Implementation of Inclusive Education in Learning Process at Senior High School Malang City, Indonesia (original) (raw)

Inclusive Education for Student with Special Needs at Indonesian Public Schools

International Journal of Instruction

The objective of the current study is to evaluate inclusive education services in public schools following the issuance of central and local government policies in Indonesia regarding the implementation of inclusive education. This study collected data from 47 teachers' public schools in four cities (Malang, Batu, Solo, Boyolali) in Indonesia through questionnaires and interviews about their perception, identification, curriculum, academic staff, and management in inclusive education. Based on the results and discussions of the current study, it is concluded that the implementation of inclusive education showed a tendency towards a positive direction, especially agreement on the school administration, the provision of student education development records, the use of assessment results for modification of curriculum and learning. However, gradually improvements need to be made to create an inclusive environment, including increasing teachers understanding of the meaning of inclusive, completing student's documentation of developmental records, gathering and evaluating pre-learning according to student characteristics, providing personnel and infrastructure according to the needs of developing the interests and talents of children with needs special needs.

The Implementation Inclusive Education: Implication for Children with Special Needs in Tamansari Elementary School in Yogyakarta

International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation

Many children with special needs do not have access to education. The number of children with special needs who have to attend primary school is still very minimal. Most schools only provide regular education, while students are ordinary children who do not need special needs in their education. This study aims to describe the model of implementing inclusive education in Tamansari Elementary Schools and find problems in implementing inclusive education. The research method is qualitative interactive. Data collection use interviews, observation, and documentation methods. Data analysis uses interactive analysis. The results showed that Tamansari Elementary School used a full class model. Identification and assessment are carried out before accepting students with special needs. This is done to gather information before preparing a learning program for students with special needs according to their learning needs. The curriculum is modified to suit the children’s needs. The special te...

Inclusive Education in Indonesia from the Perspective of Widyaiswara in Centre for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Kindergartens and Special Education

IJDS : Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies

Since 2009, Indonesia has an excellent commitment and effort in the field of inclusive education. The government provides equal opportunities in education. Through Centre for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Kindergartens and Special Education (PPPPTK TK & PLB), the government provides training and services to teachers in the field of inclusive education and special education. The teacher trainers in PPPPTK TK & PLB are called WidyaIswara. The purpose of this study is to know the implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia from the perspective of WidyaIswara of PPPPTK TK & PLB. The research used qualitative method. This research was conducted on March 2nd, 2017 in PPPPTK TK & PLB located in Bandung, Indonesia. Data were collected using a questionnaire in the interview related to perceptions about special and inclusive education. The interview process used the instrument in interview form to experts that called WidyaIswara with closed-ended questions. A total of 3 Expert in Inclusive Education in PPPPTK participated in this activity. From the findings and discussion of the research, explained about WidyaIswara's perception about: 1) Awareness of students to go to school, 2) Grouping of students with special needs in special and general schools, 3) Distribution of Special Schools in Indonesia, 4) Supporting educational facilities and infrastructure in special and inclusive schools, 5) Teacher in special and inclusive Schools, 6) Learning Activities, 7) Children with special needs after graduation at a level of education, and 8) Government efforts.

Implementation of Inclusive Education at Elementary School Level in Surakarta

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

Inclusive education is a form of education which unites students with special needs with regular. Bringing together children who have different needs is not an easy thing. This study examines whether the implementation of inclusive education in SD Negeri Pajang 1 has met the standards. This study aims to describe the implementation of inclusive education at SD Negeri Pajang 1. Study a type of qualitative with phenomenological study approach. Data collection techniques techniques used data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data collection used interviews with class teachers and school operators. The results of indicate the implementation of inclusive education at SD Negeri Pajang 1 is quite good, but there are still several aspects that need to be improved is the absence of special accompanying teachers who master learning methods inclusive education so that material delivered to students is not optimal. The implications obtained from this study SD Negeri Pajang 1 should have special accompanying teachers who master learning methods regarding inclusive, education so that learning materials can be conveyed properly to students. Special accompanying teachers better understand and know the basics in guiding students with special needs.

Constraints and Strategies for Inclusive Education in Indonesia at the Primary School Level: A Literature Review


Inclusive education in Indonesia is designed for all learners, both "regular" learners and learners with special needs. Inclusive education also aims to facilitate students with special needs to be able to get along with peers in general by placing one educational environment together with "regular" students, so that it is expected to realize an educational environment that respects diversity and without discrimination. However, in its implementation there are obstacles that are not easy to face, both for inclusive schools and teachers who teach. The purpose of this research is to find out the obstacles faced by inclusive schools and teachers at the primary school level and also provide strategies that can be used to optimize inclusive education. The research method used is a qualitative method with a literature review approach. The results of the study show that some of the obstacles faced are the lack of special mentor teachers, the lack of teacher knowledge about students with special needs, the imposed curriculum, the school environment that is still not friendly for students with special needs, and so on. Teachers can use various models, strategies, media and learning resources that are tailored to the class. One strategy that schools can do is to bring in professionals to provide insight for all school members regarding students with special needs. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Influence of the Project “Qualitative Inclusive Education for Special Needs Children” on the Development of Inclusive Education in the Project Schools

SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2015

The study "Evaluation of the project influence on the development of inclusive education in project schools" was implemented from 2009 till 2011 in the project "Qualitative inclusive education for special needs children" (Education initiative centre, State Education content centre, Soros Foundation Latvia, more information in: with the aim to find out whether the project results brought changes in defined inclusive education indicators. The article analyzes how the cooperation of school's pedagogues in promoting inclusive education in general comprehensive school has improved as a result of the project.

Problems with the Implementation of Inclusive Education Policies for Students with Special Needs in Public Schools

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

The implementation of inclusive education is based on a belief that all people are part of society regardless of their differences. So that education can be accessed easily by all people, including Children with Special Needs (ABK). With this inclusive education, it will have an impact on them so they don't feel marginalized by those who are normal. This study aims to determine the implementation of inclusive education services in public schools after the issuance of central and local government policies in Indonesia regarding the implementation of inclusive education including problems in the management of inclusive education and school efforts to overcome problems in managing inclusive education from the aspect of school management, education personnel, facilities. and infrastructure, curriculum, learning process and cooperation in the management of inclusive education in Blitar City State Elementary Schools. This research used descriptive method and the data were analyzed usi...

Implementation of Inclusive Education of Elementary Schools: a Case Study in Karangmojo Sub-District, Gunungkidul Regency

Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2018

This study examined: a) school member interactions that reflect an inclusive culture, b) school policies in promoting inclusion, c) evolving inclusive practies of elementary schools. This study employed the qualitative approach, with case study designs. The research was conducted at 7 Inclusive Inclusice schools in Karangmojo Sub-district. This study reveals that interaction of school members in creating inclusive culture can be seen from their efforts to cultivate mutual respect among the school members, big support and role of the principal in engaging all parties, and partnerships between school, parents, and community. Policies in promoting inclusive education can be seen from the procedures of student admissions that are flexible and non-discriminatory, and the efforts of the school to conduct accessibility of facilities and infrastructure for the children with special needs, regular teacher-special assistant teachers collaboration, as well as the flexibility of curriculum implementation for children with special needs. Evolving inclusive practies can be seen from identification and assessment for students suspected to have special needs, applying the curriculum development for teaching-learning processes, and the provision of school budget allocations for the development of inclusive education both from government funds and private funds.

Implementation of Inclusive Education Policy for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Junior High Schools in Magetan Regency

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)

This study aimed at describing the overall analysis of inclusive education policy in Magetan Regency which included 1) describing the implementation of the Magetan Regent Regulations number 35 of 2014 in inclusive Junior High Schools in Magetan Regency; 2) describing the obstacles in the implementation of Magetan Regent Regulations number 35 of 2014 in inclusive junior high schools in Magetan Regency and 3) describing the solutions carried out in supporting the implementation of Magetan Regent Regulations number 35 of 2014 in inclusive junior high schools in Magetan Regency. The design of this research was descriptive qualitative research with a policy research design. The objects in this study were SMPN 1 Sidorejo Magetan and SMPN 4 Magetan. Research methods or techniques were interview, observation, and documentation. This study used Content Analysis which was carried out through 3 stages, namely (1) data reduction, (2) data display or data presentation, (3) drawing conclusions or data verification. The results of this study indicated that the implementation of Magetan Regent Regulations inclusive education was carried out with the aim of providing opportunities for children with special needs to obtain education in the regular class, there were several obstacles that arose in implementation activities related to students, educators, curriculum, infrastructure and funding. Nevertheless the local government as the spearhead of implementing inclusive education is making various efforts to minimize the obstacles that occur by carrying out several activities that support the competence of teachers in serving children with special needs.

The Policy Implementation of the Inclusive Education at the Secondary Education Level in Palu City, Indonesia

Public Policy and Administration Research, 2020

This study aims to analyze how implementers understand the implementation of inclusive education at the level of secondary education in Palu City. This type of research is qualitative research. The Education and Culture Office of Central Sulawesi Province as an analysis unit for the implementation of inclusive education policies and the School for Providing Inclusive Education mostly understood the standards and targets and orientation of inclusive education, but in accepting students was limited to specific children with special needs, for example disabled, low vision, slow leaner and mild autism, while those who are blind or deaf are recommended to Special Education School. The pattern of communication developed in the implementation of inclusive education policies in the secondary education level in the city of Palu in Central Sulawesi Province involves various institutions such as: The Office of Education and Culture of Central Sulawesi Province in this case the PK-PLK Sector, Inclusive Organizing Schools, Special Education School and Higher Education. Forms of communication developed between institutions implementing inclusive education are formal, vertical and horizontal. The resource support, namely special tutor who has Special Education qualifications and resource space for children with special needs is not yet available, and there is no proportional budget available for schools implementing inclusive education. The contributions of the social environment are the school and the community response, especially parents provide the support. However, the economic aspect is that schools which provide the inclusive education are not supported by proportionally specific budgets. Political factors in the context of local politics, for example the elections, did not find any influence in the implementation of inclusive education policies.