Message Binary Matrix Reshaping and Rotating Left to Encrypt-Decrypt Secret Message (original) (raw)

A New Digital Encryption Scheme: Binary Matrix Rotations Encryption Algorithm


In today’s world most of the communication is done using electronic media. Data security plays an important role in such communication. So, there’s a requirement for a stronger encoding that is extremely exhausting to crack. Completely different encrypted algorithms are planned thus far to come up with encrypted information of original information. In this we have proposed a new replacement algorithmic rule for Digital encoding called as “Binary Matrix Rotations Technique” (BMR) which reduces size of the data as well as form of the data. The experimental results show that the new theme has very fast encoding and safer.

IJERT-A New Digital Encryption Scheme Matrix Rotations and Bytes Conversion Encryption Algorithm

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 Information security could be a difficult issue in today's technological world. There's a requirement for a stronger encoding that is extremely exhausting to crack. Completely different encrypted algorithms are planned thus far to come up with encrypted information of original information. In this we have proposed a new replacement algorithmic rule for Digital encoding called as "Matrix Rotations and Bytes Conversion Technique" (MRBC) which reduces size of the data as well as form of the data. The experimental results show that the new theme has very fast encoding and safer.

The Cryptography of Secret Messages using Block Rotation Left Operation

Long and short text messages are widely transmitted through various communication media, and some of these messages may be very secret or of a special nature, which requires protecting them from the danger of abusers, intruders, or data hackers. Given the importance of protecting text messages, a novel method will be presented focusing on simplifying the procedures to protect data and make the hacking process difficult.A high-level protection method will be provided using the complicated variable content private key; this key can be easily changed without changing the sequence of operations used in the encryption and decryption phases.A secret color image is to be used to generate the private key;both the sender and receiver must save this image, and the selected image key can be easily resized to get a key equal to the secret message length.To increase the degree of protection, it is recommended to divide the text message into blocks with a selected size, the sender and receiver must determine the size, and the byte in each block is to be combined into one vector. This vector will be rotated left using a specified number of bits determined by the sender and receiver.The proposed method will be implemented using various color images and text messages, and the results will be compared with other methods to prove the achievements obtained by the proposed method.

IJERT-A Novel Square-Expanded-Matrix-Rotation (SEMR) Cryptography Method

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2015 The proposed algorithm is a symmetric algorithm. It employs a key of 8-bit. The algorithm focuses on breaking the input string into a large number of small sized square matrices, whose size varies from 1x1 to 9x9. On each square matrix, we first apply displacement method, which changes the position of characters in the string, and then add expanded matrix, which hides the number of occurrences and values of characters. In each iteration, the value of key gets updated on the basis of the characters encountered in the string encrypted so far. Thus, the key becomes more complicated after every step, thereby increasing the strength of encryption and also making its decryption more difficult. The diverse operations performed on different parts of the string makes it excessively complicated. The proposed algorithm is highly unpredictable and, therefore, changes dynamically with the variation in string length and string characters.

A New Approach towards Encryption Schemes: Byte -Rotation Encryption Algorithm

Information security is a challenging issue in today's technological world. There is a demand for a stronger encryption which is very hard to crack. Earlier many researchers have proposed various encryption algorithms such as AES, DES, Triple DES, RSA, Blowfish etc. Some of them are most popular in achieving data security at a great extent like AES and Blowfish. But, as security level is increased, the time and complexity of algorithm is also increased. This is the major cause of decreasing the speed and efficiency of the encryption system. In this paper we have proposed a new encryption algorithm "Byte-Rotation Encryption Algorithm (BREA)" with "Parallel Encryption Model" which enhances the security as well as speed of the encryption scheme. The BREA is applied on different blocks of plaintext and executes in parallel manner through multithreading concept of single processor system. This paper is an attempt to invent a new encryption model which is secure and very fast.

A Proposed Method for Cryptography using Random Key and Rotation of Text

Cryptography is an emerging technology and important for network security. The widespread use of computerised data storage, processing and transmission makes sensitive, valuable and personal information vulnerable to unauthorised access while in storage or transmission. The only general approach to sending and storing data over media which are insecure is to us some form of encryption. A primary concern is that many attacks involve secret manner access to information resources, and organizations are often unaware of unauthorized access to their information systems. In this paper symmetric key encryption method is used for security purpose.

Simple and Efficient Chaotic Based Method of Message Cryptography

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

A simple and easy to implement method of secret message cryptography will be introduced. The message to be encrypted-decrypted is to be converted to binary matrix, this matrix is to be reshaped to 16 columns matrix, and the contents of this matrix will be rearranged base on the contents of the generated indices key. A chaotic paramaters included in the private key will be used to run a chaotic logistic map model to generate a 16 elements chaotic key, this key will be sorted to get the required indices key. The proposed method will be flixeble and it will be used to encrypt-decrypt any message with any length. Changing the message or/and changing the key will not affect the method. The produced decrypted message will be sensitive to the selected PK, any changes in the private key in the decryption process will produce a carrupted unreadable message. The proposed method will be tested and implemented using various in sizes messages, the obtained result will be used to prove the sensit...

Development and Study of an Encryption Algorithm


A new symmetric block cipher algorithm called AL02 has been developed. The algorithm scheme provides five-round encryption of 128-bit blocks, while the data size at the input and output of the S-box is 8 bits. The main transformation is the F transformation. The difference between the proposed algorithm and the classical scheme is that the F transformation provides the maximum possible dependence of the output vector bits on the input bits and is based on “modulo 2 addition” and a substitution S-box. To assess the strength of the AL02 algorithm, it was programmatically implemented in the C programming language. During the analysis, the cryptographic properties of the developed encryption algorithm were tested. The algorithm was tested for statistical security. For an experimental assessment, in order to ensure that the ciphertext is not inferior to a random sequence in its properties, the well-known sets of statistical tests by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) a...