Factorization of the Difficulty of Political Parties in Indonesia to Develop as an Implementation of Democratic State (original) (raw)

Demokrasi di Atas Pasir: Kemajuan dan Kemunduran Demokratisasi di Indonesia


Buku ini didasarkan atas survei yang menunjukkan bahwa demokrasi Indonesia, selain memperlihatkan kemajuan-kemajuan juga memperlihatkan beberapa kemunduran. Adalah benar bahwa rakyat yang sudah bebeas menggunakan hak suara mereka dalam pemilu, akan tetapi kaum perempuan (yang kebanyakan tidak memiliki jaringan yang bagus), kaum miskin dan kelompok marjinal, secara de facto terhalang untuk maju sebagai kandidat dan bahkan kadangkala untuk memilih. Upaya untuk mengembangkan representasi popular menjadi terhambat. Isu-isu mendasar seperti persamaan hak-hak sipil dan politik, serta pemenuhan hak-hak sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya juga menghadapi tantangan serupa. Oleh karena itu, ada kebutuhan mendesak untuk mengembangkan blok politik demokratis yang terorganisasikan dengan baik dan tidak didominasi atau dipengaruhi oleh partai. Upaya ini perlu dilakukan untuk mengingkatkan pengaruh masyarakat (demos) yang independen ke dalam aktivitas-aktivitas politik yang terorganisir; untuk mengubah re...

Membangun Pendidikan Politik Dalam Fatsun Demokrasi Pancasila Dan Deliberative

The Journal of Society & Media, 2019

Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pendidikan politik menyongsong pemilu Presiden dan Wakil PresidenRepublik Indonesia tahun 2019dalam fatsun demokrasi Pancasila dan Deliberatif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dalam fatsun demokrasi Pancasila dan deliberatif, dijumpai ajaran diskursus praktis, formasi opini publik dan aspirasi politik masyarakat, serta kedaulatan rakyat secara prosedural sebagai pemilik dan pemegang kedaulatan tertinggi yang diatur secara konstitusional di Indonesia serta dapat mengontrol keputusan-keputusanpemerintah yang dibentuk melalui pemilihan umum. Pendidikan politik merupakansarana untuk mengetahui hak dan kewajibannyaserta pertanggungan jawab warga negara Indonesia dalam kehidupan bernegara, selain itu tanggung jawab Presiden dan wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia terpilih dalam mengemban kekuasaan sebagai amanah. Tanggung jawab dalam pendidikan politik ini menjadi kewajiban partai politik, KPU-BAWASLU, dan seluruh elemen masyarakat dengan tujuan peningkatan pemahaman visi misi calon Presiden dan wakil Presiden Indonesia dalam diskursus publik sesuai dengan cita-cita dan tujuan negara Indonesia yang sampai saat ini belum tercapai.

Faksi Dan Konflik Internal Partai-Partai Politik Di Indonesia Era Reformasi


Abstrak Konflik internal dan perpecahan partai merupakan persoalan pelik yang pernah dialami oleh hampir semua partai yang berkuasa di parlemen Indonesia selama era reformasi. Konflik tak terhindarkan meskipun Undang-Undang Partai Politik telah mengatur secara khusus mengenai konflik partai dan cara penyelesaiannya. Riset kualitatif ini menemukan ada beberapa hal yang menjadi penyebab konflik diantaranya ideologi partai, melembaganya kepemimpinan partai yang personal dan oligarkis, serta koalisi partai yang cair, inefektivitas aturan hukum formal, serta kombinasi sistem proporsional terbuka, sistem pemilu langsung dan sistem multipartai ekstrim. Konflik adalah problem yang memiliki dampak buruk bagi partai karena diantaranya mampu mengganggu rekrutmen partai serta kinerja elektoralnya. Oleh karena itu, upaya untuk mencegah dan mengatasi konflik adalah suatu kepatutan. Kata Kunci : Faksi, Konflik, Partai Politik, Pelembagaan

The Journey of Political Parties in Indonesia in the State System

British Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and History, 2022

Democratic country like Indonesia usually generates healthy, growing, and rooted from below political party. In Indonesia, political parties have long been known before Indonesia's independence. At that time, the political party became the medium of the founding father's struggle to fight against colonialism. Since Indonesia's Independence Day, the existence of a political party was admitted and supported by the government. This study needs to do from a political point of view. It will enrich learning and understanding the existence of political parties concerning the development of Political Science in Indonesia. The focus of this study is to describe how the political party's history and its role from Orde Lama until the Orde Baru era in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative research method, and data interpreting will be analyzed using the descriptive analysis method. In the meantime, data validation will be checked and rechecked after collecting data. This stud...

Relevansi Dan Kontribusi Metode Konversi Suara Menjadi Kursi Dalam Upaya Penyederahanaan Jumlah Partai Politik DI Indonesia

Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia, 2020

In the General Election contestation, the choice of votes-to-seats conversion methods often does not get enough attention in the election regulation, although it affects the difference in the number of seats that a political party can obtain in parliament. In the history of the Indonesian election, there are at least two types of conversion methods that have been used, namely Hare Quota method and Sainte-Lague Divisor method. The changing of votes-to-seats conversion method practically affect the strategy and pattern of political parties' movement in the election to obtain seats in parliament, considering the multiparty system that has been implemented in Indonesia. Based on the explanation above, the Authors seek to understand whether the change of votes-toseats conversion methods has a major influence in simplifying political parties in Indonesia. For that reason, the Authors also conducts vote-counting simulations using various conversion methods. The results of this research illustrate that the difference in the conversion methods implicates the difference in the number of seats obtained by a political party in parliament. Furthermore, from the various methods used, the d'Hondt divisor method has quite a significant implication in efforts to simplify the number of political parties in parliament.

Orientasi Politik Aktivis Eks Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Pasca Dibubarkan

Kontekstualita, 2018

Artikel ini ingin mengetahui orientasi politik Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) setelah dibubarkan oleh pemerintah melalui peraturan pemerintah (Perpu) No 2 tahun 2017, sebagai pengganti Undang-Undang No 17 Tahun 2013 tentang Organisasi kemasyarakatan. Orientasi politik merupakan sikap yang dimiliki seorang individu maupun kelompok dalam interaksinya dengan kehidupan politik yang meliputi, sikap, nilai dan prilaku politik Pemerintah melalui kementerian hukum dan HAM mencabut status badan hukum organisasi HTI. Pencabutan status badan hukum HTI dilatar belakangi karena idiologi dan aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh HTI bertentangan dengan Pancasila dan negara kesatuan republik Indonesia (NKRI). Sebagai sebuah organisasi sosial-keagamaan keberadaan Hizbut Tahrir sudah berlangsung sejak lama di Indonesia. HTI memiliki struktur anggota, kaderisasi, aktivis, simpatisan yang cukup solid dan konsisten memperjuangkan berdirinya khilafah Islamiyah. Oleh karena itu, ketika organisasi mereka dibubarkan oleh pemerintah, anggota, kader, aktivis, dan simpatisan eks HTI, ke arah manakah orientasi politiknya setelah dibubarkan. Pertanyaan penelitian ini ingin menjawab kemanakah orientasi politik eks Hizbut Tahrir setelah dibubarkan oleh pemerintah. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan kearah mana orientasi politiknya dengan gerakan islamis lainnya yang pernah dibubarkan oleh pemerintah pada masa-masa sebelumnya.

Kebangkitan Party ID: Analisis Perilaku Memilih dalam Politik Lokal di Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2016

This article explains that the party identifi cation (party ID) has become the main factor of voting behaviorin local politics in Indonesia. Voters no longer dominant consider the proximity factor, both ethnic andregional proximity in determining vote choice, as a general conclusion that has been used to explain votingbehavioral in local politics in Indonesia. This article confi rms that voters tend to conform to the party thenmake a choice their voices to candidates that are off ered by the party.

An Overview of the Journey of Political Parties in Indonesia from a Socio-historical Perspective

Polit Journal: Scientific Journal of Politics

Democratic country usually generates a healthy, growing, and rooted political party. In Indonesia, political parties had long been known before Indonesia's independence. At that time, the political party became the medium of the founding fathers' struggle to fight against colonialism. Since Indonesia's Independence Day, the existence of a political party was admitted and supported by the government. This study needs to make a political point of view. It will enrich learning and understanding of the existence of political parties concerning the development of Political Science in Indonesia. The focus of this study is to describe how the political party's history and its role from Orde Lama until the Orde Baru era in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative research method, and data interpretation will be analyzed with the descriptive analysis method. In the meantime, data validation will be checked and rechecked after collecting data. This study concludes that Indones...


Structuring of a political party is a constitutional national law politics insofar as it is consistent with the principle of protection of Human Rights and the principle of democracy. The legitimate principles of restriction of human rights consist of the principle of legality and the principle of interest to exercise restriction. The application of the two principles within the framework of restrictions on Human Rights is also overseen and offset by the principle of proportionality. Political law in the framework of structuring political parties is aimed at two targets, that is: (1) the regulation on the establishment of political parties and (2) the regulation of the holding of elections. The regulatory orientation of the establishment of political parties is intended to be an impediment to the will of a person to form a random political party. While the regulatory orientation on the holding of elections is to limit or reduce the number of political party presence in parliament. The factors influencing the structuring of political parties in Indonesia are socio-political factors, the ineffectiveness of party system adopted by the State of Indonesia, the juridical factor by tightening the terms of the establishment of political parties in the Election Law and the Political Party Law, the condition of pluralism a nation intended to minimize the flow politics, as well as historical conditions that show the historical facts of political parties in Indonesia are quite bleak.

Indonesia Political Development

Budi Kurniadi, 2018

This research paper was aims to explore the dimensions of the political development that are closely related to the existence of a political system that is confronted with progressive social and political changes. Democracy as the pillar of the implementation of constitutional government is a form of political development idealism which in its implementation moves dynamically and synergizes with the prevailing political system. As one manifestation of democratic implementation, political institutionalization is the most important part in the implementation of democratic governance. The role of political parties in all countries including in Indonesia, in the plain view, coloring the political dynamics of the government. Understanding political development certainly will not be separated from the social transformation, because social changes that was occur in society also move rapidly, but on the other hand the reality of public political education is not in line with the political changes that occur due to the swift external factors including the development of foreign politics. In this critical study, certainly not all dimensions of political development will be discussed but try to express the ideas was related to democracy, political parties in the perspective of political education which includes democracy, political parties and the problem, the reality of public political education. the link between democracy, political parties and political education is at the core of this study.