectives of the policy have not been fully understood by the policy actors as a result of the implementation of policy socialization which is somewhat less than optimal. Apart from that, it is also caused by the lack of empowerment of school principals, teachers or educators, school committees and not giving full authority and freedom to the principal as the main policy actors and also the teachers who implement the policies, as well as the lack of courage and good reactivity carried out by the school principal or teacher or educator at SD Bani Adam AS. Kata Kunci: Quality management PENDAHULUAN Salah satu cita-cita nasional yang harus diperjuangkan oleh bangsa Indonesia adalah menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang unggul dan berkualitas. Salah satunya adalah melalui pendidikan yang bercita-citakan untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Karena pendidikan merupakan sebuah rangkaian proses pemberdayaan manusia menuju kedewasaan, baik secara akal, mental maupun moral, untuk menjalankan fungsi kemanusiaan yang diemban sebagai seorang hamba di depan sang khaliq-Nya, dan sebagai khalifah pada semesta. Karenanya, fungsi utama pendidikan adalah mempersiapkan peserta didik (generasi penerus) dengan kemampuan dan keahlian (skill) yang diperlukan agar memiliki kemampuan dan kesiapan untuk terjun ke tengah masyarakat (lingkungan). Dengan kata lain pendidikan bukan hanya membentuk manusia yang cerdas otaknya dan trampil dalam melaksanakan tugas, namun lebih daripada itu, oleh karena itu pendidikan bukanlah hanya sekedar "transfer of knowledge"