Social Marketing as a Means for Socializing Individual Income Tax for MSMEs in Malang City (original) (raw)
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Socialization in the form of games or educational games will be more interesting and fun. In addition, the use of applications on smartphones can indeed be a practical alternative to increase the ability to adapt to the surrounding environment and current developments. The purpose of this research is to build a tax introduction application "Aku Tau Pajak Sekarang" as a media of socialization. The application development method used is the Waterfall method. The steps of this research are communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. In application testing, it is carried out by material testing, gain test, media test, and software feasibility test (functional suitability, compatibility, and usability). This research resulted in the application “Aku Tau Pajak Sekarang” which contains educational games that can be used as a media for socializing tax introduction. From the results of tests carried out, the application can be categorized as "very good&quo...
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of e-Government service quality through e-Filing application of Tax Office Pratama Bandung Cibeunying towards user application satisfaction.. The sample used is 100 respondents. All of them must have already used and reported SPT through e-Filing application as the requirements. They also must have already had their taxpayer registered in KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive, using simple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the quality of e-Government service through e-Filing application KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying positively affect the user application satisfaction of 70.5%, while the remaining 29.5% influenced by other factors were not examined in this research.
This research aims to evaluate the success of the Online Tax Vehicle Administration System (SAKPOLE) with the model approach DeLone and McLean. The analysis method used to test the relationship between variables is the analysis path and analysis tool Amos 22.0. In this study the population was taxpayers of vehicles throughout the province of Central Java. While sampling using purposive sampling methods as well as in collecting data with the error Slovin formula 5% data is obtained and can be processed as much as 360 samples. Based on the results of the analysis obtained the conclusion that only the quality of information and services effect positive and significant against the use of the SAKPOLE system. The quality of information and services of SAKPOLE have a positive and significant impact on the taxpayer satisfaction while the quality of the system is not. In addition, the use of SAKPOLE has positive and significant effect on taxpayer satisfaction. And there is a reciprocal relat...
This study aims to determine the effect of the modernization of the tax administration system and service quality on the satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers in the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency partially or simultaneously. The approach in this research is quantitative. The research method is ex post facto. This research design is in the form of causality. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression. The results showed that (1) the modernization of the tax administration system had a positive and significant effect on the quality of service at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency. (2) The modernization of the tax administration system has a positive and significant effect on motor vehicle taxpayer satisfaction at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency. (3) Service quality has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers at the Sams Office at Bone Bolango Regency. (4) Modernization of the tax administration system that is mediated by service quality has a positive and significant effect on motor vehicle taxpayer satisfaction at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency. So that service quality is a good intervening variable to accelerate the influence of the modernization of the tax administration system in increasing the satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency.
This study aims to determine the effect of the modernization of the tax administration system and service quality on the satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers in the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency partially or simultaneously. The approach in this research is quantitative. The research method is ex post facto. This research design is in the form of causality. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression. The results showed that (1) the modernization of the tax administration system had a positive and significant effect on the quality of service at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency. (2) The modernization of the tax administration system has a positive and significant effect on motor vehicle taxpayer satisfaction at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency. (3) Service quality has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers at the Sams Office at Bone Bolango Regency. (4) Modernization of the tax administration system that is mediated by service quality has a positive and significant effect on motor vehicle taxpayer satisfaction at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency. So that service quality is a good intervening variable to accelerate the influence of the modernization of the tax administration system in increasing the satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency.
Design of e-Samsat Services at The West Java Regional Revenue Agency (Case Study of Bandung City)
Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Publik
Motor vehicle tax payment services (PKB) organized by West Java Regional Revenue Agency follow the development of information and communication technology. West Java Regional Revenue Agency is required to adjust the design of services in order to provide convenience to the community, both in terms of time and cost. In carrying out motor vehicle tax payment services, in this case it is more interesting to study because the City of Bandung contributes high tax revenue for motor vehicles in West Java Province. West Java Regional Revenue Agency is supported by the Center of Operational Services of Regional Revenue (PLOPD), The Bandung I Pajajaran Office of Regional Revenue, The Bandung II Kawaluyaan Office of Regional Revenue and The Bandung III Soekarno Hatta Office of Regional Revenue in providing e-Samsat public services in Bandung. The purpose of this study is to describe the design of e-Samsat services in the city of Bandung. Qualitative research methods were used in this research ...
This research aims was to determine the Perception of Corporate Taxpayers to Electronic Filing System application in the Tax Office Associate Palembang covers Perception Understand the Tax Rules, Perception Timeliness, Perception Accuracy of the Data, Perception Completeness. This research uses approach of a survey in the Tax Office Associate Palembang. Respondents are corporate taxpayers who use e-Filing and don’t use e-Filing totaling 50 companies obtained using sampling methods incidental with analysis techniques nonprobability sampling according Roscoe in Sugiono (2014:130). Data retrieval technique uses a questionnaire. It starts doing a test instrument. All items statements are used valid and reliable. Data analysis technique use (1) a classic assumption test (2) a test of the hypothesis which consists of a multiple linear regression test that includes determination analysis, t test and f test. The results of this research indicate (1) there is a negative relationship of Perce...
Evaluation of Tax Service Application User Satisfaction for Sustainable Service Digitization
E-TPT is an android-based application that is used in carrying out public services, especially in the field of taxation. The main service of this application is the online queue menu, but in its implementation the use of this application is still experiencing some problems so that follow-up is needed in overcoming the problem. The purpose of this study was to determine and explain the effect of perceived ease and usefulness on user satisfaction and behavioral interest in using the E-TPT Application. Therefore, research is carried out using quantitative methods and involves a number of theories to evaluate the use of applications, the theoretical models used include Theory Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory Reaction Action (TRA), accompanied by model development which includesPerceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use,Behavioral Intention to Use, and User Satisfaction. Perceived usefulness has a significant effect on user satisfaction, perceived usefulness has a significant but not sign...
Jurnal Pengukuran Adopsi Teknologi pada Aplikasi Pemerintah menggunakan UTAUT
Asosiasi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, 2017
The city government of Bandung has made serious efforts in solving the urban problems creatively through the utilization of ICT, known as Smart City. One of the smart government programs being implemented is the online public aspirations and complaints service through an application system called LAPOR. So far, the application is considered effective enough to engage public participation, eventhough there are also many contradictory and negative comments shared by the users. Therefore, it is important to find out the actual description of public acceptances for the LAPOR system. The affecting factors of interest and behavior in using the system were identified by the model of UTAUT 2 developed by Venkatesh et al. In 2012. The data in this study was collected using questionnaires distributed to 405 respondents of those who live in Bandung city, either the users of LAPOR application or those who have not used it yet. The results showed that the most influential factor of interest in using the LAPOR system is Price Value. This indicates that public wants the proportional benefits of the costs incurred for using the system.Other influential factors are Hedonic Motivation, Social Influence, Habit, and Facilitating Condition. Hence, these findings will enable practitioners to gain information in improving the successful implementation of technology-based governance programs.
One of the biggest sources of state revenue derived from the tax sector. Tax revenue is used to finance government expenditures, construction, as well as to improve the welfare of the community through increased public facilities. In order to improve the quality of the tax service to taxpayers, Direktort General tax reform in the field of tax administration, namely in the framework of the implementation of the type of service delivery and the delivery of the Notice to the Annual Tax Extension and conducted electronically through the online system or so-called e-filing. With the implementation of this system, the delivery of the Notice is expected to be more effective and efficient. The purpose of this study is to measure how the effectiveness of the delivery system of annual income tax returns via e-filing in the Office of the Directorate General of Taxation, Central Java II. This study used qualitative methods. Data was collected through interviews, documentation, and literature st...