Forest automata for verification of heap manipulation (original) (raw)
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Verification of heap manipulating programs with ordered data by extended forest automata
We present a general framework for verifying programs with complex dynamic linked data structures whose correctness depends on ordering relations between stored data values. The underlying formalism of our framework is that of forest automata (FA), which has previously been developed for verification of heap-manipulating programs. We extend FA by constraints between data elements associated with nodes of the heaps represented by FA, and we present extended versions of all operations needed for using the extended FA in a fullyautomated verification approach, based on abstract interpretation. We have implemented our approach as an extension of the Forester tool and successfully applied it to a number of programs dealing with data structures such as various forms of singly-and doubly-linked lists, binary search trees, as well as skip lists.
Pattern-Based Verification for Trees
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Pattern-based verification trying to abstract away the concrete number of repeated memory structures is one of the approaches that have recently been proposed for verification of programs using dynamic data structures linked with pointers. It proved to be very efficient and promising on extended linear data structures. In this paper, we overview some possibilities how to extend this approach to programs over tree structures.
Reasoning about Heap Manipulating Programs using Automata Techniques
Modern Applications of Automata Theory, 2012
Automatically reasoning about programs is of significant interest to the program verification, compiler development and software testing communities. While property checking for programs is undecidable in general, techniques for reasoning about specific classes of properties have been developed and successfully applied in practice. In this article, we discuss three automata based techniques for reasoning about programs that dynamically allocate and free memory from the heap. Specifically, we discuss a regular model checking based approach, an approach based on storeless semantics of programs and Hoare-style reasoning, and a counter automaton based approach.
A logic and decision procedure for verification of heap-manipulating programs
Abstract Heap-manipulating programs (HMPs), which manipulate unbounded linked data structures via pointers, are a major frontier for formal verification of software. Formal verification is the process of proving (or disproving) the correctness of a system with respect to some kind of formal specification or property. The primary contributions of this thesis are the definition of a simple transitive closure logic tailored for formal verification of HMPs, and an efficient decision procedure for this logic.
Structured Specifications for Better Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs
FM 2011: Formal Methods, 2011
Conventional specifications typically have a flat structure that is based primarily on the underlying logic. Such specifications lack structures that could have provided better guidance to the verification process. In this work, we propose to add three new structures to a specification framework for separation logic to achieve a more precise and better guided verification for pointer-based programs. The newly introduced structures empower users with more control over the verification process in the following ways: (i) case analysis can be invoked to take advantage of disjointness conditions in the logic. (ii) early, as opposed to late, instantiation can minimise on the use of existential quantification. (iii) formulae that are staged provide better reuse of the verification process. Initial experiments have shown that structured specifications can lead to more precise verification without incurring any performance overhead.
Gradual verification of recursive heap data structures
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 2020
Current static verification techniques do not provide good support for incrementality, making it difficult for developers to focus on specifying and verifying the properties and components that are most important. Dynamic verification approaches support incrementality, but cannot provide static guarantees. To bridge this gap, prior work proposed gradual verification, which supports incrementality by allowing every assertion to be complete, partial, or omitted, and provides sound verification that smoothly scales from dynamic to static checking. The prior approach to gradual verification, however, was limited to programs without recursive data structures. This paper extends gradual verification to programs that manipulate recursive, mutable data structures on the heap. We address several technical challenges, such as semantically connecting iso- and equi-recursive interpretations of abstract predicates, and supporting gradual verification of heap ownership. This work thus lays the fo...
Toward Symbolic Verification of Programs Handling Pointers
We aim at checking safety properties on systems with pointers which are naturally infinite state systems. In this paper, we introduce Symbolic Memory States, a new symbolic representation well suited to the verification of systems with pointers. We show SMS enjoys all the good properties needed to check safety properties, such as closure under union, canonicity of the representation and decidable inclusion. We also introduce pointer automata, a model for programs using dynamic allocation of memory. We define the properties we want to check in this model and we give undecidability results. The verification part is still work in progress.
Automatic Verification of Dynamic Data-Dependent Programs
Abstract. We present a new approach for automatic verification of data-dependent programs manipulating dynamic heaps. A heap is encoded by a graph where the nodes represent the cells, and the edges reflect the pointer structure between the cells of the heap. Each cell contains a set of variables which range over the natural numbers. Our method relies on standard backward reachability analysis, where the main idea is to use a simple set of predicates, called signatures, in order to represent bad sets of heaps. Examples of bad heaps are those which contain either garbage, lists which are not well-formed, or lists which are not sorted. We present the results for the case of programs with a single next-selector, and where variables may be compared for equality or inequality. This allows us to verify for instance that a program, like bubble sort or insertion sort, returns a list which is well-formed and sorted, or that the merging of two sorted lists is a new sorted list. We will report ...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2019
In this paper, we review existing points-to Separation Logics for dynamic memory reasoning and we find that different usages of heap separation tend to be an obstacle. Hence, two total and strict spatial heap operations are proposed upon heap graphs, for conjunction and disjunction-similar to logical conjuncts. Heap conjunction implies that there exists a free heap vertex to connect to or an explicit destination vertex is provided. Essentially, Burstall's properties do not change. By heap we refer to an arbitrary simple directed graph, which is finite and may contain composite vertices representing class objects. Arbitrary heap memory access is restricted, as well as type punning, late class binding and further restrictions. Properties of the new logic are investigated, and as a result group properties are shown. Both expecting and superficial heaps are specifiable. Equivalence transformations may make denotated heaps inconsistent, although those may be detected and patched by the two generic linear canonization steps presented. The properties help to motivate a later full introduction of a set of equivalences over heap for future work. Partial heaps are considered as a useful specification technique that help to reduce incompleteness issues with specifications. Finally, the logic proposed may be considered for extension for the Object Constraint Language.
Verification, Model Checking, and …, 2007
This volume contains the papers presented at VMCAI 2007: Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation held January 14-16, 2007 in Nice. VMCAI provides a forum for researchers from the communities of verification, model checking, and abstract interpretation, facilitating interaction, cross-fertilization, and advancement of hybrid methods that combine the three areas. This years VMCAI was held in conjunction with POPL, allowing further cross-fertilization between programming language research and the areas covered by VMCAI.