PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOMECHANICAL RESPONSES TO THREE DIFFERENT LANDING SURFACES DURING STEP AEROBICS William A. Skelly, Lynn A. Darby, Kristen Phillips. JEPonline. 2003;6(2):70-79. Using a padded landing surface during step aerobics has the potential to both reduce impact forces and increase energy cost. Eleven college-aged females performed 8-min trials [2-min of each step: basic step, alternate lead (AL), knee raise (KR), and step kick (SK)] on three surfaces. Surface conditions were uncovered force platform (FP) and FP covered with each of two different pads of medium-density foam [0.025 m (Thick) & 0.010 m (Thin)]. Data for oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate (HR), ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), maximum vertical ground reaction force (VGRF), rear-foot motion, and time of foot contact (TFC) were collected and a landing surface questionnaire was administered to obtain subjective perceptions of surfaces. Two-way repeated measures ANOVAs (STEP [3] × SURFACE [3]) were calculated...

Physiological and biomechanical responses to three different landing surfaces during step aerobics

Journal of Exercise …, 2003

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Ground Reaction Forces in Performance of Steps in Step Aerobics at Varying Heights of Step Bench

Kinetic parameters of ground reaction force were analysed during step exercises of stepping on and off a step bench in order to determine the predictive biomechanical performance indicators for fundamental steps in step aerobics (basic step, step touch) at varying heights of the step bench. Nine subjects, profes-sional step aerobics instructors, agreed to participate in this study (four males, five females). On the basis of the ground reaction force, the basic statistical parameters of the following components were calculated: Fx (mediolateral), Fy (anteroposterior) and Fz (vertical). The data were subsequently processed using non-parametric statistics for the dependent samples. More specifically, the Wilcoxon matched pairs test was used in order to calculate the differences in performances of identical steps at varying bench heights and in performances of various steps at identical bench heights. Statistically significant differences in Fx, Fy and Fz were obtained depending on two ...

An investigation into the relation between step height and ground reaction forces in step exercise: a pilot study

British Journal of Sports Medicine, 1997

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect that changing step height had on ground reaction force. Using a randomised crossover design, 12 volunteers with no previous experience of step aerobics were recruited to perform at three different step heights: 6, 8, and 10 inches. Subjects performed a basic step at a cadence of 120 beats/min and performed three one minute trials during which ground reaction force was measured. Measurement of peak impact force, time to achieve peak impact, and total time of foot contact was made, and impulse of the force was calculated. Statistically significant differences were found to exist for peak impact force between the 6 and 8 inch and 6 and 10 inch, but not between the 8 and 10 inch conditions. No significant differences were found in any other parameters. The study supports the present advice that participants should use low step heights, and possible mechanisms of injury are discussed.

Effect of Six Weeks Step Aerobic Training on selected Kinetic (Ground Reaction Force) and Kinematic (Temporal) Variables of Female with a Step Height of 8 inches and Stepping with very High Intensity of 126 beats per minute

A study conducted with the objective to test the effect of six weeks step aerobic training on selected kinetic (Ground Reaction Force) and Kinematic (Temporal) variables of female. The study was delimited to female subjects only (N=16), age ranging from 18 to 22 years, height of step platform set to 8 inches and intensity of training set to 126 beats per minute. The study delimited to selected kinetic (ground reaction force) variables namely as Peak Force Time taken to achieve Peak Force in X-axis on Force plate 1(TPF1X), Time taken to achieve Peak Force i in Y-axis on force plate 1(TPF1Y), Time taken to achieve peak force in Z-axis on force plate 1(TPF1Z). The Data Recording and quantification for pre test and post test were administered by Dynamometric Analysis (force plate recordings) was performed. Collected data were computed with mean, standard deviation and t-test. The variables namely as PF2Y, TPF1X, TPF2X, TPF2Y, TPF2Z, PF2X, TPF1Yand TPF1Z has significantly increased and variables PF1Y, PF2Z,, PF1X, PF1Z decreased significantly.. Six weeks of step aerobic training were found to be sufficient length of training (training cycle) for biomechanical adaptation. All the selected kinetic (ground reaction force) and kinematic(Temporal) variables supported each other as per the existing literature or research and were found suitable for step aerobic training evaluation.

The Influence of Additional Surface on Force Platform’s Ground Reaction Force Data During Walking and Running

American Journal of Sports Science, 2018

This study compares the vertical ground reaction force exerted from walking and running movement on two different surfaces of a force platform. Five skilled male futsal players were recruited to perform the walking and running tasks over the force platform. In the first setting, the players moved directly in contact with the force platform's bare surface while in the second setting, the players performed the same tasks on the force platform covered with a typical futsal pitch surface material. The force from the peak heel and peak forefoot strikes were recorded and used for further analysis. A paired t-test was conducted for comparison and the results indicated that there are no significant differences between the two force platform conditions in terms of the magnitude of peak heel strike and peak forefoot strike forces during walking and running. Results also showed that there is a significant difference (p<0.05) on the ratio of the heel and forefoot strike peak force during walking task (1.05 in force platform bare surface, 0.99 in force platform + futsal court surface). While the data obtained in this study suggests that an additional surface on the force plate has no significant effect on the magnitudes of vertical ground reaction force data, there were indeed some changes that occurred on the heel/forefoot strike force ratio in walking task. The result might suggest that an additional surface (futsal court material) on the force platform has some impacts on the movement pattern of the foot during walking task due to the different conditions of the shoe's outsole-flooring surface interaction.

Effect of Six Weeks Step Aerobic Training on selected Kinetic (Ground Reaction Force) and Kinematic (Temporal) Variables of Female with a Step Height of 6 inches and Intensity of 126 beats per minute

A study conducted with the objective to test the effect of six weeks step aerobic training on selected kinetic (Ground Reaction Force) and Kinematic (Temporal) variables of female. The study was delimited to female subjects only (N=16), age ranging from 18 to 22 years, height of step platform set to 6 inches and intensity of training set to 126 beats per minute. The study delimited to selected kinetic (ground reaction force) variables namely as Peak Force Time taken to achieve Peak Force i in Y-axis on force plate 1(TPF1Y), Time taken to achieve peak force in Z-axis on force plate 1(TPF1Z). The Data Recording and quantification for pre test and post test were administered by Dynamometric Analysis (force plate recordings) was performed. Collected data were computed with mean, standard deviation and t-test. The variables namely as PF1Y, TPF1X, TPF2X, TPF2Y, TPF2Z and PF1X has significantly increased and variables PF2Y, PF2Z,, PF1Z, PF2X, TPF1Y, TPF1Z decreased significantly. Six weeks of step aerobic training were found to be sufficient length of training (training cycle) for biomechanical adaptation. All the selected kinetic (ground reaction force) and kinematic(Temporal) variables supported each other as per the existing literature or research and were found suitable for step aerobic training evaluation.

The Influence of Lower Extremity Lean Mass on Landing Biomechanics During Prolonged Exercise

Journal of Athletic Training

Context: The extent to which lower extremity lean mass (LELM) relative to total body mass influences one's ability to maintain safe landing biomechanics during prolonged exercise when injury incidence increases is unknown. Objectives: To examine the influence of LELM on (1) pre-exercise lower extremity biomechanics and (2) changes in biomechanics during an intermittent exercise protocol (IEP) and (3) determine whether these relationships differ by sex. We hypothesized that less LELM would predict higher-risk baseline biomechanics and greater changes toward higher-risk biomechanics during the IEP. Design: Cohort study. Setting: Controlled laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: A total of 59 athletes (30 men: age = 20.3 ± 2.0 years, height = 1.79 ± 0.05 m, mass = 75.2 ± 7.2 kg; 29 women: age = 20.6 ± 2.3 years, height = 1.67 ± 0.08 m, mass = 61.8 ± 9.0 kg) participated. Intervention(s): Before completing an individualized 90-minute IEP designed to mimic a soccer match, ...

Peak Ground and Joint Forces in Step-Exercise Depending on Step-Pattern and Stepping-Rate

The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 2009

The assessment of biomechanical loading is quite important for exercise prescription and injury prevention in the scope of Exercise Biomechanics. The study of ground reaction forces, joint forces and joint moments of force at ankle, knee and hip, allows the understanding of the magnitude of external and internal loading experienced by the lower extremity joints and the pattern of force-absorbing adjustments while performing a dynamic activity. The main purposes of this study were to compare the peak values of those forces, during the ascending and the descending phases of four Step-Exercise patterns (basic-step, knee-lift, run-step and knee-hop), performed at varying stepping-rate conditions (125, 130, 135 and 140 beats per minute), in a group of 18 skilled females. The results showed that vertical ground reaction forces and joint forces at ankle varied from: 1.6-1.7 BW (body weight) in basic-step, 1.3-1.6 BW in knee-lift, 1.7-2.1 BW in runstep and, 1.0-1.8 BW in knee-hop; vertical joint forces at knee and hip varied from: 1.5-1.7 BW in basic-step, 1.2-1.5 BW in knee-lift, 1.5-2.0 BW in run-step and, 0.8-1.8 BW in knee-hop. Significant greater values were found in run-step for all parameters. No significant differences were found among conditions of stepping-rate. The anterior-posterior forces varied from 0.2-0.6 BW considering the four movements. Significant greater values were found in the two propulsive movements. Also, these forces increased with faster stepping-rates. The joint moments of force varied from 0.1-1.0 Nm/BW considering the four movements. Significant greater values were found: at ankle, in basic-step and run-step; at knee, in run-step and knee-hop (ascending-phase); and at hip, in run-step. No significant differences were found among conditions of stepping-rate, at ankle and at knee (decending-phase). Joint moments increased with faster stepping-rates at knee (ascending-phase) and at hip. The results suggest that experienced steppers are capable of stepping at different cadences, with generally similar patterns of kinematics and kinetics. We concluded that lower extremity internal loading can be effectively controlled by varying stepping-rate during Step classes.