Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance in Schools (original) (raw)

The Optimization of Teacher Performance Through The Quality of Principal Leadership in Public Senior High School

Journal on Education, 2023

The purpose of this study is to describe teacher performance, to describe the leadership of the principal, to describe efforts to optimize teacher performance through the leadership of the principal in one of the public high schools in South Tangerang City. This research uses a type of qualitative research with descriptive methods. Descriptive method is a type of research that describes and answers the problems of a phenomenon or event that is happening at this time. The focus of this research is to explain the optimization of teacher performance through the principal's leadership. In accordance with the nature and characteristics of qualitative research, this study produces qualitative data that reveals phenomena in the environment through the speech and behavior of people or study subjects. This research is not intended to examine variables so that the approach used in this technique uses interviews, observations, and document studies. Data analysis is changing the processed data into something that has meaning for researchers and readers of research reports. Teacher performance, which includes learning, implementation of guidance, and professional development, has shown good quality. Teachers have high awareness to carry out their duties and roles in school. In the learning aspect, each teacher develops and owns learning tools, such as annual programs, semester programs, syllabus, and lesson plans (RPP). In the implementation of learning, of course, it refers to the learning plans that have been made and learning assessments, of course, looks at the process and learning outcomes, as well as students' knowledge and skills. In the aspect of guiding abilities, each teacher guides students.

Leadership And Pattern Of Communication Of School Principal For Increasing Teacher Performance


The aim of this study is to find out the leadership and communication pattern of the school principal in order to motivate the improvement of teachers’ performance. This research used qualitative approach and case study as its design. The subjects of this research are the school principal, and administration personnel, executive implementer, and the schools’ stakeholders. All of data was analyzed qualitatively through three steps, they are: reduction, display, and verification/getting summary. The result of the study found that: (1) The ways of school principal in increasing the teachers’ performance, as follows: through implementing the transformational leadership style and make all of the school planning participatedly and coordinatively, proportional task disposition, making a report on the assessment of the teacher, class supervision, building solidarity, setting an example of example, building transparency, encouraging continuous education, taking a study tours, training and ed...

Principal's Leadership Role in Improving Teacher Competence

Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Teacher Professional Competence refers to the ability or competence needed to complete the responsibilities of a teacher correctly. Every teacher must-have skills that will enable them to carry out their professional duties. Teachers play an essential role in efforts to achieve national education goals. This study aims to reveal the role of school principals in improving teacher competence. The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. The research procedure uses Miles and Huberman. Data collection techniques using interviews. Data analysis was carried out with the help of Atlas.ti software version 8. The results of this study indicate that regular supervision, increasing ethical teacher responsibilities, and developing the moral integrity of teachers are all ways to improve teacher quality. Meanwhile, school principals provide an understanding of how to understand the character of their students and encourage teachers to participate in training related...

A Study of the Principal's Leadership Role on Teacher's Performance in Tonra State Senior High School 1, Bone Regency of the South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia


This study was conducted to determine the effect of the Principal's leadership role on teacher's performance, as well as an analysis of the teacher's performance at the Tonra 1 Tonra District Bone School Bone Regency of the South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. In conducting this research, samples were gathered with the non-probalitas data collection sample. Questionnaires, documentation, and interviews were also other method used. Descriptive and correlation techniques were used to analysis the collected data. The results showed that the principal's leadership role towards the school teachers is democratic in nature. Data analyzed showed that the principal is always known for paying attention to the teacher's welfare and school development. The teacher's performance description is rated satisfactory. This is because of the level of discipline exhibited by the school teachers during working hours, their high level of preparation with learning tools, and the imp...

The Role of Leadership and Motivation of School Headmaster in Improving Teacher Performance

International Journal of Nusantara Islam, 2019

This article discusses about role of leadership and motivation of school headmaster in improving teacher performance. By using literature review in education, this article found that teacher is a professional profession where he is required to make every effort to carry out his activities as best he can. The task of the teacher as an educator, teacher and trainer should be able to impact the students. The teacher as one component in teaching and learning activities, has a position that greatly determines the success of learning. The role of the school headmaster is very important and dominant in improving teacher performance, both in increasing competence and work motivation and in building effective work systems and creating a harmonious, safe and pleasant working atmosphere. The efforts of improving the quality of teachers must be continuously carried out by school headmaster in order to improve the performance of teachers into reliable individuals who will advance the school orga...

The Principal’s Leadership and its Effect on the Teacher’s Teaching Performance

Journal of Educational Management and Leadership, 2020

The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the principal's leadership and the teaching performance of public high school teachers in Manna City district, Bengkulu. This research includes a quantitative approach with a correlational design. Research data was collected using a questionnaire in the form of Google Form and WhatsApp media. The data analysis technique used to test the hypothesis was a simple linear correlation analysis and multiple correlation. Based on the research results, the better the leadership of the principal, the teaching performance of the teacher will also increase.

Implementation of Principal’s Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance

Journal of Social Work and Science Education

This is descriptive qualitative research using interview data collection techniques and field observations. This study aims to look at the principal’s leadership in increasing teacher performance at SD Negeri 10 Koba, Central Bangka Regency. Teacher performance can be reviewed and measured based on the content that must be owned by every educator. It can be displayed through the dominance of pedagogic, professional, personality and social competencies. Considering that the principal’s leadership on teacher performance is very influential, it is suggested that at SD Negeri 10 Koba, Central Bangka Regency, increasing teacher performance can be done through career development for teachers through training or educational seminars.

Principal Leadership Function on Teacher Performance for Secondary Schools

International Journal of Educational Administration, Management, and Leadership

Education is a fundamental factor that determines the quality of the human development index in any country. Leadership plays an essential role in many organizations, including educational organizations. Principals determine how education fosters and how teachers improve and develop students. Several factors could influence how a principal leads and manages subordinates. The principal's leadership function covers many excellent leadership functions within the educational system, including the educational administrator, educational supervisor, and educational leader. This study employed a quantitative research approach. Forty teachers participated as respondents in this research. The results showed that teachers' performance in the teaching and learning process was in the category of "very good", with indicators of preparation of learning implementation plan, implementation of learning, and evaluation/assessment of learning. As predicted by some theories and empiric...

The Effect of the Principal's Leadership Effectiveness on Teacher Performance at SMK Negeri 1 Pantai Cermin

Manazhim, 2024

SMK Negeri 1 Pantai Cermin, the Principal plays an important role in shaping policy, fostering a positive organizational culture, and offering strategic support to teaching staff. It is important to dig deep to understand the significant influence of principal leadership on teacher performance. This article will examine how effective leadership can foster a work environment that motivates and empowers teachers, ultimately improving the quality of education in schools. The main focus of this study is to assess the impact of the principal's leadership effectiveness on teacher performance at SMK Negeri 1 Pantai Cermin. Quantitative research methods will be used to achieve this goal. The process of quantitative research involves the utilization of numerical data to acquire knowledge and analyze information. Data collection methods in this type of research include questionnaires and documentation studies. The findings of this study show that the principal's leadership style has an impact on improving teacher performance. The effectiveness of a teacher's performance is determined by how well the principal displays the success of the school in its management. This is supported by an R square adjust value of 0.232 which shows that the principal's leadership style accounts for 23.2% of the variation in teacher performance. The remaining 76.8% was influenced by other variables that were not studied in this study, such as teacher compensation, teaching materials, teaching methods, curriculum readiness, school facilities and infrastructure.

The Impact of Principal’s Supervision and Leadership on the Performance of Teacher

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

The goals of this study were to understand: (1) the principal's leadership impact on performance of teacher, (2) the principal's supervision impact on performance of teacher, (3) the principal's leadership and supervision influence on performance of teacher. This research used a quantitative descriptive method with multiple correlations. The results of research were gathered by using questionnaire and documentation. The descriptive qualitative data were processed by SPSS version 26.0. We found that the number of t or sig of leadership (X1) was 0.28 that is less than a = 0.05. These results inferred that there was significant influence between leadership (X1) to teacher performance (Y). The result of t or sig. on principal supervision (X2) was 0.006 whose value is smaller than the value a = 0.05. This result inferred that there is a significant influence between principal supervision (X2) with teacher performance (Y). The result of F was 27.134, the value is less than the accuracy value a = 0.1 (PV < a) that means a significant influence between leadership (X1) and principal supervision (X2) to the teacher performance was observed.