Artikel Ilmiah KKN 2 Ngargoretno (original) (raw)

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without the use of soil. The three main elements of hydroponic plants are water, light and nutrients. In addition to water, hydroponic plants also use rockwool growing media. Hydroponic systems can provide a more controlled growing environment. The socialization of simple farming methods using mineral bottle wastes as water medium to grow kale, mustard greens, caesim was conducted to the residents of Tegalombo and Ngargoretno villages. The activity was carried out during the period July 9, 2024 - August 10, 2024 with KKN Untidar 2 students. Residents, especially mothers who are members of PKK, KWT, Muslimat, were enthusiastic about this activity because it was affordable and required materials and tools in the form of easily available waste.