Modeling the Spectra of Dense Hydrogen Plasmas: Beyond Occupation Probability (original) (raw)

2016, arXiv: Solar and Stellar Astrophysics

Accurately measuring the masses of white dwarf stars is crucial in many astrophysical contexts (e.g., asteroseismology and cosmochronology). These masses are most commonly determined by fitting a model atmosphere to an observed spectrum; this is known as the spectroscopic method. However, for cases in which more than one method may be employed, there are well known discrepancies between masses determined by the spectroscopic method and those determined by astrometric, dynamical, and/or gravitational-redshift methods. In an effort to resolve these discrepancies, we are developing a new model of hydrogen in a dense plasma that is a significant departure from previous models. Experiments at Sandia National Laboratories are currently underway to validate these new models, and we have begun modifications to incorporate these models into stellar-atmosphere codes.

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Hydrogen-model atmospheres for white dwarf stars Cover Page

Hydrogen Line Shape Uncertainties in White Dwarf Model Atmospheres

Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2022

For isolated white dwarf (WD) stars, fits to their observed spectra provide the most precise estimates of their effective temperatures and surface gravities. Even so, recent studies have shown that systematic offsets exist between such spectroscopic parameter determinations and those based on broadband photometry. These large discrepancies (10% inTeff, 0.1 M⊙in mass) provide scientific motivation for reconsidering the atomic physics employed in the model atmospheres of these stars. Recent simulation work of ours suggests that the most important remaining uncertainties in simulation-based calculations of line shapes are the treatment of 1) the electric field distribution and 2) the occupation probability (OP) prescription. We review the work that has been done in these areas and outline possible avenues for progress.

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Hydrogen Line Shape Uncertainties in White Dwarf Model Atmospheres Cover Page

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The mass of helium in white dwarf stars and the formation and evolution of hydrogen-deficient post-AGB stars Cover Page

Laboratory Hydrogen-Beta Emission Spectroscopy for Analysis of Astrophysical White Dwarf Spectra

Atoms, 2018

This work communicates a review on Balmer series hydrogen beta line measurements and applications for analysis of white dwarf stars. Laser-induced plasma investigations explore electron density and temperature ranges comparable to white dwarf star signatures such as Sirius B, the companion to the brightest star observable from the earth. Spectral line shape characteristics of the hydrogen beta line include width, peak separation, and central dip-shift, thereby providing three indicators for electron density measurements. The hydrogen alpha line shows two primary line-profile parameters for electron density determination, namely, width and shift. Both Boltzmann plot and line-to-continuum ratios yield temperature. The line-shifts recorded with temporally-and spatially-resolved optical emission spectroscopy of hydrogen plasma in laboratory settings can be larger than gravitational redshifts that occur in absorption spectra from radiating white dwarfs. Published astrophysical spectra display significantly diminished Stark or pressure broadening contributions to red-shifted atomic lines. Gravitational redshifts allow one to assess the ratio of mass and radius of these stars, and, subsequently, the mass from cooling models.

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Laboratory Hydrogen-Beta Emission Spectroscopy for Analysis of Astrophysical White Dwarf Spectra Cover Page

From hydrogen to helium: the spectral evolution of white dwarfs as evidence for convective mixing

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

We present a study of the hypothesis that white dwarfs undergo a spectral change from hydrogen- to helium-dominated atmospheres using a volume-limited photometric sample drawn from the Gaia-DR2 catalogue, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX). We exploit the strength of the Balmer jump in hydrogen-atmosphere DA white dwarfs to separate them from helium-dominated objects in SDSS colour space. Across the effective temperature range from 20 000 to 9000 K, we find that 22 per cent of white dwarfs will undergo a spectral change, with no spectral evolution being ruled out at 5σ. The most likely explanation is that the increase in He-rich objects is caused by the convective mixing of DA stars with thin hydrogen layers, in which helium is dredged up from deeper layers by a surface hydrogen convection zone. The rate of change in the fraction of He-rich objects as a function of temperature, coupled with a recent grid of 3D radiation-hydrodynamic simula...

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From hydrogen to helium: the spectral evolution of white dwarfs as evidence for convective mixing Cover Page

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Seismology of a Massive Pulsating Hydrogen Atmosphere White Dwarf Cover Page

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Modeling the ionizing spectra of H II regions: individual stars versus stellar ensembles Cover Page

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The effect of varying helium and hydrogen layer masses on the pulsation properties of white dwarf models Cover Page

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Molecular Hydrogen in Star‐forming Regions: Implementation of its Microphysics in CLOUDY Cover Page

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Laboratory Measurements of White Dwarf Photospheric Spectral Lines: H Β Cover Page


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The white dwarf luminosity function - I. Statistical errors and alternatives Cover Page

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On the spectral evolution of cool, helium-atmosphere white dwarfs: Detailed spectroscopic and photometric analysis of DZ stars Cover Page

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Improved synthetic spectra of helium-core white dwarf stars Cover Page

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Analysis of a Very Massive DA White Dwarf via the Trigonometric Parallax and Spectroscopic Methods Cover Page

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Analysis of IUE spectra of helium-rich white dwarf stars Cover Page

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The D/H Ratio in the Interstellar Medium toward the White Dwarf PG0038+199 Cover Page

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A Comparative Study of the Mass Distribution of Extreme-Ultraviolet-selected White Dwarfs Cover Page

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A determination of the space density and birth rate of hydrogen-line (DA) white dwarfs in the Galactic plane, based on the UVEX survey Cover Page

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H2 Lyman and Werner band lines and their sensitivity for a variation of the proton-electron mass ratio in the gravitational potential of white dwarfs Cover Page

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A measurement of the equation of state of carbon envelopes of white dwarfs Cover Page

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Which Hydrogen Balmer Lines Are Most Reliable for Determining White Dwarf Atmospheric Parameters? Cover Page

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Identification of neon in FUSE and VLT spectra of extremely hot hydrogen-deficient (pre-) white dwarfs Cover Page

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White Dwarf Luminosity and Mass Functions from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectra Cover Page

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The temperature and ionization structure of the emitting gas in H II galaxies: implications for the accuracy of abundance determinations Cover Page

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The Space Density of Hot White Dwarfs Cover Page