Reelin Regulates the Maturation of Dendritic Spines, Synaptogenesis and Glial Ensheathment of Newborn Granule Cells (original) (raw)

2016, Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)

The Reelin pathway is essential for both neural migration and for the development and maturation of synaptic connections. However, its role in adult synaptic formation and remodeling is still being investigated. Here, we investigated the impact of the Reelin/Dab1 pathway on the synaptogenesis of newborn granule cells (GCs) in the young-adult mouse hippocampus. We show that neither Reelin overexpression nor the inactivation of its intracellular adapter, Dab1, substantially alters dendritic spine numbers in these neurons. In contrast, 3D-electron microscopy (focused ion beam milling/scanning electron microscope) revealed that dysregulation of the Reelin/Dab1 pathway leads to both transient and permanent changes in the types and morphology of dendritic spines, mainly altering mushroom, filopodial, and branched GC spines. We also found that the Reelin/Dab1 pathway controls synaptic configuration of presynaptic boutons in the dentate gyrus, with its dysregulation leading to a substantial...

Reelin regulates the development and synaptogenesis of the layer-specific entorhino-hippocampal connections

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1999

Here we examine the role of Reelin, an extracellular protein involved in neuronal migration, in the formation of hippocampal connections. Both at prenatal and postnatal stages, the general laminar and topographic distribution of entorhinal projections is preserved in the hippocampus of reeler mutant mice, in the absence of Reelin. However, developing and adult entorhinal afferents show severe alterations, including increased numbers of misrouted fibers and the formation of abnormal patches of termination from the medial and lateral entorhinal cortices. At perinatal stages, single entorhinal axons in reeler mice are grouped into thick bundles, and they have decreased axonal branching and decreased extension of axon collaterals. We also show that the number of entorhino-hippocampal synapses is lower in reeler mice than in control animals during development. Studies performed in mixed entorhino-hippocampal co-cultures combining slices from reeler and wild-type mice indicate that these ...

Reelin Prevents Apical Neurite Retraction during Terminal Translocation and Dendrite Initiation

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2015

The mechanisms controlling cortical dendrite initiation and targeting are poorly understood. Multiphoton imaging of developing mouse cortex reveals that apical dendrites emerge by direct transformation of the neuron's leading process during the terminal phase of neuronal migration. During this ∼110 min period, the dendritic arbor increases ∼2.5-fold in size and migration arrest occurs below the first stable branch point in the developing arbor. This dendritic outgrowth is triggered at the time of leading process contact with the marginal zone (MZ) and occurs primarily by neurite extension into the extracellular matrix of the MZ. In reeler cortices that lack the secreted glycoprotein Reelin, a subset of neurons completed migration but then retracted and reorganized their arbor in a tangential direction away from the MZ soon after migration arrest. For these reeler neurons, the tangential oriented primary neurites were longer lived than the radially oriented primary neurites, wher...

Ndel1 and Reelin Maintain Postnatal CA1 Hippocampus Integrity

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2016

How the integrity of laminar structures in the postnatal brain is maintained impacts neuronal functions. Ndel1, the mammalian homolog of NuDE from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans, is an atypical microtubule (MT)-associated protein that was initially investigated in the contexts of neurogenesis and neuronal migration. Constitutive knock-out mice for Ndel1 are embryonic lethal, thereby necessitating the creation a conditional knock-out to probe the roles of Ndel1 in postnatal brains. Here we report that CA1 pyramidal neurons from mice postnatally lacking Ndel1 (Ndel1 conditional knock-out) exhibit fragmented MTs, dendritic/synaptic pathologies, are intrinsically hyperexcitable and undergo dispersion independently of neuronal migration defect. Secondary to the pyramidal cell changes is the decreased inhibitory drive onto pyramidal cells from interneurons. Levels of the glycoprotein Reelin that regulates MTs, neuronal plasticity, and cell compaction are significantly reduced...


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