Related papers
Environmental protection - the responsibility of all socio-economic actors in Romania
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture, 2014
Environmental problems, by the nature, character and its implications, increasingly proves to be a global problem. The environment and its protection claims becoming more consistent management, a variety of intervention tools and ongoing communication with socio-economic actors, in order to minimize the phenomena of pollution and use of resources natural. Aware that the intensity of human activity is increasing the pressure on the environment, either by uncontrolled consumption of resources and space, either by producing waste that nature can not absorb without suffering, prompted the international community to move to initiate and support concrete actions to prevent, counteract and eliminate disturbing factors repercussions of ecological balance. Environmental issues can be made from multiple angles: legal, institutional, economic, technological, etc. This paper aims to address environmental responsibility that should be considered permanent so all economic agents and civil society...
Aspects Regarding Environmental Protection in Romania and EU, from a Juridical Perspective
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
The article aims to present the general principles of environmental protection, in the Romanian and European legislation, as well as to present some of the most challenging issues that environment protection is being confronted with, and how are those issues reflected in Romanian and European jurisprudence.Most of the EU countries (such as Belgium, etc.) have proclaimed, in their constitutions, the principle of protecting the environment and the right to a healthy environment. The European Court of Human Rights has stated that the right to a healthy environment is similar with the right of respecting private and family life. The Court has stated that significant damage inflicted upon the environment can affect individual welfare.
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law = Agrár- és Környezetjog
The consolidation of the right to a healthy environment as one of the fundamental human rights can be seen as a result of the enshrinement in the Constitution of Romania since its revision in 2003, as well as the interpretations offered by The Constitutional Court in its pertinent jurisprudence. The present study aims to review previous research results in the field of legal doctrine and case law pertaining to environmental law in Romania, as well as to continue the examination of the most relevant cases contributing to the consolidation of constitutional dimensions of the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment.
The present paper describes some of the increasingly controversial and debated - at a planetary level - implications and interrelations generated by the "man-environment" binominal, in an attempt to motivate the main causes of environmental degradation. As a natural consequence of the baneful impact of modern world's development has exercise upon the future generations, ambiental ethics is a discipline considered one of the most significant contributions of the 20th century to mankind's general progress. Further on, in a logical approach, we see the modalities of influencing human behaviour towards its transformation into a "respectful" attitude versus the environment, namely by means of legal regulations - that soon became standards and norms of environmental approaching, as well as by economic stimuli specific to the market, thus going beyond the "command and control" procedure. If considering the worldwide orientation of the environmental problems, Romania has demonstrated its preoccupation for the environmental variables and for the economic and social implications they have, adapting its legislation in view of a continuous monitoring of the economy - environment relation, being now in the position of selecting its social, economic and environmental pattern in the times to come. Keywords: environment, environmental policy, sustainable development, the pollution degree, living standard, ambiental ethics.
The main objective of the sustainable development is to find the ways of economic growth and development under a rational use of the natural common resources in order to preserve the regenerate resources and to use the non-regenerate resources in a manner which don't affect the future generations. For the beginning, the paper deals with the European environment policy, especially with the water sources' protection. Then, it is presented the situation from Romania. We analyse the causes of the water high pollution degree: the old cleaning stations, sewerage and collecting systems. The next step is to connect them to the regional distribution of the human agglomerations in Romania. The situation is analysing on regions, the worst situation being in Bucharest-Ilfov. Using the drinking water distribution and the sewerage system criteria, we can divide the Romania's population into three categories. A comparative analysis with the latest 12 Member States shows us that all those 11 countries have a better public water and sewerage network than Romania. As a result, we present the investment plan for the Romanian water system protection during 2007-2013, comparing with other Member States. In the end, we present the water systems regionalization in Romania as a solution to improve water resources protection. The final conclusion of the paper is that Romania has, once again, one of the worst situations in the E.U. The water problem becomes one of the greatest challenges for Romania on short and medium term.
The effects of environmental factors on the quality of human life and ecosystems in Romania
Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment
In Romania, environment protection appeared as a topic of Romanian governmental program in 1990, when the Ministry for Environment was created; in 1992, the first official document establishing the national targets in the area of environment protection was enacted. The document Strategia Nationala de Protectia Mediului (National Strategy for Environment Protection) was created by the Romanian Ministry together with experts from World Bank. The document was renewed in 1996, respectively 2002. The strategy had two parts: the first part lists the most important natural resources, information concerning the economical situation of Romania as well as the quality of environmental factors; the second part presents the general principles which should guide the Romanian environmental policy on a short and also on a long term. Earlier in 1996, one could saw an attempt to harmonize the national strategy with the European one. The new principles that have been adopted were: protection of human health (supreme principle), sustainable development, pollution prevention, biodiversity conservation, conservation of cultural and historical heritage and "polluter pays" principle. The document also expressed the willingness of the Romanian Government to sustain economically (through different facilities) environmental projects on national and local levels including settling water management and forestry policy and responsibility for nuclear issues. The criteria for the actions proposed in the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) are as follows: sustaining and improving human health and the quality of life (which corresponds to the first principle mentioned above); maintaining and improving existing natural conditions; reducing the potential effects of accidents (prevention through safety measures); maximum cost/benefit ratio; adhesion to the international conventions and programs concerning environmental protection. In this study we evaluate Romania's compliance with some of the goals settled in these documents. Our conclusions are concerning the state of health and how health is influenced by environmental effects. A major problem that the Romanian Government should be preoccupied with is to inform the inhabitants of polluted areas about the risks they are facing; though, from the legislation point of view, Romania tried to transpose all European environmental and food safety standards. However, due to absence of financial and administrative resources, the gap between existent legislation and its implementation is still considerable.
Challenges and trends in environmental regulations applicable in E&P Romania
Conferinta nationala "Patrimoniu natural, geodiversitate, geoconservare" a Societatii Geologice a Romaniei - Universitatea Bucuresti, 2018
In the paper we consider the environmental provisions and regulations applicable in oil industry in Romania in order to ensure the environmental protection, geoconservation, geodiversity and/or biodiversity. Oil and gas industry has to face the environmental challenges as it is among the industries with a high risk of pollution. The management of oil companies should ensure full compliance with HSE laws and regulations and, to maintain a responsible and sustainable business while protecting habitats and biodiversity. The need to comply with the environmental standards specific to the concession area requires prior information from public data and compliance. Accommodating to “new environment” for a responsible E&P activity involve supplementary efforts from oil companies and contractors.
Environmental Assessment on an Industrial Site Located in Vrancea County Romania
This paper focuses on the application of the usual approach for the environmental assessment of former industrial sites which were disaffected and now are the subject of a real estate transaction or which are brownfields. The existing Romanian legislation in this field lacks content and must to be completed with other available regulations, even the Romanian GD 1408/2007 on the methods of investigation and assessment of pollution of soil and subsoil was approved but the implementation rules not yet been published. This happens in a context where there is no EU legislation in this matter. To achieve the necessary investigations in order to identify and quantify the pollution of the geological media, most environmental consultants resort to ASTM standards. Besides, the success of the approach is provided by a rich professional experience of the environmental assessors involved. The case study presented in this paper refers to the approach taken to investigate and to quantify the poten...
Theoretical and Experimental Research in Order to Protect the Environment in Romania
Revista de Chimie
Protecting the environment is a matter of great importance that must be treaty very seriously, both internationally as well as nationally.The actual situation in Romania, about the economy and the state of the environment, requires the development of a program corresponding to its own interests. Given the specific situation of Romania, the transition to a strong market economy, the restructuring of the economy, the stages that we will go through this market strategy, will mark certain phases with clear objectives.The paper will present the objectives of environmental protection strategy�s, industrial risk analysis that affect environmental quality, environmental impact assessment methods and problems of ecological marking of the products. Based on strategies can be developed economic and environmental programs, which must be completed in order to achieve the set objectives, either macroeconomic, sectorial, regional, operative coordination (mandatory) or programs of measures at the f...