R. Ramos Fernández y A. Ruiz Mezcua (eds), Traducción y Cultura. Lenguas cercanas y lenguas lejanas: los falsos amigos, Málaga, Encasa, 2008, 213 pp (original) (raw)
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This paper shows that grammatical differences between languages do not interfere in the making of a meta-text when translating. Similarities in the grammatical structure of two languages are, instead, responsible of a large number of problems ranging from certain types of imprecisions to serious mistakes that affect the resulting translation. The paper offers a typology of grammatical symmetries and asymmetries with the aim of pointing out which are the similarities which cause «grammatical fake friends».
Un problema de comparación de linguas: falsos amigos en galego e portugués (1997)
Actas do IV Congreso da Asociación Internacional de Estudios Galegos. Oxford: Centro de Estudos Galegos, vol I, pp. 375-390.
Este traballo céntrase na descrición e análise do problema que presenta na aprendizaxe do portugués para galegos o uso dunha serie de termos léxicos que teñen unhas características especiais: as de seren homógrafos en ámbas as linguas.
Falsos amigos en las traducciones españolas de la Constitución portuguesa
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The present doctoral dissertation, “Transfer phenomena in multilinguals: false friends as an obstacle and an opportunity in teaching and learning foreign languages”, investigates the phenomenon of (cross)linguistic transfer from three points of view: first, it offers a theoretical overview of transfer as a basic learning mechanism situated in an ecosystem of dynamic and complex relations that diversify with the accumulation of experiences and expectations. Second, it provides an insight into the implications the aforementioned learning mechanisms bear for the teaching of foreign languages. Third, it reports on an empirical study on the manifestations of crosslinguistic transfer in a corpus of final papers written by Estonian students of Spanish who are also fluent English speakers, exploring Williams’ & Hammarberg’s (1998) default supplier language hypothesis for transfer in multilingual systems. As the texts contained in the corpus have been created under the most controlled conditions and checked rigorously for deviations from the norms of the grapholect, the remaining manifestations of deviation and transfer can be considered as the most persistent kind, as well as the most difficult to detect, eliminate or avoid. Finally, the thesis revisits the implications of the conclusions from the theoretical and empirical parts for the teaching of foreign languages, making a pedagogical proposal for using the topic of transfer, especially concerning false friends (both in a lexical and a grammatical sense) as a means of improving linguistic precision, both on a lexical and a grammatical level. This can mostly be achieved by encouraging and underlining the possibilities for crosslinguistic comparisons and promoting students’ capabilities of metalinguistic reasoning and self-reflection, thereby enhancing their view of language as a tool.
Resumen: Aunque el griego y el español pertenecen a familias distintas, llama la atención el alto grado de coincidencias a nivel fonológico y morfológico. Este trabajo se centra en un aspecto de esta relación, el que tiene que ver con los falsos amigos . A grandes rasgos, el término hace referencia a palabras de dos idiomas que presentan afinidad morfológica pero, a la vez, divergencia semántica. Muchos de los falsos amigos se deben a una etimología común que ha derivado en significados distintos en cada lengua, otros simplemente a una coincidencia a nivel de pronunciación o de grafía. Después de pasar revista por distintas aproximaciones al fenómeno, se presentarán, de forma esquematizada, casos de falsos amigos entre el español y el griego moderno, pues creemos que una presentación de este tipo puede resultar ser una herramienta útil en el proceso de aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera. Palabras clave:falso amigo - falso cognado – español- griego moderno -enseñanza de ELE AbstractAlthough Spanish and Modern Greek belong to different linguistic families, thenumber of coincidences they present at phonological and morphological level is very high.This study focuses in one aspect of this relation, namely the case offalse friends.Generally speaking, the term refers to words of different languages that presentmorphological affinity but, at the same time, semantic divergence. In some cases, many ofthose false friends share the same etymology, which eventually, has generated differentmeanings in each language; in other cases we are just dealing with a simple phonetic owritten coincidence. After examining various approaches to the phenomenon, a summaryof false friends between Spanish and Greek will be presented, since we believe a practical approach of this kind can constitute a useful tool for the teacher, as well for the student ofa foreign language. Keywords:false friends - dales cognate – Spanish - Modern Greek - SFL teaching"