Customary Wedding Ceremony Philoshopy: A Case Study of “Kamajaya-Kamaratih” Style in Onggosoro Borobudur Central Java (original) (raw)
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Sosiohumaniora, 2022
This research aimed at describe the tradition of the Javanese traditional community wedding ceremony at Huta III Bandar Jawa, Bandar Subdistrict, Simalungun Regency. This research used descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the research were carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. This research found that the Javanese traditional wedding tradition in Huta III generally consists of eleven processions, namely 1) peningsetan, 2) saserahan, 3) pasangtarub or tratag, 4) malamlamaran, 5) kerik-an, 6) ijabkabul, 7) temumanten, 8) lemparsirih, 9) injaktelur (wijidadi), 10) sungkeman, 11) tepungtawar and marhaban. The tradition of Javanese traditional ceremonies in Huta III is not the same as the wedding traditions in Central Java, there are several traditions or processions that have been abandoned. Not only that, the Javanese traditional wedding tradition in Huta III has now experienced a combination or acculturation of the surrounding culture, one of the accul...
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Fatiha Ulil Husna Azizi , 2022
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The Cultural Practice of Traditional Wedding Ceremony in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention
This study is a scientific work which aims to explain about the definitions all the process of traditional wedding ceremony in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara and also enlarge perception of the reader about meaning and a cultural value which is were found in society custom. This study applies qualitative method. It is meant to give describe about the traditional wedding custom in Bima regency. The population of this research is processes of traditional wedding ceremony and the meaning of traditional wedding ceremony and sample is only one village namely Bontokape village in Bolo district, in Bima regency. Data were obtained directly from some resources, observation and research. This research is meant to maintain and respect one of the traditional literally work which is still alive in the society of West Nusa Tenggara, Especially Bima regency. Findings showed that in Bima recency specially in its wedding custom there were 13 process namely : Nari ro mpida (secret visit), katada ngahi (pro...