The Law and Policy of Toxic Substances Control: A Case Study of Vinyl Chloride (original) (raw)

Southern Economic Journal, 1980


This monograph is reprinted from a Summer 1978 article in the Ecology Law Quarterly. It was reprinted by Resources for the Future as a basic introduction to the rapidly evolving and increasingly important field of toxic substances control. The regulatory problem addressed by the author is literally awesome. There are roughly 65,000 chemicals in commerce; over four million are known. "The vast number of chemicals to be tested, evaluated, and regulated makes toxic substances control in many respects the major challenge of the health and environmental movement." A case study of vinyl chloride is used as a basis for examining the law and policy of toxic substances control. Doniger is an attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council; he was previously with the Environmental Law Institute (both in Washington, D.C.). He was special issue editor of the Ecology Law Quarterly for the topic "Hazardous Substances in the Environment: Law and Policy," which was funded by Resources for the Future.

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