Sociology of sports and sociology of management in the context of humanistic social changes (original) (raw)
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For an outset of the field of Sports Sociology: scenarios and perspectives
The present article aims at presenting and structuring a brief historical-sociological panorama about the constitution of the sports sociology field in the international scene, making afterwards some inferences and transpositions to think about the Brazilian and, maybe, Latin-American, scenario. This undertaking starts from a bibliographic exploratory approach, so as to restore some historical elements of the development of sports sociology and, moreover, to write a general panorama which may contemplate some of the main theoretical frameworks and the respective authors who followed closely the study of the social phenomenon called modern sports and, consequently, contributed for the institutionalization of this space for academic discussion.
Introduction The founding of sociology as a general social science through the emergence of basic sociological approaches is related to the XIX century and thought of the classical sociologists. In the first decades of the twentieth century, it became clear that the subject of sociology is very broad and complex, so that the process of differentiation of sociology and formation of special sociological disciplines can be perceived, such as: sociology of law, sociology of morality, sociology of family, sociology of politics, sociology of religion, sociology of culture, urban sociology, sociology of work, sociology of leisure time, sociology of medicine, sociology of inter ethnic relationships, sociology of education, and later sociology of sport, sociology of the body, sociology of bioethics, etc. As Koković points out (Koković, 2007), sociology of sports deals with the issues of context and social conditionality of sport. The development of sociology of sport as a theoretical and empirical discipline is not only a simple consequence of the development of contemporary sociology and its spreading to newer and more recent phenomena, but this sociological discipline points to a close interdependence between the development of sports and the development of certain areas of social life, certain phenomena in culture and civilization (Koković, 2007: 567). The first publications about the social problems of sports are related to the beginning of the 20th century and they have had wide echo in public, academic and sports world (Handbook of Sports Studies, 2000). One of the first attempts to consider the essence of sport from a sociological point of view is the work of Günter Riese, under the title "Sociology of Sport" (1921). In this paper the author considers sport as a reaction to the entire system that turns man into a machine. Let's also mention that the book "Sport and Culture" (1910) by Heinrich Steinitzer in which the author discusses the relation between sport and culture and summarizes the criticism of professional sport of that time, is considered as the first publication on the subject of social problems of sport. This publication have had wide echo in the public and sports world at the beginning of the 20th century (Koković, 2007: 567-568). Contemporary research in sociology of sports considers sport as a form of culture, sport in everyday life, commercialization of sports, sport as a spectacle. The field of sociology of sport as a special sociological discipline includes the following issues: sport as a factor and product of society and social development, the role of sport in the whole social life, the social position of participants in sport, the attitude of the wider community towards sports, social relations within sports, etc. (Koković, 2007). An important field of the practical study of sports sociologists today concerns the social microstructure of sports, in fact, the formal and informal structure of sports collectives such as clubs, sports groups-very important in team sports, amateur groups, dominant groups, influence groups-pressure groups. It can be noticed that the proper and efficient functioning of sport as an institution and the realization of the goals set by this institution depends very much on the study of these microstructures. An unavoidable example of this study is the influence of formal or informal structure on the flow and effects of sport training, as well as on the achievement of results (Koković, 2007). As a specific sociological discipline, sociology of sport has its own "sociotechnical" function, so in that sense research topics are life preoccupations, behavior patterns, value system and personalities of dominantly athletes (participants of sports events) as well as intermediaries of sports events (coaches,
Sports sociology an important aspect
Sport is a major component in daily life today. Sport plays a huge role in our everyday life. Whether it’s mentally, physically or spiritually, sport has a big impact on anyone’s life, especially, to the average sport fan. Sport has became more commercialized and globalize over the past years for an example the world cup has lots of sport company sponsors and supporters. By watching the world cup and the olympics this creates excitement to the the human eye. In this essay there will be the components of sport in health , organizations , why people do this during their free time and how people play sport as a job.
RUDN Journal of Sociology, 2020
In recent years, the importance of sports in Russia has increased dramatically, which is determined primarily by the country's hosting international sport events, in particular, the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup 2018. The influence of sports on social processes has increased, sports began to strengthen its position in public opinion as a prestigious sphere of employment and an important social category [24. P. 60]. Thus, there is an obvious need to identify the relationship of physical culture with society as a whole and with all elements of the social structure and specific social institutions. The article examines the origins and prerequisites for the formation of sociology of sport as a relatively independent scientific discipline; presents the issues of sports sociology in the historical perspective-in the context of both their social genesis and contemporary sociological theories; considers the social role and social functions of sport education and sports. The authors believe that the differentiated social distribution of sports practices is determined by the interconnections of the space of possible practices (supply) and the space of demand for certain practices. In the article, the well-known foreign scientists are presented in the new perspective as sociologists who provided for both Russian and foreign authors the incentive and direction for theoretical studies of sports issues. The article also presents to Russian readers the original studies on sociology of sports conducted by famous scientists-Norbert Elias, Eric Dunning, Anna Ingram, Georges Hébert, etc.
Physical Education and Sport Through the Centuries, 2018
Summary In this paper we evaluated the basic viewpoints on the mutual relations between contemporary sport and society. Sport is a global social phenomenon which is determined by a variety of different processes, including: the fast development of the industrial society and capital, an increase in leisure time, the development of a liberal democracy and the media. A special feature in these relations is the overall globalization process in today’s world. The basic structure of this paper is made up of two functional parts. In the first part we indicate the dominant theoretical-methodological paradigms in studying sport in social sciences, especially sociology: functionalism, conflict theory in society, interpretive and postmodern theory. In the second part of the paper we analyze the dialectics of contemporary relations between sport and society, where special attention is dedicated to the distribution of social power between sport, capital and the media at the local and global leve...
Topics and trends: 30 years of sociology of sport
European Journal for Sport and Society, 2018
What is and was the sociology of sports all about? Through the method of topic modelling, I will investigate the content of all articles (full text, N ¼ 1923) from what has historically been the three leading sociology of sport journals-Sociology of Sport Journal, International Review for the Sociology of Sport and Journal of Sport and Social Issuesfrom 1984 to 2014. The study extracts 20 dominant topics: from the vague but central topic of Culture via Organization & Politics, Gender, Race, and Body to the less central, but more specific, topic of Football, Nationalism and Globalization. Additionally, I look at how the three journals have their strongholds in these topics, and how the topics have fluctuated over time. The results are discussed against the background of previous reviews and studies in the sociology of sports.
Change of Society Values and the Effects on “Sports for All”
Journal of Advances in Sports and Physical Education
Changes in politics, the economy and the social sphere directly or indirectly affect the social value system. The change of society values is mainly attributed to changes in value structures at work. The Protestant work ethic, which places the meaning of life at work, sees moral value as an end in itself, and puts the fulfilment of duty above the enjoyment of existence, gradually loses its relevance. To the same extent that work loses its function and value, sport experiences a fundamental revaluation. Sport becomes an integral part of every person's role. With the sportization of living conditions, sport becomes a social model. The ultimate goal of this research is to examine the causes of changes in society values and their effects on sports / mass sports. The method adopted for the study was a literature review. On the occasion of the present study, it is found that the changing value of sports in society has created new "directorial forms" in sports. So, for example, in leisure time modern sports also serve as a presentation of the independent lifestyle. This impulse finds its expression through an additional gain of aesthetic dimension, which is externally observed in athletic shoes, sports sweaters, sports bags, sports accessories, etc. The expression of individualized values in sports is closely related to the reduction of access routes for sports. This is not only due to the growing number of opportunistic and active athletes, but also to the development of new sport types. New sports such as Windsurfing, paragliding, free climbing or Bungee jumping are in line with the new orientations of values and try to match individualized hedonistic desires in sports. Sport types are multiplying, and leading the sports system, as already described, to an unprecedented complexity. The overall sports system basically becomes more open. This creates completely new access to sports. Sports forms are multiplying and leading the sports system, as already described, to an unprecedented complexity. The overall sports system basically becomes more open. This creates completely new access to sports. The initial selectivity of sports is increasingly losing its importance, so new groups of people such as the elderly, overweight, women or the disabled have more access to leisure sports and widespread sports. Due to the qualitative changes in sports socialization, strong new sport roles have become possible. With the isolation and selection of certain incentives, sport is now more easily accessible. The motivation that previously prevailed in leisure sports and in widespread sports is losing its charm, so some writers talk about the unathleticism of sports or the non-athletic sports. Instead, in sports / mass sports, one seeks pleasure, spontaneity and social contacts.
Purpose: It consists in studying the social portrait of a modern manager in order to form a methodology for preparing future specialists for managerial activities in the field of physical culture and sports. It is necessary to identify the modern demands of society to managers in the field of physical culture and sports, for the subsequent formation of appropriate qualities in future specialists. Methods: In the course of the research, the following methods were used: pedagogical observation, the method of sociological research (questionnaire), methods of mathematical statistics. The survey was conducted in an online format, after which the data of the survey was analyzed. Results: The profession of a manager in the field of physical culture and sports is considered as a unity of social, legal, managerial, technical and organizational and certainly economic aspects. These approaches are a guideline for the prospects for the development of professional training of students, taking in...
“Sport Without Management”: A Response [AUQ1]
Journal of Sport Management, 2014
The article in this issue of the Journal of Sport Management titled "Sport Without Management" (SWM) is an ambitious project because it wants to "unsettle the takenfor-granted epistemological and ontological foundations upon which most curricular and research-based activities in contemporary sport management are grounded." The article is, first and foremost, a critique of the ways in which sport management is taught and researched in universities and colleges, especially in the United States. As SWM notes early on, it seeks to problematize the underlying assumptions that guide sport management's commitment to capital, science, and managerialism, and in doing so, re-envisage new pathways forward for sport that are productive not just in economic terms, but in ways that might also bring about "cultural and social transformation." "Sport Without Management" therefore aims to challenge the prevailing orthodoxy that makes the market-sport paradigm front and center. The article wants to show how and why sport came to be so management focused and business centric, and in doing so, how it delivered more problems than benefits, and massively inhibited its "potentialities." According to SWM, these inhibited potentialities are everywhere, and embedded in the fact that sport is principally a commercial activity bundled up as an industry that privileges performance and branding and profits. "Sport Without Management" argues that sport's "marketization" has imposed an ideological straitjacket on its capacity to engage with communities, which has further divided it from its civic and community antecedents. Hence, it comes as no surprise that teams are now referred to as brands, athletes are viewed as commodities, and participants become consumers. And, what is more, this is all highly problematic, especially because the whole marketization process has been driven by a virulent form of neoliberalism. The article's audacious aspirations thread their way through its six theses, with each thesis highlighting a problem with not only the practice of sport, but also sport ARTICLE