Paths to the city and roads to death: mortality and migration in east Belgium during the Industrial Revolution (original) (raw)

Migrants and Urban Change: Newcomers to Antwerp, 1760-1860


Taking the Belgian city of Antwerp as her case-study, Winter argues that the direction of nineteenth century societal change was such as to make some migrant groups better suited to reap the benefits of new urban opportunities than local people. Between 1760 and 1860 the city underwent a profound transformation from a middle-sized regional textile centre into a booming international port town of more than 120,000 inhabitants, making Antwerp an ideal case from which to track the dynamics of migration and its consequences. Winter uses this to formulate more general insights on the relationship between migration and urban transformation in the transition from preindustrial to industrial society.

Transience, Overseas Migration and the Modern European City. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Cities and Overseas Migration in the Long Nineteenth Century’

Journal of Migration History, 2016

Migration is one of key factors to the existence of which we owe the emergence of the modern urban condition that continues to shape the life of large populations today. Precisely the same reasons that generated great urban growth of European cities in the late nineteenth century were responsible for concurrent mass migration overseas – to North America and elsewhere – for a number of reasons. Given the everyday experience of the mass of transient migrants passing through these cities that lasted for decades, the lack of interest on behalf of urban historians to this large and heterogeneous group is surprising. Analysing such transient migrant spaces and routes, and their diverse actors at the city level for some of the most important transit points within the European continent (Berlin, Leipzig, Vienna, Budapest) as well as for select ports of departure (Bremen, Hamburg, Liverpool, Marseille and Rotterdam), this special issue aims to link the recent attention to transmigration with...

Flight from the land? Migration flows of the rural population of the Netherlands, 1850-1940

Espace populations sociétés, 2014

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Migrants and city-making


van der Veer, Katif Araz, and Yehuda Elkana. Special thanks to Hubert Weterwami, Helene Simerwayi, and their children, who have been an ongoing inspiration for this book. This book would not have been possible without the support of our partners and children: