Spectral analysis for identification of plant ecosystems in Brazilian Atlantic Forest / Análise espectral para identificação de ecossistemas vegetais na Mata Atlântica Brasileira (original) (raw)

Spectral characterization of mangrove leaves in the Brazilian Amazonian Coast: Turiaçu Bay, Maranhão State

Mangrove communities are tropical systems which have fewer species than tropical forests, especially in Latin America and display a single architecture, usually lacking the various strata commonly found in other forest ecosystems. The identification of mangrove communities by orbital data is not a difficult task but the most interesting challenge is to identify themselves by the dominant species. The first step toward that floristic identification is the spectral characterization of detached leaves. Leaves from four species of mangrove trees were spectrally characterized considering the Directional Hemispherical Reflectance Factor (DHRF) determined through radiometric measurements using an integrating sphere LICOR 1800 attached to a spectroradiometer SPECTRON SE-590. In the visible bands (0.45-0.69 µm) the button-shaped mangrove Conocarpus erectus was brighter and the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle was darker than the other two species which shows very close DHRF values. Otherwise the black mangrove Avicennia germinans and the white mangrove Laguncularia racemosa can be distinguished from one another in the Near Infra Red (NIR) region (0.76-0.90 µm and in this region of the spectrum the DHRF of C. erectus and R. mangle become very close.

Physiomic classification of vegetation in the municipality of Vitória da Conquista - Bahia, Brazil


This research aimed to map and classify the phytophysiognographics de part of the municipality of Vitória da Conquista-BA, specifically the central portion where the city is located. It aimed to identify the main fragments of vegetation, also the different aspects of the current landscape using the LANDSAT 8 satellite images and the mapping of these variables. This research had a qualitative background character, a photographic survey was carried out in the period of 1 year and a half and associated with satellite images. The region analyzedis in a transition area between the Caatinga biome and the Atlantic Forest biome, regionally called theCípó Forest, for some a separate biome, that is, dry forest biome. It is an important study because it is an unrepresentative area in the national territory. In the course of the analysis within the municipality of Vitóri da Conquista, a variety of phytophysiognomy was found , such as the deciduous seasonal forest, semidecidual, areas of low forest between caatinga and cerrado, caatinga and deciduous forest and the shrub-tree caatinga. This gamma diversity is due to a gradient of climatic, geomorphological and lithological variables mainly. All vegetation is entirely uncharacterized and degraded with an intensepredominance of pasture, as well as areas with coffee and eucalyptus, a fact that is due to the expansion of private rural properties.

Evolução Temporal da Cobertura Vegetal do Manguezal do Rio Tavares (Florianópolis-SC) Empregando Técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto


The Marine Extractive Reserve of Pirajubaé (REMP) is a pilot area located within the mosaic comprised of the coastal and marine units of Santa Catarina. The aim of this study was to interpret the processes of colonization of the Rio Tavares Mangrove, as a support for environmental management decisions. The methodology used was based on a temporal analysis (1957 -2007) of the Rio Tavares Mangrove, using remote sensing techniques, together with an adaptation of the process of Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) of a land area or region, and GIS technology. A flexible, accelerated survey was carried out, focusing on the species of the mangrove found in the Reserve, using a combination of images from the remote sensing, aerial photographs, data collected from the field, and visualization of spatial information, to generate useful information based on photographic records of the study area, for use in conservation planning at various levels. The Rio Tavares mangrove has a homogenous appearance in terms of vegetal cover, with a predominance of the species Avicennia schaueriana, as was observed in this study, when the vegetation index classifications (NDVI) were generated, supported by the field studies. The processes of colonization of the clearings is highlighted, which requires further study and has a separate dynamic of occupation, with different speeds. The methodology also compartmentalized the area into four polygons, which were studied separately, presenting different characteristics in each, particularly in the comparison by area, number of clearings, and their outer edges.