Utilization of Glycerin from Biodiesel Production in Textile Waste Recycling (original) (raw)

Utilization of Biodiesel Waste for Acid Carbon Preparation with High Catalyst Activity in the Glycerol Etherification Reaction

Química Nova, 2015

UTILIZATION OF BIODIESEL WASTE FOR ACID CARBON PREPARATION WITH HIGH CATALYST ACTIVITY IN THE GLYCEROL ETHERIFICATION REACTION. Environmentally friendly acid carbon (CG) catalysts, containing a high amount of sulfonated and oxygenated groups, were prepared from glycerin, a biodiesel waste. CGs were produced by glycerin carbonization in the presence of H 2 SO 4 at 1:3 m:m ratio in a closed autoclave at 180°C for different times: 0.25; 1; 3 and 6 hours (CG-0.25h; CG-1h; CG-3h and CG-6h, respectively). The catalyst properties for all carbons were evaluated in the glycerol etherification reaction with tert-butyl alcohol (TBA). The yield for mono-tert-butyl glycerol (MTBG), di-tert-butyl glycerol (DTBG) and tri-tert-butyl-glycerol (TTBG) was high and very similar for all CGs, of about 43% and 20% for the MTBG and DTBG + TTBG, respectively. Furthermore, the activity of these catalysts were close to those obtained using a commercial resin, Amberlyst-15, of about 50% and 27% for MTBG and DTBG + TTBG, respectively.

Reutilization of Glycerol Derived from Biodiesel Production Using HPW-Based Catalysts Supported on Niobium for Obtention of Additives

Revista Virtual de Química, 2014

This review proposes the use of residual glycerol, generated in biodiesel production, as raw material for production of oxygenate additive to biofuel. Oxygenated additives, such as glycerol ethers, increase the value of fuel mixture and engine performance. This represents a new methodology in line with the green chemistry principles. The etherification reaction, responsible for the additives production (glycerol ethers), can be effected by the heterogeneous acid catalysts application due to their specificities, like the possibility of reusing, greater strength and higher acidity. It was found that the Keggin heteropolyacids (HPW) supported on niobia have a potential that can be exploited for further industrial application.

Analysis of the development of new technologies turned to gross glycerin from the biodiesel obtaination process

Applied Research & Agrotechnology, 2019

La busqueda de fuentes de energia renovables ha generado incentivos para utilizar el biodiesel como combustible. En Brasil, la produccion y el consumo de biodiesel tienen altas perspectivas debido a las politicas vigentes en el pais que fomentan su uso, lo que aumenta la preocupacion sobre el destino de la glicerina (coproducto de la produccion de biodiesel). El excedente de glicerina, ademas de generar impactos economicos, tambien puede causar problemas ambientales si no tiene un destino final correcto. Dada la situacion, es necesario desarrollar alternativas para el uso de glicerina. Ante esta realidad, buscamos verificar, a traves del analisis de proteccion de patentes, la produccion de tecnologias destinadas al uso de glicerina, a partir de la encuesta de solicitudes de patente presentada en Brasil a traves de una busqueda en la base de datos del Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI). La produccion de biodiesel y la estimulacion del uso aumentaron en Brasil, princ...

Reaproveitamento do Glicerol Residual do Processo de Produção de Biodiesel Utilizando Catalisador à Base de HPA Suportado em Ácido Nióbico para a Obtenção de Aditivos

Revista Virtual de Química, 2014

This review proposes the use of residual glycerol, generated in biodiesel production, as raw material for production of oxygenate additive to biofuel. Oxygenated additives, such as glycerol ethers, increase the value of fuel mixture and engine performance. This represents a new methodology in line with the green chemistry principles. The etherification reaction, responsible for the additives production (glycerol ethers), can be effected by the heterogeneous acid catalysts application due to their specificities, like the possibility of reusing, greater strength and higher acidity. It was found that the Keggin heteropolyacids (HPW) supported on niobia have a potential that can be exploited for further industrial application.

Aplicação Do Glicerol Residual Da Produção De Biodiesel Em Compósitos Lignocelulósicos


Among the most promising renewable fuels is biodiesel, produced from virgin or recycled vegetable oils, which involves the transesterification reaction. Even with high production and applicability, much of the glycerin obtained is not yet used due to high costs involving purification processes for certain purposes, as well as the expansion of application in high added value materials. A new aspect for the use of biodiesel glycerol is its use as an input in the manufacture of wood-plastic composites. To this end, the use and applicability of this composite with positive characteristics for the replacement of furniture and packaging in priority sectors, such as construction, is increasing. In this work, the methodology of bibliographic research, survey, organization and analysis of documents was adopted. This initial analysis and understanding will lead to a discussion and questions about the possible use of glycerol from Biodiesel production in the production of plastic-wood composit...

A Simple Method for the Biodiesel Production by the Reuse of Different Types of Waste Frying Oils

Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2013

A simple and complete method for the production and characterization of methylic and ethylic biodiesel from the main types of waste frying oils produced in Brazil was developed. The waste frying oils of soybean, canola, corn and sunflower were employed in the production of methylic and ethylic biodiesel by transesterification reaction via basic homogeneous catalysis. The transesterification reactions were performed at 40oC during 40 min, using a catalyst percentage (KOH) equal to 2%. After separation of the phases biodiesel/glycerol, biodiesel was washed with 0.1M HCl aqueous solution, heated at 100 oC to remove excess alcohol and finally filtered under vacuum with silica, a drying agent. The reaction yields were in the range 67.8-95.9%, quite satisfactory. The oxidative stability index was obtained for the oils as well as the biodiesel. Quality control of the original oil and of the methylic and ethylic biodiesels was accomplished by the TLC and GC-MS techniques. The results presen...

Recuperação e valorização de glicerol bruto da produção de biodiesel a partir de óleos alimentares usados

Crude glycerol from biodiesel production is the main source for commercial glycerol used in various industries. However, existing technologies for crude glycerol processing are economically challenging, especially for small and medium sized biodiesel plants. Historical importance and current market trends for glycerol production and consumption were briefly analyzed and described in order to predict glycerol market evolution. Due to strict environmental regulations, production of crude glycerol is expected to rise substantially until 2020 creating a great opportunity for economical profit from crude glycerol processing. Today a big effort is being made in research and development for new applications of glycerol in order to adapt the market for glycerol surplus originated by emerging biodiesel industry. These studies present promising results which may generate new potential industrial applications. Development of new applications and efficient processing methods is crucial for stability in future glicerol market. This dissertation was elaborated in collaboration with a local small biodiesel producer. A purification process for low quality crude glycerol, based on physical and chemical separation steps was developed using experimental data. Economical feasibility of the process was analyzed and tested for various market scenarios. A simple and cheap experimental procedure for glycerol purification was developed and described in order to provide simple and reproducible instructions for quality and process control in related future studies and process implementation. The most important results for the purification steps were presented. Using the proposed separation sequence, efective removal of Mater-Organic-Non-Glycerol (MONG) impurities and decolorization was observed. A yeild of approximately 50 % (% wt.) was obtained and a purity of the final product up to 94% glycerol was achieved. However, the ash content was only slightly reduced since the product still presents significant amounts of salts 3-4 %. Various techniques were used to indirectly characterize che-mical compositions of the obtained samples presenting simple and reasonably accurate methods for crude glycerol characterization. Methods like Thermo-Gravimetric Analysis, Elemental Analysis and chemical tritation are very useful tools in low-cost industrial applications. Finally, the economical feasibility was analyzed for various market conditions in order to define the most profitable process configuration. A discontinuous, easy scalable, simple and relatively cheap process was designed in order to evaluate necessary capital investment, which is estimated near 1 million euros. It was concluded that the proposed process sequence is economically viable with present market prices, presen-ting a Net Present Value at the end of the project of 455 thousands euros. It was also noted that for 10 times the base capacity the profitability is much higher giving a final NPV of approximately 11 million euros, showing great economical interest for medium-sized biodiesel plants or even for plants dedicated solely for crude glycerol processing, which can yield large profits especially when large quantity of cheap crude glycerol is available.