Three-Pass Protocol Concept in Hill Cipher Encryption Technique (original) (raw)
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Three-Pass Protocol Implementation in Hill Cipher Encryption Technique
تشفير هيل هو تقنيه التشفير الشائعة التي تعتمد علي جبر المصفوفات في اختيار مفتاح التشفير، والتي من المتوقع أن تعقد التقنيات المختلفة لمحلل التشفير. ولكن لديها عيبا وهو تبادل المفاتيح بين المستلمين ، المستلم لا يمكنه فك التشفير النص المشفر حتى يرسل المرسل إليه المفتاح المستخدم لتشفير البيانات بحيث يمكنه استعادة نص المشفر إلى نص الواضح. لذلك، سيتم إخضاع الرسالة لكشف النص العادي وفك تشفير النص المشفر. بروتوكول المعابر الثلاثة هو ذلك البروتوكول الذي يسمح للمرسلين وأجهزه الاستقبال بالاتصال بدون تبادل المفاتيح، الهدف الرئيسي في البحث هو تعزيز أمن البيانات المستخدمة في الجمع بين خوارزمية تشفير هيل للتشفير وفك التشفير في حين أن بروتوكول المعابر الثلاثة يستخدم لعملية الإرسال. يتم تطبيق تقنية البروتوكولات المعابر الثلاثة في تشفير هيل وقد تم تحليل النتائج. وقد أوضحت نتيجة التحليل أن التشفير قد تم تحسينه وتحسن الأمان بنسبة 85 ٪ مقارنة مع تشفير هيل التقليدي.
Study of Three Pass Protocol on Data Security
Cryptography is a field that has developed very rapidly with the number of algorithms that keep popping up with this type of symmetric and asymmetric which has advantages and disadvantages of each, one of the problems that arise in cryptography type of symmetric is the key distribution should be given sender to the receiver's tackle the key distribution process used a cryptographic protocol three pass protocol has a way of working in which the sender and receiver do not need to exchange keys.
Mixed Hill Cipher methods with triple pass protocol methods
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2021
Hill Cipher is a reimbursement coding system that converts specific textual content codes into numbers and does no longer exchange the location of fixed symbols. The symbol modifications simplest in step with the English letter table inclusive of (26) characters handiest. An encoded Hill Cipher algorithm was used that multiplication the square matrix of the apparent text with a non-public key and then combined it with the Triple Pass Protocol method used to repeat the encryption three times without relying on a personal key. Also, you could decode the code and go back it to the express textual content. The cause of mixing algorithms is to cozy the message without any key change among the sender and the recipient.
Three-Pass Protocol Scheme using Gronsfeld and Vigenere Ciphers
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2018
Classical cryptographic algorithms are algorithms that can help users to process encryption and decryption efficiently. Because it is easy, this algorithm is often hacked by wild parties. This algorithm has the power that is vulnerable to attacks on keys. The key used can be hijacked, and finally, the ciphertext can be solved. The plaintext can eventually be found because the key has been taken. The combination of two classical algorithms using the Three-pass Protocol scheme is beneficial because the information sent is stronger because this process does not distribute the key to the recipient of the information. Each actor will do encryption and decryption with their keys. The key will not be exchanged, and the key does not need to be known by the sender and recipient. This scheme is very safe to use because there are no key shipments through the global network. The Three-pass Protocol concept creates a power that is far better than the usual classical cryptographic process.
Enhance classic Matrix Cryptography using Three-Pass Protocol
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2020
This reading merge modern and classic cryptographic algorithms then the data security of information become much wakeful authenticity. One of the modern method of cryptography algorithm is Three-Pass Protocol which the sender of message does not distribute the encryption key to the recipient for decryption so each party sender and receiver of the message used their own keys for encryption and decryption so the key doesn’t need to share between them. One of the oldest classical cryptography is Matrix Cipher which use a symmetric key method for message ciphering so in this method the same key used for encryption as well as for decryption process. In this composition the delivery process of sending and receiving messages using the Three-Pass Protocol, while Matrix Cipher algorithm used for encryption and decryption messages process. The outputs from this composition helps the two algorithms to deliver and encrypt plus decrypt the information in safe method.
Three-Pass Protocol Implementation on Caesar Cipher in Classic Cryptography
This study combines classic and modern cryptographic algorithms so that the data security of information more awake authenticity. Caesar cipher is the oldest classical cryptography which uses a symmetric key method is the key used for encryption is the same as the key used for the decryption process. Three-Pass Protocol is one of the modern cryptography where the process of sending a message does not need to distribute the key so that each party both the recipient and sender of the message does not need to know each lock. In this combination of receiving and sending messages using the Caesar Cipher algorithm for encryption and decryption, while for its delivery process using algorithms Three Pass protocol. The results from the combination of the two algorithms are to help the information sent is secure.
Application of Hill Cipher Algorithm in Securing Text Messages
Computer security aims to help users prevent fraud or detect fraud in an information-based system. The information must be secured to be free from threats. Cryptographic techniques can prevent data theft. One cryptographic algorithm is Hill Cipher. This algorithm is one symmetric cryptography algorithm. The Hill Cipher algorithm uses an m x m sized matrix as the key to encryption and decryption. The fundamental matrix theory used in Hill Cipher is multiplication between matrices and inverses the matrix. Hill Cipher has two types of matrices in general, 2 x 2 and 3 x 3. This study discusses the order 2 x 2. The application of Hill Cipher in text-shaped media is highly recommended because it has fast encryption and decryption speeds. This method is very good at securing data that will be transmitted on an open network.