Labour Process and Occupations. A Critical Journey into the Sociology of Work (original) (raw)

Industrial Relations at Crossroads: The Case of "Briefcase Professions" in Greece

Sociology and Anthropology

This paper wishes to analyse the "Briefcase Professions" issue in Greece as an answer to the prolonged economic crisis and the unemployment derailment. It briefly summarizes the domestic macroeconomic developments presenting a few key figures, which actually triggered the emergence of this kind of economic behaviour, focuses on Undeclared Work and Self-employment in Greece, discusses the term "Briefcase Professions" and contributes to the dilemma of selecting the most appropriate way to face this new type of business activity.

Industrial Relations at Crossroads: The Case of "Briefcase Professions" in Greece i

This paper wishes to analyse the "Briefcase Professions" issue in Greece as an answer to the prolonged economic crisis and the unemployment derailment. It briefly summarizes the domestic macroeconomic developments presenting a few key figures, which actually triggered the emergence of this kind of economic behaviour, focuses on Undeclared Work and Self-employment in Greece, discusses the term "Briefcase Professions" and contributes to the dilemma of selecting the most appropriate way to face this new type of business activity.


Since the early 1980s the post-fordist transition of advanced economies has triggered new labour market regulations and employment arrangements characterized by higher flexibility and reduced social rights. As the deregulation of the labour market in Europe leads to further flexibilization, employment status degrades especially in the less integrated EU economies such as Greece. Likewise, flexicurity – promoted to balance labour flexibility and labour security-and the recent recession, both determine a new uneven spatial division of labour and expansion of certain atypical employment forms across different regions, even within the same national jurisdictions. Encompassing these key-concepts our study empirically substantiates the main aspects of atypical labour geography in Greece. On this ground, the paper intends to capture late trends in flexible employment as these are defined by recent changes in productive, regulatory and social contexts. To this purpose, spatial patterns of atypical employment, specifically part-time, temporary, self-employment and family-helpers, are correlated to region-specific production systems and labour market changing structures. Results are mapped on NUTS-II level for 2005-2009, providing a spatially integrated illustration of the respective socioeconomic changes. The emerging regional typology reflects the manufacturing decline in the West and Central Macedonia regions, the congested tertiarization and declining construction and service sector in the Athens and Thessaloniki metropolitan regions, as well as tourism stagnation in the South Aegean region. In all explored Greek regions, increasing deregulation and flexibilization compress the socially embedded long-existing atypical employment forms and boost the expansion of more precarious ones. This is already illustrated in the severe decline of self-employment and family-helpers and the rise of part-time employment. Whilst the ongoing recession further dissolves employment structures in the name of competitive restructuring. 2

“Classic Greek Job!”: The discursive construction of precarious labour as a common-place in the work regime for young people in Greek society.

Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology

Precarity is becoming the paradigmatic description of the work conditions for young people in Greece, in times of crisis. This article draws on interview data on the work experiences of young adults, native Greeks or second generation migrants. Drawing on insights from critical discursive social psychology, analysis focuses on the ways in which informants use language in action to speak about working in precarious jobs. It is indicated that, in the local context of the interaction, participants discuss the regime of precarious labour in Greece on accounting for changing jobs. In particular, they rhetorically construct a banal youth regime of precarious labour while orienting themselves to a dilemma of stake and accountability and position themselves as effortful citizens. The discussion considers the need to bring into the scope of discursive social psychology the specific nuances of precarious labour, in contrast to un/employment, as articulated by the working young people themselves and opens up questions of individualism, citizenship, and social inclusion in the face of precarious labour.

Approaches to the Post-WWII Labour-Based Social Economy of Greece

Advances in Finance, Accounting, and Economics, 2017

The current crisis in Greece, an EU member for over 30 years, has brought to the surface the character of the Greek politico-administrative system as it handles employment, migration and associated forms of social protection. The lack of a unified national labour system does not allow the formation of a national system of employment (qualifications) and, hence, a way to overcome nepotism and the political (party) patronage system which defines labour relations, under the extraordinary political situation that emerged after World War II (WWII). This chapter explores this hidden reality defining the organisation of the employment system in Greece, its politico-administrative controls that seem to aim at 'arresting' the emergence of a social economy. This leads to a hidden social economy of a fragmented private labour market, regulated separately from the secure "public" employment sector. This rather anachronistic and discriminatory system of political order of labour divides workers in Greece.

A Critical approach to the discursive construction of work and the self as an employee in present-day Greece


Estudios en varias disciplinas de las ciencias sociales han senalado que se esta desarrollando una despolitizacion estrategica del trabajo remunerado, junto con la constitucion del sujeto como emprendedor autosuficiente y la remodelacion de sociedad de acuerdo con los principios del mercado. Desde una perspectiva critica, esta tesis doctoral se centra en el punto de union entre la configuracion discursiva del significado del trabajo y la construccion de identidad, en la Grecia de hoy. Mas especificamente, explora las formas en las que los empleados griegos construyen el trabajo asalariado en su habla, las redes de significados en las que sus construcciones se basan y sus posibles implicaciones en un nivel micro- y macrosocial. En la misma linea, ilumina las posiciones subjetivas que los individuos adoptan en su comunicacion coloquial, asi como los discursos que han logrado establecer sus definiciones de la relacion laboral como evidentes. El estudio utilizo un diseno de investigacio...

Special Issue on Re-thinking Sociologies of Work: Past, Present and Future


This paper traces relations between the study of work and the evolution of British sociology as an academic discipline. This reveals broad trajectories of marginalization, as the study of work becomes less central to Sociology as a discipline; increasing fragmentation of divergent approaches to the study of work; and -as a consequence of both -a narrowing of the sociological vision for the study of work. Our paper calls for constructive dialogue across different approaches to the study of work and a re-invigoration of sociological debate about work and -on this basis -for in-depth interdisciplinary engagement enabling us to build new approaches that will allow us to study work in all its diversity and complexity.