Use of Social Networking Sites among Undergrade-level Women and its Effect on their Plans to Start a Business (original) (raw)


Contemporary Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship Research (CJBER), 2024

his study explores the role of social media in motivating and supporting young women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, with a particular focus on promoting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the digital era. This research aimed to understand how social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube influence the entrepreneurial journeys of young women, providing them with motivation, visibility, and access to broader markets. Through a mixed-methods approach, including 20 case studies (ICIs), 4 focus group discussions (FGDs) with young women entrepreneurs and 2 key informant interviews (KIIs) with experts, the study highlighted both the opportunities and challenges young women face in utilizing social media for business growth. The findings revealed that social media serves as a powerful tool for marketing, networking, and inspiration. Many women entrepreneurs struggle with digital literacy, time management, lack of family support, bank loans, insecurity, and negative comments and negative comment from community members. This study emphasized the need for targeted training, mentorship, and policy support to enhance the effectiveness of social media in fostering entrepreneurship. This research makes concluding remarks with policy recommendations aimed at improving digital literacy, creating mentorship opportunities, motivational seminar or workshop arrangements, more budget-related programs, facilitating access to financial resources, and promoting gender-inclusive policies to empower women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh’s digital economy.

Women Entrepreneurs’ Preference in using Social Media Networks on Online Business Opportunities and Challenges: the Case of Bangladesh

International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2024

A noteworthy contribution of women entrepreneurs operating online businesses in Bangladesh has been observed nowadays because of the pace of digitalization. After family commitments, their signature participation in economic activities can ensure a sustainable and remarkable economic growth in the country as they comprise a half of the country`s population. The study aims to fathom the present conditions of the women entrepreneurs who conduct their online business in Bangladesh. The study focuses on to critically review the opportunities of social media uses for women entrepreneurs in terms of their convenient and secure mode of business, cost effective, flexible work life balance, customer reaching and loyalty, and after sales relationship. And it also concentrates on the challenges-business risk, market competition, technological literacy, and barrier from family and society-they used to face to operate the business. The study is mainly based on quantitative method with a structured questionnaire that used a five-point Likert-scale. The data analysis was carried out using SPSS, which eventually resulted in the extraction a total of 14 variables of opportunities and challenges. This study contributes new insights regarding online-based women entrepreneurs` perceptions, dimensions, and difficulties. An important finding is that to become entrepreneurs, women face a prime barrier from their families first, however, simultaneously their willpower overcomes it, and they create own employment.

Facebook-Based Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges

Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration (BJPA), 2019

This paper aspires to analyze how social networking website Facebook is encouraging women in onlinebased entrepreneurship. The study tries to uphold the scenario of online women entrepreneur as theirparticipation is noticeable. To explore the opportunities and challenges of Facebook-based womenentrepreneurship in Bangladesh by establishing research questions regarding; what are the factors thatstand as success factors for women while operating Facebook-based online business? Is there any barrierwhile operating with it? The study adopts a quantitative research approach followed by conclusivedescriptive research design. To collect the data from the respondents, a questionnaire link was uploadedin "Google form" and send to their messenger. ‘Descriptive statics', ‘KMO & Bartlett's test '&‘factoranalysis' has been used to identify their demographic profile, success factors & barriers of operatingtheir online business through Facebook. Nine main clusters of succe...

Determinants of Social Media Usage in Business by Women: Age and Development of the Country


This paper aims to identify the most important social media purposes of usage by responding women’s attitudes according to age and the economic stage of development of their respective country. Research was done through an online survey in 2017–2018 followed by an analyses of the results from eight countries: four countries that represent an emerging economy and four developed economies. Participants responded to questions concerning social technologies and their purposes of usage as well as resulting job opportunities. The conducted analysis of regarding Facebook as a platform resulted in the highest number of responses in the survey. In this paper, detailed results are presented including a comparative analysis between two groups of economies. Findings reveal that in both groups, the usage of Facebook in business is related mostly to a positive experience. The result showed that among women in emerging economies, social media were used more broadly, and from an age perspective, th...

What Triggers Entrepreneurial Intention among Young Generation? The Impact of Social Media

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020

The social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tweeter have robustly used in this new era of technology. Despite of the negative impacts imposed by social media related problems like ill health, hackers, and internet addiction, the usage of social media undeniably has implicated positivities in many ways. For instance, the usage of social media in digital business has proved to be effective in attracting the customers to buy the products or services offered. Thus, the usage of social media among young generation is seen as the best way to expose the young people to involve in business. This conceptual paper delibrates some benefits of using social media in digital business as the new way to develop start-up entrepreneur. By reviewing some literature, this paper attempts to explore the significance effect of using social media in triggering entrepreneurial intention among youngsters. The findings indicate that the early involvement in business using social media triggers entrepreneurial intention by intensifying their entrepreneurial knowledge. Ultimately, through the findings of this research, the authors aim to deliver the best way to cultivate entrepreneurial intention among young generation.

The Relation of Social Media Understanding to Way of Starting Business

One solution for unemployment is directing youth especially college student to be entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship development in college student is rising as well as social media trend which ranging widely used for business. This study reviews the social media usage by college students, captures college students tendency in starting business by pioneering new business or franchise, and investigates the relation of social media understanding to way of starting business among college students. Convenience sampling resulted 420 respondents who registered as college student in Bandung city area. The study indicated two group of students, one whose perception of social media attributes was very high (Group One) and another one whose perception of social media attributes was high (Group Two). Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram were the three most affected social media for starting business. Students was interested to pioneer new business as a way to start business rather than franchise. By using MANOVA, this study found that social media understanding, social media type, and student’s college were related to way of starting business, but gender was not. Social media understanding affected pioneering new business only. However, social media type and student’s college affected both pioneering new business and franchise. Immediacy and participation were social media attributes that influenced pioneering new business, while authenticity and accountability were attributes that influenced franchise.

A socio-anthropological understanding of the reasons for female entrepreneurs’ attraction to social media in developing countries


Patriarchal, religious, and cultural values have consistently limited women's participation in the public sphere. Nowhere is this more evident than in entrepreneurial activities conducted in the public space. Therefore, the social media revolution is conceptualised as a mode of overcoming the restrictions and limitations on women's participation in the public sphere. More importantly, social media platforms are utilised as media for women's entrepreneurial activities. A cursory look at these platforms reveals that women, who would otherwise have no avenue for carrying out entrepreneurial activities by their limitation to the private sphere, utilise these platforms to actualise their entrepreneurial aspirations. As such, social media platforms present a means of ensuring women's inclusivity and empowerment in the economic sector, contrary to patriarchal, religious, and cultural challenges to women's public participation. However, utilising these platforms also presents its challenges. This paper, therefore, attempts a critical evaluation of the role of social media platforms in women's entrepreneurial activities.

The influence of the use of Business networks and Social media on the interest in entrepreneurship in students of SMK Negeri 1 Amuntai

Diversity: Jurnal Ilmiah Pascasarjana

This study aims to to determine the influence of the use of business networks and social media on the interest in entrepreneurship at SMK Negeri 1 Amuntai. This study measures the effect of utilizing business networks and social media on entrepreneurial interests. One issue that has been addressed is the fact that social media is primarily used for hysteria while still having the ability to grow businesses. There is just a limited benefit of Jejaring business social media for conducting business.This type of research is Quantitative with Partial t test and Simultaneous F test. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Amuntai by taking questionnaire data. The results showed a partial t on the business network utilization variable (X1) to the entrepreneurial interest variable (Y) with a significant value (2-tailed) p = 0.000, < 0.05. which means that there is an influence of business network utilization on the entrepreneurial interests of students of SMK Negeri 1 Amuntai. Test r...



The present research aims at measuring how social networking is a source of developing entrepreneurial intentions among entrepreneurs. The study was designed with the intent to find the components of social networking which help in entrepreneurship. The universe for the present study consisted of all enterprises registered with Trade of Chamber and Commerce (Multan). A sample of 5 respondents was selected for interview through convenient sampling. Detailed interviews were conducted for data collection and analyzed by using critical analysis procedure.

Assessment of Undergraduate Business Education Students' Usage of Social Networking as a Platform For Entrepreneurship Activities In North-West, Nigeria

Journal of Vocational Education Studies

The study assessed the undergraduate business education students' usage of social networking as a platform for entrepreneurship activities in North-west, Nigeria. Specifically, the study had five objectives, five research questions and five null hypotheses. The study anchored theory of Technology Acceptance Model of Ajzen and Fishbein's, (1980) and Division of Innovation Theory (DOI) of Rogers (1995). The study adopted a survey research design. The population of this study comprises of all the 407 final undergraduate business education 2019/2020 academic session in North-west Nigeria. The entire population was used for the study. The instrument for the data collection was a structured questionnaire. The instrument was validated by four experts, pilot tested and a reliability coefficient of 0.81 was obtained. The data were collected by the researcher assisted by four research assistants using personal contact method. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation was e...