A Study on The Reality of e-Learning for Chemistry Students During The COVID-19 Pandemic (original) (raw)

Impact of E-Learning on Higher Education during Covid-19 Pandemic

AKB Publication, 2020

Introduction: In today's scenario learning has stepped into the digital world, in which teaching professionals and students are virtually connected. E-learning is quite simple to understand and implement. The use of a desktop, laptop, or smart phones and the internet forms a major component of this learning methodology. e-learning provides rapid growth and proved to be the best in all sectors, especially in education during this lockdown. Purpose: This study aims to assess the impact of E-learning on higher education during Covid-19 pandemic among students and teachers. Methods: An online survey was conducted to collect the data. Teachers and students were selected from different colleges who were conducting online classes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Result: The study found that, a total number of responses are 396 out of which 89.9% students are of Bachelor's Degree and 10.1% teachers of Bachelor's Degree responded to it. Out of 396 responses 249 of the respondents pointed out that online class facility is sufficient to grasp the subject well and 147 of the respondents disagree to it. 74.2% respondents are of the opinion that e-learning is useful for higher education and 25.8% of respondent are disagree for it. Conclusion: The study concludes that e-learning can provide a personal learning experience and is useful for higher education. E-learning helps the users in finding their information easily and there by improve the quality of learning.



E-learning technologies have the potentialities to spread learning to a great mass at a time by providing the learners with a wide aspect of knowledge and information and to learn with their own pace. The present study is a descriptive survey through which an attempt is made to know the problems faced by the students while e-learning, facilities available for e-learning and to know the views of the parents regarding elearning and the prospects of e-learning. The challenges that comes in the way of learning hampers the learners from different aspects like shaking their confidence, decreasing their motivation etc. it is only by knowing and bringing into the light the various problems they face, we can solve the problems and letting them to have access to a wider range of knowledge and information.

Students’ Perceptions of the Twists and Turns of E-learning in the Midst of the Covid 19 Outbreak

Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2020

The pandemic corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) has become an international concern and poses challenges to psychological resilience in all fields, one of which is education. Therefore an effective learning strategy is needed to deal with this pandemic. The purpose of this study was to survey students spread across various universities in Indonesia and Malaysia regarding e-learning systems conducted during the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia and Malaysia in 2020, e-learning systems starting from student knowledge about e-learning, planning elearning, implementing e-learning until evaluating e-learning activities. Data will be used for future reference. This research is a descriptive study with cross sectional approach. The Likert scale survey method is used with a total of 136 student respondents from tertiary institutions in Indonesia and Malaysia. The results of the analysis show that students know e-learning as a distance learning system in dealing with the current pandemic corona virus, 51% expressed agreement related to e-learning preparation, 38% stated neutral in e-learning planning and 68% stated neutral in evaluating the implementation of e-learning. Student assessment and good perception about e-learning play a big role in the implementation of learning with e-learning. E-learning has a positive impact and has become an alternative learning process for lecturers and students. Good preparation is needed in implementing e-learning so that e-learning activities can be carried out effectively. Interaction can be developed and limited conditions through face-to-face meetings can be answered through e-learning activities.

Transformational barriers in adapting the online learning for chemistry during COVID-19 pandemic


Since Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has plagued and infected 118 000 people in 114 countries and killed 4 291 people, World Health Organization (WHO) has to announce Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a world pandemic disease on March 11, 2020 Education authorities in several regions issued an official letter on using online learning in school starting from kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, and high school in several regions such as Jakarta, West Java, and Central Java, which were then followed by several other regions This research is a mixed study (qualitative and quantitative), qualitative data were obtained through online interviews, questionnaires to students, teachers, and parents Meanwhile, quantitative data were obtained from student learning outcomes in chemistry subjects The research was carried out at senior High School students in Bekasi from early April to June 2020 This article aims to provide an overview of the barriers to adopting online lea...

E-Learning: Teaching Effectiveness to Conventional Teaching in Undergraduates amid COVID-19 Pandemic

OALib, 2021

With the spread of the COVID-19, many educational institutions have shifted from face-to-face classes to online learning modalities, and this immediate shift has challenged both teachers and students. The adaptation of e-learning was a way to cope and ensure the continuation of many undergraduate students' teaching and learning processes. The study aimed to rank the effectiveness and satisfaction of the students in their experience with e-learning and compare the satisfaction between online instruction and modular instruction. A total of 412 students participated in the study and utilized a survey questionnaire that assessed the effectiveness of instruction and measured the satisfaction of the students learning experience. The result of the study shows that e-learning is just as effective as face-to-face classes and learners are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their learning experience. Furthermore, students who opted for online classes are more satisfied with their learning experience than learners who opted for modular instruction.

COVID‐19 Pandemic and Subsequent Demand for E‐Learning: Insights of Students’ Perspective

Acta scientific dental sciences, 2022

Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has restricted the ability to conduct in-person learning which affected medical education. One of the most immediate changes introduced has been the broad cancelling of face-to-face and being replaced by E-learning. Objectives: the purpose of this research is to evaluate undergraduate and postgraduate student educational experience and perception towards implementing online learning and assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: cross-sectional questionnaire-based analysis of the undergraduate and postgraduate student's perceptions about online teaching and assessment methods in Faculty of Dentistry Ain Shams University consisted of twenty-three questions that assess teaching approaches and communication, the information and communication technologies (ICTs) efficiency in the online learning, online assessment (OLA) regarding its effectiveness, fairness, feasibility and time saving in comparison to paper-based exams. Results: 768 dental students in Faculty of Dentistry Ain Shams University participated in this survey, divided into 487 undergraduate and 299 postgraduate students. Nearly half of the undergraduate and postgraduate students approved that online teaching improves the learning process, most of the participants undergraduate and postgraduate students agreed that using technology saves teachers and students' time. Around 80% of undergraduate and postgraduate students agreed that online teaching increase the sense of creativity. Majority of the participants in both undergraduate (76%) and postgraduate students (81%) were satisfied with the motivation of learning regarding online assessment (OLA). The degree of satisfaction with OLA reflection of knowledge was 64.6% in undergraduate and 76.5% in postgraduate students. Conclusion: Online teaching is an effective approach with a high demand to improve students' participation, interaction and communication, online assessment is a fair method, time saving and motivates students to learn.


Seybold Report, 2023

In the past few years, e-learning is emerging as a global platform in the continuation of studies. E-learning has revolutionized the entire education system by providing flexibility and easy access to lectures anytime and anywhere, especially during covid-19 pandemic after which face-to-face learning was no longer possible. Although people were aware about e-learning and its usage but it got more prominent after COVID-19 pandemic. So, e-learning became a necessity for continuing education. This present study attempts to analyze the difficulties, benefits, and drawbacks of both educators and students by implementing these technologies as well as alternative solutions. This study discusses numerous prospects made possible by the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasizes the requirement for developing suitable methods to handle such an unanticipated crisis in the future. The problems faced by learners were a poor internet connection, a lack of electricity, a lack of interest, and a lack of desire. This study also suggests the government take the lead in assisting students who have limited access to the internet and technology, which are essential for participation in online classes, while also encouraging students to participate more actively in e-learning, particularly in context of the serious pandemic. To this purpose, various suggestions have been offered that could help academic institutions overcome these challenges and preserve academic quality during turbulent times.

Examining Pre-Service Teachers’ Views About Online Chemistry Laboratory Learning Experiences Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

Journal of Turkish Science Education, 2021

Introduction COVID-19 has emerged as a global threat; it has had sudden and unexpected effects on our individual and social lives. With the COVID-19 pandemic, social relations began to be conducted remotely and many social lives had to be suspended. Some significant measures have been taken by countries such as restrictions on travel, reducing mass mobility, remote working, and distance education. There has been a rapid transition to distance education after the closure of schools, colleges, and universities. Schools, universities, teachers/instructors, and students have taken responsibility for remote learning. Efforts in many countries included the use of various digital platforms with ABSTRACT With the continued spread of the COVID-19 crisis, the universities were closed temporarily in Turkey just as in the rest of the world. As a result of this, many educators and students tried to adapt online education quickly. This research study examined 67 pre-service teachers' views on online chemistry laboratory learning experiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A data collection tool consisting of seven open-ended questions was used. Data sources included responses given to open-ended questions about the online chemistry laboratory learning experiences, the applications used for the chemistry experiments (e.g., simulations, images, and videos), the methods used for assessing online learning, and the system used for the virtual classroom platform. Content analysis was applied to participants' responses. Participants' views about online chemistry laboratories amid the COVID-19 pandemic were gathered in five themes: (i) advantages and disadvantages of online chemistry laboratories, (ii) effects of online chemistry laboratories on learning outcomes, (iii) views on technological applications used in online chemistry laboratories, (iv) views on measurement and assessment methods used in online chemistry laboratories, and (v) views of pre-service teachers on the virtual classroom platform used in online chemistry laboratories. The findings of the study highlighted that online laboratory learning has both advantages and disadvantages. The findings also included the strengths and weaknesses of the system used for the virtual classroom platform. The findings may provide useful information on how to design a positive online laboratory experience such as integrating hands-on activities as a part of the online laboratories to overcome the lack of "learning by doing" and using videos containing more detailed explanations about the experimental setup. Yeşiloğlu, Gençer, Ekici & Işık, 2021 109 educational content and educational technology solutions (Moreno & Gortazar, 2020), including Turkey. Although distance education and online learning are concepts that have become very much a part of our lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, have been studied for decades. When the literature is examined, efforts have been made to clear up the confusion surrounding these concepts (Bates & Bates, 2005; Hodges et al., 2020; Moore et al., 2011). Distance education describes learning activities that take place when there is a physical separation between the instructor and the learners (Moore et al., 2011). Communication between the instructor and the learners can be through audio and video teleconferences, audio and video recordings, written correspondence, or multimedia systems. At present, the main communication technology is the World Wide Web. Online learning is a form of distance learning and refers to learning that takes place via computers and the Internet (Carliner, 2004). There is an assumption that universities can easily adapt to online learning during a pandemic (Bassett & Arnhold, 2020) since they are no strangers to online education. However, this may not be the case because there are several particular class types at the tertiary level, including lectures, tutorials, laboratories, practical workshops, and fieldwork. Online learning during the pandemic may be particularly challenging for students and educators in practical applications and laboratory-dominated departments. One of those departments is science education. The laboratory has always had a central and distinctive place in science education (Clough, 2002; Hofstein & Lunetta, 1982; Nersessian, 1991). Ausubel (1968) stated the importance of the laboratory with the following words: "The laboratory gives the students appreciation of the spirit and method of science... promotes problem-solving, analytic and generalization ability... provides students with some understanding of the nature of science" (p. 345). With the rapid advancements in information and communication technology, laboratory education environments have changed significantly (Scanlon et al., 2002). Traditional face-to-face laboratories have moved in to online. There are two common types of the online laboratory: remote and virtual laboratories (Budai & Kuczmann, 2018). While in a virtual laboratory, experiments are simulated by using software, the remote laboratory allows the students to work on real-time experiments via the Internet from a remote location (Balamuralıthara & Woods, 2007). Remote and virtual labs can be integrated into the learning management system (LMS) in universities. Since the LMS controls the access of users to a website and ensures that all teaching resources are offered in the same environment, integration of online labs and the LMS is advantageous (Ruano et al., 2013). The type of online laboratory examined in the present study is not a remote lab. However, it is not a virtual lab either because the experiments were not based entirely on simulations. The online chemistry laboratories subjected in this study were designed owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the laboratory courses, pre-service teachers were provided with data previously obtained from face-to-face laboratories or simulation programs and videos of experiments in video-sharing platforms. In science education literature, many studies are investigating the effectiveness of online laboratories or comparing traditional face-to-face laboratories with online laboratories in terms of their advantages and disadvantages (

The university students’ viewpoints on e-learning system during COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Iran

Heliyon, 2022

The outbreak of COVID-19 closed educational institutions and universities. The aim of this study was to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the e-learning system in Iranian universities of medical sciences in the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a qualitative study that was conducted with students enrolled in Iranian medical universities. Data was collected through an open-ended electronic questionnaire based on the interview guide and was analyzed through content analysis.122 students from 46 medical universities participated in this study. 122 questionnaires from 46 universities of medical sciences were completed. From a total of 54 codes extracted from the results, seven (strengths/positive experiences) and six (weaknesses/challenges) themes were extracted, each of which had several subsets. E-learning has both visible and hidden layers in terms of advantages and disadvantages. The e-learning system is an essential tool to continue education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most students believe that e-learning was a great complement to prevent academic failure, but it cannot replicate the same efficiency of face-to-face training.

E-learning: The Scenario During COVID-19 Pandemic


Background: E-learning is essential in health science education, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated its utility. Objectives: The study aimed to observe the changes in the scenario of e-learning in Indian Medical Education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 905 undergraduate health science students who agreed with an online survey. A questionnaire was prepared, including sociodemographic details, utilization of commercially available e-learning programs before the pandemic, and the scenario of teaching-learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was validated and circulated among medical students of various states across India through social media. Qualitative data were presented as numbers and percentages and quantitative data as mean (SD). Results: Of the 905 students surveyed, 69.17% (n = 626) were female students and 30.83% (n = 279) were male students. Besides, 85% (n = 395) of the students found commercial programs useful in clarifying concepts. Institutional e-learning was mandatory for 71.16% (n = 644) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the 644 students for whom e-learning was mandatory, 69.10% (n = 445) found tools like videoconferencing, Google classroom, zoom meetings, etc. useful in flexibility and autonomy. However, 50.47% (n = 325) of the students preferred a combined method of classroom teaching and e-learning, whereas only 9.93% (n = 64) of students preferred only e-learning as a method of teaching. They were satisfied with institutional programs for clarifying concepts (n = 386; 60%) and communication skills (n = 320; 50%). Conclusions: The utility of e-learning has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, students preferred e-learning in combination with traditional teaching, especially in health science courses.