Journeys : postcolonial trajectories and representations (original) (raw)

A trip can transform your life: life and career experiences in contemporaneity

Administração: Ensino e Pesquisa

Based on real data, the following case describes Marília’s career and life paths. Marília is a young executive who lives a moment of reevaluation in both professional and life aspects. A lack of life meaning led her to do volunteer tourism, seeking significant experiences and self-development in both career and life. The case aims to understand contemporary careers conceptions in its relations with the current marketplace, and how they are related to Marília’s career decisions. Career is defined as a series of experiences that allows personal development and enhance individual employability. The case allows to (a) comprehend, throughout the volunteer tourism experience, how different experiences can foster and build contemporary careers thru theoretical frameworks like protean career, borderless career, kaleidoscope career, and sustainable career.(b) situate the raise of contemporary careers conceptions; (c) highlight the main features of these conceptions; (d) compare the tradition...

Imaginarios sociales y memorias : itinerarios de América Latina


El libro que presentamos busca destacar algunas de estas problemáticas superando la concepción unívoca de la historia como modernidad/colonialidad homogeneizante, plantear su conocimiento bajo un nuevo paradigma científico civilizatorio transcultural que nos permita conocer la problemática en la unidad de sus heterogeneidades. Afirmar una nueva agenda de investigación de los imaginarios y memorias en diálogo inter e intracivilizatorio global. He ahí la importancia teórica y práctica de la presente publicación, porque resalta algunas de sus problemáticas centrales y saca a la luz su significado político, mientras afirma la democracia en nuestras sociedades. Son esfuerzos creativos que siembran un nuevo horizonte histórico de sentido civilizatorio de vida uniendo lo que la modernidad/colonialidad separó: lo verdadero, lo bueno y lo bello

7th International Symposium on Imagery Representations of migration and of the world of the traveller

7th International Symposium on Imagery Representations of migration and of the world of the traveller Lisbon University - Faculty of Arts and Humanities 23 and 24 February 2017 Anfiteatro III LINES OF REFLECTION: – Representations and symbolism of the journey in a religious and social and ideological environment – Migrations, journeys and exploitations: meaning of environmental change – Cultural Migrations: symbioses and metamorphoses – Reflections on the traveller’s world in sociological and human identity

Description of a journey


Diário Acadêmico de um percurso doutoral. As viagens, as descobertas e as agruras de uma jornada. A narrativa da parte oculta de uma Tese; daquilo que mais importa, mas não é compartilhado.Academic Journal of a doctoral course. The journeys, the discoveries and the hardships of a journey. The narrative of the hidden part of a Thesis; of what matters most, but is not shared

Práticas de viagem contraculturais e transformações: Espaço e gênero numa perspectiva histórico-antropológica

Conference Proceedings 18th IUAES World Congress, 2018

In the 1960s and 1970s, in different countries, it was possible to see young people with backpacks hitchhiking. Internationally, in contrast to the conventional forms of travel, the countercultural travel style was developed, characterized by particularities expressed in itineraries, speeches, rituals, methods and forms of seeing, directly related to the imagery of the counterculture and to the practices of self-marginalization as forms of resistance to the system. The road and certain places were understood and lived as spaces of freedom, in which certain localities would become “countercultural paradises”. Simultaneously, in the context of the quest for female independence, in the midst of the rise of the second wave of feminism, countercultural travel for women has a double libertarian character, given that the road environment was mostly masculine. Through a historical-anthropological perspective, in dialog with authors like Victor Turner and James Clifford, we analyze the countercultural practices of travel in Brazil, especially with regard to relations with spaces and gender issues. Nowadays, it is possible to observe ambiguities inherent in countercultural travel, in their internal gender conflicts and their relation to mass tourism.