Poétisation des frontières intermédiatiques dans la Théorie de l’information de Aurélien Bellanger : établissement de la connexion à l’Internet comme site (topos) de transcription romanesque du numérique (original) (raw)


Title: Poetizing the Intermedial Boundaries in the Theory of Information by Aurélien Bellanger: Establishing Connection to the Internet as a Site (Topos) of Transcribing the Digital into Fiction A major stumbling block for the theorization of the digital, amplified by the Internet, is its tendency to blur the boundaries between the formerly distinct media, by “liquefying” those to the point of indiscernibility. Hence, there was a lack of consensus among media scholars, whose initial response towards this change of paradigm was reduced to a series of interchangeable umbrella terms: from multi- (or omni-) medium to hyper-medium, etc. The paper aims at demonstrating that one of the best-adjusted sites (or topoï) for the staging of an intermedial dialogue in fiction, as far as the novels – cf. Aurélien Bellanger (2012) – attempting the poetization of the network are concerned, manifests itself in the episodes relating the process of establishing the network connection, since a logical progression of such sequences reiterates diegetically the very principle of interaction between several mediums all the while seeking to articulate those technologically and poetically.