Modern concepts of Neolithic cultures in northeastern Europe (original) (raw)

The Neolithic cultures in the North-Eastern Europe and modern concepts

Evolution of Neolithic cultures of Eastern Europe, 2019

Сборник содержит материалы международной конференции, приуроченной к 120-летию М.Е. Фосс, 110-летию Н.Н. Гуриной и 80-летию А.Т. Синюка. Представленные работы затрагивают вопросы изучения позднекаменного века и эпохи раннего металла. Анализируются критерии выделения археологических культур неолита, сходства и различия волго-окской, верхневолжской, дубово-отарской, среднедонской, средневолжской и других культур. Рассматриваются возможности определения культурных областей, горизонтов и типов. Выделяются принципы обоснования перехода от неолита к бронзовому веку на территории лесной и лесостепной зон Восточной Европы. Определяется роль керамики в реконструкции культурных процессов в неолите-энеолите. Издание предназначено для археологов и представителей смежных дисциплин.

Kamskaya Neolithic Culture in Northeastern Europe

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. History Sciences, 2020

На северо-востоке Европы (далее СВЕ) выявлены как периферии известных культур неолита, так и образования, место кото-рых среди них еще до конца не определено из-за разных источниковедческих факторов 1. В некоторых случаях характеристика материалов северных провинций более конкретна в силу однократности и кратковременности обитания их носителей на одном месте. Кроме того, в последнее время УДК 902 : 902.

Neolithic cultures in Bulgaria

Neolithic cultures in Bulgaria. (original title: Neolitnite kulturi v Balgaria. - In: H. Todorova and I. Vajsov. Novokamennata epoha v Balgaria (kraja na sedmoto-sestoto heljadoletie predi novata era). Sofia 1993, 94–147), 1994

In this chapter, the book is presented on the development of Neolithic cultures in Bulgaria. This is the period between 6400 and 4800 years cal BC. In chapter four the Neolithic cultures from Bulgaria are presented. Their areas cover certain geographical niches. In western Bulgaria the Early Neolithic is presented by the West Bulgarian Painted Ceramics culture, and the Late Neolithic by the Kourilo culture which is the western variant of the Vinča culture. In Thrace, the Early Neolithic Karanovo culture is replaced by the Late Neolithic Kalojanovets culture. In the Rhodopes mountains, the local variant Rakitovo of the Karanovo I culture (Rakitovo) is a representative of the Early Neolithic. In Central-Northern and North-Eastern Bulgaria, the Early Neolithic culture Ovcharovo (EBN-B) turns into the Late Neolithic Hotnitsa culture. In the Kamchija area the Early Neolithic culture Tsonevo develops into the Late Neolithic culture Oussoe. In Dobrougea and along the Black sea coast there is no Early Neolithic predecessor of the Hamangia culture.

A.F. Gorelik, A.V. Tsybrij, V.V. Tsybrij. L.Y. Krizhevskaya and Pre-Pottery Neolithic in the South of Eastern Europe (contemporary state of research)

Traditions and Innovations in the study of earliest Pottery. Materials of the International Conference

L.Y. KRIZHEVSKAYA AND PRE-POTTERY NEOLITHIC IN THE SOUTH OF EASTERN EUROPE (CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH) A.F. Gorelik1, A.V. Tsybryi2, V.V Tsybryi2 1 Archaeological institute of Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany 2 Donskoe archaeological society, Rostov-on-Don, Russia In the southern steppe areas of Eastern Europe certain clay artefacts were found on several sites, including Matveev Kurgan and Razdorskaya 2. Plastic images, geometric plastic figures and wattle and daub fragments were found on the latter site. However no pottery was found there, which is notable given that the Rakushechny Yar site only 6 km away has an elaborate ceramic complex. It could be assumed that inhabitants who belonged to Pre-Pottery Neolithic traditions in the south of Eastern Europe formed their culture under the influence of remote regions, probably the Zagros area. Hunting, gathering, and particularly fishing occupied a central place in their economy. Their culture can also be distinguished by its higher sedentary, social development, as well as its external relations.

Worldview Foundations of Paleoastronomy of European Neolithic and Bronze Age Culture

Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Actual problems of Ukrainian society development

In the article the considered problem of world view principles of culture of the European neolith and bronze age. Described and analyses material artefacts that touch paleoastronomy, id est constrained to those or by another character with astronomic supervisions, or somehow represented the objects of supervision and aim, what it was done for. The analysis of all artefacts specifies on that the basic object of supervision was a Sun and special points him annual motion: vernal and autumn equinox, winter and summer solstice. Taking into account the features of climate in Europe, namely large seasonal vibrations, large difference of winter from a summer and impossibility during a winter to engage in growing of plants, and all of it is related to position of a Sun on sky, in the article a hypothesis is pulled out that the world view of representatives of this culture, that functioned within the framework of religion, carried cosmocentric character there was a Sun in the center of that, ...

Контакты и археология неолита Северо-Восточной Европы (Contacts and the Neolithic archaeology of Northeastern Europe; in Russian)

Записки Института истории материальной культуры РАН, 2019

This paper discusses the role the borders and different research traditions have had in the formation of archaeological views and narratives. It focuses on the Neolithic Stone Age (ca. 5500– 1800 calBC) of Finland and the Karelian Republic (Russia), and uses four case studies to discuss different aspects of Neolithic development, as well as how restrictions and stimuli coming from outside (and inside) the archaeological community affect the image created of prehistory, especially of the contacts and interaction between different regions. The case studies include the following topics: the appearance of pottery (Sperrings 1 and Säräisniemi 1 Wares, the late 6th and early 5th millennia calBC), Typical Comb Ware (the early 4th millennium calBC), the asbestos- and organic-tempered wares (the mid-4th millennium calBC) and Corded Ware (the 3rd millennium calBC) (Fig. 1). As a conclusion, North-Eastern Europe can be presented as an example of how artificial divisions can appear into prehistory due to modern factors affecting the research. The petrified and stereotyped images of the neighboring areas do not t the currently existing archaeological materials (Fig.2; 3) — inter-regional comparisons show variable interaction between the areas, which needs to be studied on case-by-case-basis. В статье рассматривается роль государственных границ и различий научных традиций в формировании археологических концепций и представлений о прошлом, в частности, при изучении неолита (5500–1800 гг. до н. э.) на территории Финляндии и российской Республики Карелия. На примере четырех конкретных исследований различных аспектов развития неолитических культур, а именно: появление керамики типов Сперрингс 1 и Сяряйсниеми 1 (конец VI — начало V тыс. до н. э.), распространение типичной гребенчато- ямочной керамики (начало IV тыс. до н. э.), культуры с асбестовой и пористой керамикой (середина IV тыс. до н. э.) и культуры шнуровой керамики (III тыс. до н. э.) (рис. 1) показано, как ограничения и стимулы, происходящие как извне, так и изнутри археологического сообщества, влияют на создаваемую картину доистории, особенно в отношении контактов и взаимодействий между разными территориями. В результате удалось прийти к заключению, что Северо-Восточная Европа представляет пример того, как влияние на науку современных факторов может привести к возникновению искусственных разграничений в реконструируемом прошлом. Устоявшиеся и полные стереотипов представления о сопредельных территориях не соответствуют имеющимся археологическим материалам (рис. 2; 3). Межрегиональные сопоставления показывают множество видов взаимодействия между разными территориями, которые нуждаются в изучении на основании исследования конкретных материалов.



The Early Neolithic period in the Central European Russia comprises a number of the regional archaeological cultures: Volga-Oka culture, Upper Volga culture, Serteya culture, Karamyshevo culture, Msta culture and Valdai/Mologa culture. All these being ranged in two communities that differed by chronological and cultural matterpostulate a new history-culture conception for the Early Neolithic in this region based on the reconsideration of the known data.