Radiation Protection Aspects (original) (raw)

Radiation Protection Group: Annual Report 2003

The RP Annual Report summarises the activities carried out by CERN’s Radiation Protection Group in the year 2003. It includes contribution from the EN section of the TIS/IE Group on environmental monitoring. Chapter 1 reports on the measurements and estimations of the impact on the environment and public exposure due to the Organisation’s activities. Chapter 2 provides the results of the monitoring of CERN’s staff, users and contractors to occupational exposure. Chapter 3 deals with operational radiation protection around the accelerators and in the experimental areas. Chapter 4 reports on RP design studies for the LHC and CNGS projects. Chapter 5 addresses the various services provided by the RP Group to other Groups and Divisions at CERN, which include managing radioactive waste, high-level dosimetry, lending radioactive test sources and shipping radioactive materials. Chapter 6 describes activities other than the routine and service tasks, i.e. development work in the field of in...

Radiation Protection Group: Annual Report 2002

This RP Annual Report summarises the activities carried out by CERN’s Radiation Protection Group in the year 2002. It includes contribution from the EN section of the TIS/TE Group on environmental monitoring. Chapter 1 reports on the measurements and estimations of the impact on the environment and public exposure due to the Organisation’s activities. Chapter 2 provides the results of the monitoring of CERN’s Staff, Users and Contractors to occupational exposure. Chapter 3 deals with operational health physics around the accelerators and in the experimental areas. Chapter 4 reports on RP design studies for the upcoming LHC and CNGS. Chapter 5 addresses the various services provided by the RP Group to other Groups and Divisions at CERN, which include managing radioactive waste, lending radioactive test sources and shipping radioactive materials. Chapter 6 describes activities other than the routine and service tasks, i.e. development work in the field of instrumentation and research ...

Radiation protection issues after 20 years of LHC operation

arXiv: Accelerator Physics, 2011

Since November 2009, the LHC commissioning progresses very well, both with proton and lead beams. It will continue in 2011 and nominal LHC operation is expected to be attained in 2013. In parallel, plans for various LHC upgrades are under discussion, suggesting a High-Luminosity (HL) upgrade first and a High-Energy (HE) upgrade in a later state. Whereas the upgrade in luminosity would require the modification of only some few key accelerator components like the inner triplets, the upgrade in beam energy from 7 TeV to 16.5 TeV would require the exchange of all dipoles and of numerous other accelerator components. The paper gives an overview of the radiation protection issues related to the dismantling of LHC components prior to the installation of the HE-LHC components, i.e. after about 20 years of LHC operation. Two main topics will be discussed: (i) the exposure of workers to ionizing radiation during the dismantling of dipoles, inner triplets or collimators and experiments and (ii...

Radiation Protection Aspects of the SPES Project at LNL

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2011

The SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) project will be built at the National Laboratories in Legnaro (Italy) of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). Its goal will be the development of radioactive ion beams and the consequent re-acceleration with the existing linac to perform forefront research in nuclear physics. Radiation protection aspects are being considered at every stage of the project, e.g. civil construction planning, control system design and special technological plants. These aspects have been studied with the Monte Carlo transport code FLUKA and are presented in this paper.

Optimisation and Implementation of the R2E Shielding and Relocation Mitigation Measures at the LHC during the LS1


In the framework of the Radiation to Electronics (R2E) project, important mitigation actions are being implemented in the LHC during the first Long Shutdown (LS1) to reduce the Single Event Error (SEE) occurrence in standard electronics present in much of the equipment installed in the LHC underground areas. Recent simulations have motivated additional actions to be performed in Point 4, in addition to those already scheduled in Points 1, 5, 7 and 8. This paper presents the organisation process carried out during LS1 to optimise the implementation of the R2E mitigation activities. It reports the challenges linked to civil engineering and to safe room relocation in Points 5 and 7. It highlights the reactivity needed to face the new mitigation requirements to be implemented in Point 4 before the end of LS1. It presents the advancement status of the R2E mitigation activities in the different LHC points with the main concerns and impact with the overall LHC LS1 planning. Presented at: I...

Systems Engineering and Safety Issues in Scientific Facilities Subject to Ionizing Radiations

International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2013

The conception and development of large-scale scientific facilities emitting ionizing radiations rely more on project management practices in use in the process industry than on systems engineering practices. This paper aims to highlight possible reasons for this present situation and to propose some ways to enhance systems engineering so that the specific radiation safety requirements are considered and integrated in the approach. To do so, we have reviewed lessons learned from the management of large-scale scientific projects and more specifically that of the Large Hadron Collider project at CERN. It is shown that project management and systems engineering practices are complementary and can beneficially be assembled in an integrated and lean managerial framework that grants the appropriate amount of focus to safety and radiation safety aspects.


Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2013

The CERN radiation protection group has designed a new state-of-the-art calibration laboratory to replace the present facility, which is >20 y old. The new laboratory, presently under construction, will be equipped with neutron and gamma sources, as well as an X-ray generator and a beta irradiator. The present work describes the project to design the facility, including the facility placement criteria, the 'point-zero' measurements and the shielding study performed via FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations.

Radiation to Electronics Impact on CERN LHC Operation: Run 2 Overview and HL-LHC Outlook


After the mitigation measures implemented during Run 1 (2010-2012) and Long Shutdown 1 (LS1, 2013-2014), the number of equipment failures due to radiation effects on electronics (R2E) leading to LHC beam dumps and/or machine downtime has been sufficiently low as to yield a minor impact on the accelerator performance. During Run 2 (2015-2018) the R2E related failures per unit of integrated luminosity remained below the target value of 0.5 events/fb-1, with the sole exception of the 2015 run during which the machine commissioning took place. However, during 2018, an increase in the failure rate was observed, linked to the increased radiation levels in the dispersion suppressors of the ATLAS and CMS experimental insertions, significantly affecting the Quench Protection System located underneath the superconducting magnets in the tunnel. This work provides an overview of the Run 2 R2E events during LHC proton-proton operation, putting them in the context of the related radiation levels ...

Ramses: The LHC Radiation Mo Nitoring System for the Environment and Safety

A state-of-the-art radiation monitoring and alarming system is being implemented at CERN for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The RAdiation Monitoring System for the Environment and Safety (RAMSES) comprises about 350 monitors and provides ambient dose equivalent and ambient dose equivalent rates measurements in the LHC underground areas as well as on the surface inside and outside the CERN perimeter. In addition, it monitors air and water released from the LHC installations. Although originally conceived for radiation protection only, RAMSES also integrates the monitoring of conventional environmental measurements such as physico-chemi cal parameters of released. All data is acquired by a distributed set of data acquisition and control units that also generate local radiation warnings, local alarms and operational interlocks. Some monitoring stations have processing units for the control of some complex measurement processes. A centralised SCADA application allows remote supervisio...