Is there an impact of mathematical competitions on the development of mathematical research? The Romanian experience (original) (raw)

Topic Study Group No. 30: Mathematical Competitions

ICME-13 Monographs, 2017

Our TSG 30 worked during four of the six days of ICME-13. Sessions were well attended by delegates from all over the world. Each talk was followed by a constructive and productive discussion. New relationships were forged, new collaborative projects envisioned. One of these projects was kindly offered to us by the Convenor of the Congress, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaiser: to compose a book of high quality papers on Mathematical Competitions, which may be published by Springer. The program of TSG 30, which follows, may convey the flavor of our study group and its international breadth. The titles of plenary talks are followed by quotations from them that impressed me the most.

Competitions and mathematics education

Mathematics competitions, together with the people and organizations engaged with them, form an immense and vibrant global network today. This network has many roles. Competitions help identify students with higher abilities in mathematics. They motivate these students to develop their talents and to seek professional realization in science. Competitions have positive impact on education and on educational institutions. Last but not least, a significant part of the classical mathematical heritage known as " Elementary Mathematics " is preserved, kept alive and developed through the network of competitions and competition-related activities. Nevertheless, competitions need to evolve in order to meet the demands of the new century. These and many other items are outlined and discussed in the paper. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). Primary 97U40; Secondary 97C60.

The Study of Mathematics - an Investment with Profound Implications for the Future of the Romanian Society

International journal of communications, 2022

The paper highlights the fact that in Romania, the Reform of Education, Training and Human Resource Development is an integral part of the transition to a democratic society and market economy. Having as starting point the research performed within the project developed under the patronage of the Romanian Ministry of Education, POSDRU/56/1.2/S/32768, project entitled The Training of University Teachers and Students in the Field of Using Modern Tools to Teach-Learn-Assess for the Mathematical Subjects in Order to Acquire Important Professional and Practical Skills for the Labour Market, the paper emphasizes the fact that Romania has made progress in all these areas since the Reform of Education began. The paper proves that harmonizing the curriculum for the mathematical disciplines taught in technical higher education is a challenge to promote and support changes that meet the needs of the new economy and society as well as the interests of all young people and adults, in the face of a shortage of financial and human resources. The rapid expansion of higher education and its growing cost are focusing attention on issues of quality, relevance and efficiency for mathematical subjects.


We would like to show, how Mathematical Olympiad in Slovakia is on lower and upper secondary schools organized. There will be also the process of making mathematical problems for this competition on lower secondary schools discussed.

Mathematical Olympiad

Although mathematical olympiad competitions are carried out by solving problems, the system of Mathematical Olympiads and the related training courses cannot involve only the techniques of solving mathematical problems. Strictly speaking, it is a system of mathematical advancing education. To guide students who are interested in mathematics and have the potential to enter the world of Olympiad mathematics, so that their mathematical ability can be promoted efficiently and comprehensively, it is important to improve their mathematical thinking and technical ability in solving mathematical problems. An excellent student should be able to think flexibly and rigorously. Here the ability to do formal logic reasoning is an important basic component. However, it is not the main one. Mathematical thinking also includes other key aspects, like starting from intuition and entering the essence of the subject, through prediction, induction, imagination, construction, design and their creative abilities. Moreover, the ability to convert concrete to the abstract and vice versa is necessary.

More Than a System: What We Can Learn from the International Mathematical Olympiad

The northern European sky is often ambiguous. Patches of intense blue alternate with lowering grays. Fog conceals the landscape, lifting to reveal sky and water, then descending like a huge curtain. An enormous glass wall, one side of a hotel dining room, highlights the drama of the sky over the North Sea in the German city of Bremerhaven.

Mathematics Competitions and Their Role in Education


The present paper has two messages: mathematics competitions form an important complementary component of mathematical education, at various levels. They should form an important stimulus to mathematical learning, catalysing discussions which pursue the unknown and mysterious, and in general in many cases catalysing an increased love of learning. Secondly, typical errors in the processes of reasoning can be detected after analysing solutions of different problems given by students participating in mathematics competitions.

Messengers of Mathematics: European Mathematical Journals (1800–1946). Edited by Elena Ausejo and Mariano Hormigón. Madrid (Siglo XXI de España Editores, S. A.). 1993

Messengers of Mathematics: European Mathematical Journals (1800–1946). Edited by Elena Ausejo and Mariano Hormigón. Madrid (Siglo XXI de España Editores, S. A.). 1993, 1998

La Ciencia es una creación humana de tan variada multiplicidad que ocupa cada vez un mayor y más privilegiado espacio en el pensamiento y en la vida actuales. El protagonismo de todas y cada una de las disciplinas que forman el tronco del pensamiento científico es producto de un largo proceso evolutivo que surge de la mera curiosidad y que se ha ido desarrollando por la vía de la necesidad. La ciencia es una actividad viva porque sus teorías nacen, crecen, se reproducen y mueren dando lugar a cuerpos de doctrina más ambiciosos y veraces. Por eso la ciencia más que ninguna otra actividad intelectual humana es una inevitable confrontación de pasado y futuro. Elena Ausejo y Mariano Hormigón recogen en este libro los trabajos que se presentaron en septiembre de 1991 en el Simposio Internacional sobre Periodismo Matemático. Esta reunión conmemoraba la aparición de El Progreso Matemático, primera revista dedicada a las matemáticas que se publicó en España, y se celebró como homenaje al que fuera su director, Zoel García Galdeano (1846-1924), el matemático español más importante de la época contemporánea. En Messengers of Mathematics aparecen por tanto estudios sobre varias de las revistas matemáticas más destacadas de los dos últimos siglos, a cargo de firmas bien conocidas y prestigiosas en el mundo de la historia de las matemáticas como las de Serguei Demidov, Jean Dhombres, Ivor Grattan-Guinnes, Lubos Novy y otros. Messengers of Mathematics es la primera aproximación seria y rigurosa al análisis de algunas publicaciones periódicas que como los Anales de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées de Gergonne, los Rendiconti del Circo lo Matematico di Palermo o los Matematischeski Sbornik de Moscú han jugado tan importante papel en el desarrollo de las matemáticas contemporáneas.