Electric ship power system - research at the University of Texas at Austin (original) (raw)

Electric Ship Power System

—Recognizing the importance of electric ships and the myriad of technical challenges they present, the University of Texas at Austin, with seed funding from the Office of Naval Research, established a virtual electrical ship research and development center. The reason for the virtual center is that the complex challenges of the future require multidisciplinary solutions. The virtual center contains staff members from Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and two research centers who work collaboratively with a number of other universities and with industry. This program has two anticipated significant outcomes. At the system level, the first anticipated outcome is to develop a comprehensive set of modeling approaches that guide the evolution of electric ship power systems. The second outcome is an approach to the replacement of the hydraulic system on current ships with electrical actuators on future ships.

IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Initiative

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, 2000

Electric Ship Technologies identified by the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) as one of the 10 emerging technological challenges that cut across the fields of multiple IEEE societies as well as engineering societies outside IEEE. The goal of this integrated initiative is to enhance technological advances utilization for all related applications by combining advanced research & development accomplishments in universities and research laboratories with well established engineering practices and industrial standards. As implementation of this initiative; the bi-annual Electric Ship Technologies Symposium was established as the permanent forum to bring together the knowledge of the entire scientific and technical community working in the field .for the exchange of broad spectrum of view points (end users, designers, manufacturers, etc,)

All-Electric Ship Design: From Electrical Propulsion to Integrated Electrical and Electronic Power Systems

IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2016

Electrical propulsion is not a novel concept in marine systems. However, the availability of power electronic converters has proved to be the Key Enabling Technology for electrification of large ships. This paper starts with a summary of EP drives, which led to the birth of all-electric ships. Electric power generation and control systems are then presented, which make it possible to exploit the integrated electrical power system. To ease comprehension of the issues in designing such a system, its conventional design process is given. Then, the reasons that are pushing ahead the research in the shipboard power systems sector are discussed. The need for research in the design methods area is demonstrated through an overview of the latest results of technological research. Finally, a summary of the most significant results on the design tools research is given, including early stage design, dependable-oriented design, and the improvements achievable through software simulators and hardware-in-the-loop are discussed. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate why research on design methods is as important as a technological one, on the basis of the needs concerning the design, integration, and management of future "integrated electrical and electronic power systems" (power systems with power conversion quota approaching 100%). Index Terms-All-electric ships (AESs), design tools, electric power generation and control, electric propulsion, hardwarein-the-loop (HIL), integrated electrical and electronic power systems (IEEPSs), ship design, shipboard power systems, simulator, technological research.

The U.S. ESRDC advances power system research for shipboard systems

2008 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2008

In an effort to advance the research and development capabilities related to shipboard power systems, the U.S. Office of Naval Research created the Electric Ship Research and Development Consortium. This group of seven U.S. universities is working to develop near term and far term research solutions for ship power systems on the all-electric ship. This paper provides an overview of the ESRDC, its successes, resources, and activities related to education and research efforts.

An Overview of Design, Control, Power Management, System Stability and Reliability in Electric Ships


With the fast development of power electronics techniques, electrification of shipboard power systems (SPS) is an unstoppable trend, and the concepts of electric ships (ESs) and all-electric ships (AESs) emerge. In order to meet the constantly increasing electricity demand in SPS, the medium voltage direct current (MVDC) SPS becomes a promising shipboard electrical network architecture. This paper aims to present a comprehensive review of the design, control, power management, system stability and reliability in ESs. The most recent technologies and academic achievements in these fields are discussed. In the near future, it is possible that the electric propulsion technology will be widely applied to various types of ships.

Open Challenges in Future Electric Ship Design: High-Frequency Disturbance Propagation in Integrated Power and Energy Systems on Ships

IEEE Electrification Magazine, 2019

HIPBOARD POWER SYSTEMS HAVE MADE great progress since Jacobi's experiment in the late 1830s (i.e., the first electric propelled boat). Today, the shipboard power system design process is facing significant changes, mostly due to the improvements both in power electronics and battery technology. (For instance, the MF Ampere entered into service in 2015 as the world's first electric battery-powered passenger and car ferry.) Moreover, the power systems sector is also undergoing significant changes due to both the ever-increasing requirements of ship owners and the enforcement of recent efficiency and pollution regulations. Currently, power electronics converters increase in both power and number in a modern Integrated Power and Energy System (IPES), exploiting different power system architectures.

All Electric Ship - The Super Platform for Tomorrow's Naval Warfare

Traditional warship power system configuration onboard has dedicated power sources for propulsion and ship electrical power generation. Due to change in the philosophy of naval warfare, more unconventional weapon systems, weapon launchers and sensors are gaining increasing importance. In order to meet the power requirements of such new breed of systems along with electrical drives, drastic increase in electrical power requirement is envisaged in futuristic warships. This trend of increasing power demands onboard warships along with superior mission requirements like: survivability, re-configurability, efficiency, stealth, compactness, flexibility and intelligent automatic control seeks a total change in traditional ship system configuration. In order to meet the above mentioned stringent requirements of the future warships without any undue implications on space, weight and performance requirements, the concept of All Electric Ship has evolved as the best possible option. In this pa...