2024, 3.Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Ekolojik Tarım Kongresi

The European Union Green Deal is a comprehensive plan for a sustainabil-ity-oriented transformation announced by the European Union (EU) in 2019. The Green Deal, the European Union's climate action plan, was created to en-sure a fair life and prosperity for all living beings by combating the climate-based catastrophe facing the world. This agreement aims to tackle major envi-ronmental problems such as climate change, environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity, sustainable use of resources and zero greenhouse gas emissions. The EU Green Deal envisages various transformations in each sector in order to achieve the set objectives and the agriculture sector is included in these trans-formation elements with different components. In this context, promoting sus-tainable agricultural employment and reducing the environmental impacts of agricultural practices are among the important objectives. To achieve these goals, various policy measures and legal regulations need to be developed and various steps need to be taken to promote sustainable agricultural employment. To comply with the Compact, it is necessary to implement training and qualifi-cation development activities for agribusinesses and agricultural workers, ex-pand the use of technology and innovation, establish, and implement various support programs to promote sustainable agricultural practices, improve work-ing conditions and decent work models, raise environmental awareness, and implement standards. These measures involve far-reaching policy and practice changes to increase sustainability and employment in the agricultural sector. Turkey, which has prominent trade relations with the EU and is an important market in terms of trade development, needs to adapt to the conditions set in the agreement process to increase its competitiveness and maintain its trade sustainability. Within the scope of the EU's Green Deal, the measures to be tak-en to protect the sustainability of agriculture and increase employment in the sector, and the changes and transformations that need to be realized in Turkey are discussed in this study.