энергоресурс, объём производственной продукции, затраты производства, производственная функция, трансформация систем, энергия, математические и количественные методы Ukraine is now in a situation in which the lack of energy resources in any form, has drastically detrimental effect on the entire economy, and therefore the operation of enterprises. Given the fact that the production of energy can be used interchangeably, there is an opportunity to develop a theoretical justification of "structural transformation", the result of which should be a new energy model of the economic system. This implies finding ways and methods to transform the production system power economy. This transformation of the manufacturing sector, it is possible, given the interchangeability of energy resource, the objective laws of market functioning and the fundamental laws of conservation of energy. To solve this problem is allowed to apply the following methods, methodology and principles: the fundamental principle of generalization by abstraction methodology of theoretical economic analysis, economic-mathematical methods and the method of analogy. In the current economic situation it is appropriate to consider the bifurcation mechanism of transformation of the manufacturing sector in Ukraine, which implies a completely new quality features throughout the energy sector of the country and the functioning of the power supply company. Using technology in the production of energy from natural renewable sources such as solar energy, we can ensure the company fully or partially the resource depending on the process. Exploring energy resource, you will notice that it appears in its essence in a variety of manifestations of its forms in the form of thermal, mechanical and electrical energy, but it merged with one common: all of this - the energy. On the basis of the produced research has been suggested the possibility of transforming the energy production system due to the interchangeability of energy. In turn, the interchangeability of energy and energy can not be clearly expressed and justified due to the only economic methods, these methods are, in our opinion, should be complemented by a fundamental law of conservation of energy, as well as the functional relationships between the qualitatively different forms of energy, taking into account the cost ratios Keywords: energy resource, the volume of industrial producti