Histological and morphometric analysis of skeletal muscle in some vertebrates (original) (raw)
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Effect of Age and Sex on Histomorphometrical Characteristics of Two Muscles of Laticauda Lambs
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010
The aim of the present experiment was to determine the effect of sex and age on histochemical and morphometric characteristics of muscle fibres (myocytes) in lambs born by single, twin, triplet and quadruplet birth. Thirty lambs were slaughtered at 60 days of age; thirty were weaned at 60 days and fed until 120 days with flakes (60%) and food supplements, and then slaughtered. Muscle tissues were obtained from two muscles, namely m. semitendinosus and m. longissimus dorsi of all lambs. For each fibre type, area perimeter and diameter (maximum and minimum) were measured and slow-twitch oxidative fibres, fast-twitch glycolytic fibres, fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic fibres were histochemically differentiated. The muscles were stained for myosin ATPase, and succinic dehydrogenase. At 60 days, females had fibres larger than males, whereas the opposite was observed at 120 days. Besides, at 60 days, the lambs born by single birth had fibres larger than those born by multiple birth, whereas the opposite was observed at 120 days. Single lambs were heavier than twin lambs and multiple lambs. Fast-twitch glycolytic fibres had the largest size, followed by slow-twitch oxidative and fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic fibres. The dimensions of fibre types in m. longissimus dorsi were larger than in m. semitendinosus (P < 0.001).These muscle fibre characteristics are thought to be important factors influencing meat quality, which is often related to metabolic and contractile properties as determined by the muscle fibre type distribution.
Neotropical Ichthyology, 2016
This study aimed to evaluate muscle organization in tambaqui in order to describe the muscle growth process. We analyzed the morphometric pattern of fibers from white muscle of young-adults (300 days) by smaller diameter. The organization of white muscle exhibited a typical morphological pattern found in other fish species. Heavier animals showed higher frequency of larger diameter fibers (>50 μm ) and smaller animals had higher frequency of smaller diameter fibers (<20 μm ) (P =0.005). However, both animals showed the same frequency of intermediate diameter fibers (20-50 μm ). Body weight showed a positive correlation with muscle diameter fiber (r=0.45), being 20-50 μm the diameters that contributed the most to animal weight (P <0.0001). A weak correlation between fiber diameter and animal sex was observed (r=0.2). Females showed higher frequency of large fiber diameters (>50 μm ) than males. However, there was no difference between body weight and sex (P =0.8). Our res...
Vertebrate Functional Morphology: A Tribute to Milton Hildebrand
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 1989
Synopsis. The functional diversity of vertebrate skeletal muscle largely depends upon its structure. An important aspect of this is its hierarchical design. At the cellular level, muscle fibers form three categories whose functional properties grade into each other: slow-oxidative fibers with high endurance to fatigue, fast-oxidative/glycolytic fibers also endurant but with greater metabolic diversity, and fast-glycolytic fibers with limited endur ance but quick response. This partitioning of functional properties found among single muscle fibers is conserved at a second level of the structural hierarchy, since the group of myofibers innervated by a single motor neuron (together called a motor unit) is com posed of the same fiber type. Different motor units may be recruited in an orderly pattern depending upon the functional demands of a particular behavior. Finally, groups of motor units innervated by axons travelling together in the primary nerve branches may form discrete neuromuscular compartments at a third level of structural hierarchy. Different motor units may be found in regional arrays in these compartments so that slow or fast units tend to be clumped together and may be recruited together as larger functional units. This hierarchical organization of skeletal muscle may be a fundamental vertebrate plan that allows the diversity of functions so evident in vertebrate behavior. I n t r o d u c t i o n m e n t ? O n e m u s t , o f c o u r s e , c o n s i d e r t h e Diversity of muscle function is evident "eural control of movement; however, the in all kinds of movements, from the shear present paper deals with properties of musdi ggi ng-power of a gi ant armadi l l o, to the cl e, and my theme i s that a l arge amount l i the beauty of a l eapi ng gazel l e; the endur-of the vari ati on m qual i ty and force of musance of a hunti ng dog on the chase, to the ol e acti vi ty i s due to i nherent properti es of controlled precision of a neurosurgeon's the muscles themselves,
Sizes of components in frog skeletal muscle measured by methods of stereology
Journal of General Physiology, 1975
Stereological techniques of point and intersection counting were used to measure morphological parameters from light and electron micrographs of frog skeletal muscle. Results for sartorius muscle are as follows: myofibrils comprise 83% of fiber volume; their surface to volume ratio is 3.8 mum-1. Mitochondria comprise 1.6% of fiber volume. Transverse tubules comprise 0.32% of fiber volume, and their surface area per volume of fiber is 0.22 mum-1. Terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum comprise 4.1% of fiber volume; their surface area per volume of fiber is 0.54 mum-1. Longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticullum comprises 5.0% of fiber volume, and its surface area per volume of fiber is 1.48 mum-1. Longitudinal bridges between terminal cisternae on either side of a Z disk were observed infrequently; they make up only 0.035% of fiber volume and their surface area per volume of fiber is 0.009 mum-1. T-SR junction occurs over 67% of the surface of transverse tubules and over 27% of th...
Skeletal muscles can be classified as flexors or extensors according to their function, and as dorsal orventral according to their position. The latter classification evokes their embryological origin from musclemasses initially divided during limb development, and muscles sharing a given position do not necessarilyperform the same function. Here, we compare the relative proportions of different fiber types among sixlimb muscles in the lizard Tropidurus psammonastes. Individual fibers were classified as slow oxidative(SO), fast glycolytic (FG) or fast oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) based on mitochondrial content; muscleswere classified according to position and function. Mixed linear models considering one or both effectswere compared using likelihood ratio tests. Variation in the proportion of FG and FOG fibers is mainlyexplained by function (flexor muscles have on average lower proportions of FG and higher proportions ofFOG fibers), while variation in SO fibers is better explained by position (they are less abundant in ventralmuscles than in those developed from a dorsal muscle mass). Our results clarify the roles of position andfunction in determining the relative proportions of the various muscle fibers and provide evidence thatthese factors may differentially affect distinct fiber types.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 58 Issue 12 (December 2024) : 2074-2078, 2024
Background: Bird is important in maintaining biodiversity and its lifestyles and behaviors will pose an important impact on the ecological environment. Birds are also inseparable for ecological stability. Birds’ movement and living habits are a widely studied topic. Methods: Two economic valuable birds, Lonchura striata and Copsychus saularis, were selected in this study. It aims at investigating the characteristics of muscle fiber tissues and comparing the differences between male and female species. Histological techniques were used to determine the characteristics of the muscle fiber (diameter, area and density) in leg and pectoral muscles. Result: There were differences in the muscle fiber characteristics of the Lonchura striata and the Copsychus saularis. The characteristics of muscle fibers between males and females of the same species were significantly different and there were also significant differences in the same parts of different species. The diameter and area of muscle fibers are correlated to the density of muscle fibers. This study suggested that the characteristics of muscle fibers are related to their living habits and population characteristics.
Descriptive and functional morphometry of skeletal muscle fibres in wild birds
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 1999
The fibre types of four forelimb and two hind-limb muscles involved in locomotion were morphometrically analyzed in three species of wild birds: the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), common coot (Fulica atra), and yellowlegged gull (Larus cachinnans). Fibre cross-sectional area and perimeter, maximal diffusion distance, and number of capillaries per fibre were measured and the functional implications and physiological demands of the muscles of each species were inferred. In general, all morphometric values were lower in oxidative fibres than in anaerobic fibres, indicating that the supply of oxygen and metabolites available to aerobically working muscles is enhanced. The lower level of activity required during gliding as opposed to flapping flight, and the need to maintain the wings in an outstretched position, presumably by means of isometric contractions, may explain the greater size of the oxidative fibres of the pectoralis and scapulotriceps muscles of the gull. In contrast, the high oxidative demand imposed on mallards and coots by sustained flapping flight is met by small oxidative fibres, possibly at the expense of a reduction in the ability of each fibre to generate force. Anaerobic fibres of the gastrocnemius muscle had greater cross-sectional areas in the mallard and coot than in the gull. This is interpreted as an adaptive response to force generation during burst locomotion, which is usually performed by both mallards and coots, in sharp contrast to the buoyant swimming and postural activities undertaken by gull's legs. The fast oxidative fibres of the gastrocnemius muscle were, in general, larger than those of the iliotibialis muscle in the three species, which matches the different mechanical and functional roles of these muscles during swimming. Résumé : Les types de fibres dans les muscles responsables de la locomotion, quatre muscles des membres antérieurs et deux muscles des membres postérieurs, ont fait l'objet d'une analyse morphométrique chez trois espèces d'oiseaux en nature, le Canard colvert (Anas platyrhynchos), la Foulque macroule (Fulica atra) et le Goéland leucophée (Larus cachinnans). La surface des fibres en coupe transversale, leur périmètre, les distances maximales de diffusion et le nombre de capillaires par fibre ont été mesurés et ces mesures ont permis de déduire les conditions de fonctionnement, de même que les besoins physiologiques des muscles de chaque espèce. En général, toutes les mesures morphométriques se sont avérées plus basses dans les fibres oxydatives que dans les fibres anaérobies, ce qui indique que la quantité d'oxygène et de métabolites fournie aux muscles à fonctionnement aérobie est supérieure. L'activité moins importante reliée au vol plané par opposition au vol avec battements d'ailes et la nécessité de maintenir les ailes étendues, probablement par l'intermédiaire de contractions isométriques, explique probablement la taille plus grande des fibres oxydatives du pectoralis et des scapulotriceps chez le goéland. En revanche, le besoin important d'oxygène pour assurer le battement des ailes chez le colvert et la foulque est fourni par les fibres oxydatives de petite taille, ce qui se traduit probablement par une diminution de la force que peut générer chaque fibre. Chez le Canard colvert et chez la foulque, les fibres anaérobies du gastrocnémien ont une surface plus grande en coupe transversale que celles du goéland. Il semble qu'il s'agisse là d'une adaptation au déploiement d'une force au cours d'un déplacement subit, une tactique utilisée couramment par le colvert et la foulque, tactique totalement différente de la nage par flottaison et des activités reliées à la posture associées aux pattes du goéland. Les fibres oxydatives rapides du gastrocnémien sont en général plus grosses que celles du muscle iliotibialis chez les trois espèces, ce qui correspond aux rôles mécanique et fonctionnel de ces muscles au cours de la nage.
Skeletal muscle development in vertebrate animals
This review covers the pre-and post-natal development of skeletal muscle of vertebrate animals with cellular and molecular levels. The formation of skeletal muscle initiates from paraxial mesoderm during embryogenesis of individuals which develops somites and subsequently forms dermomyotome derived myotome to give rise axial musculature. This process (myogenesis) includes stem and progenitor cell maintenance, lineage specification, and terminal differentiation to form myofibrils consequent muscle fibers which control muscle mass and its multiplication. The main factors of muscle growth are proliferation and differentiation of myogenic cells in prenatal stage and also the growth of satellite cells at postnatal stage. There is no net increase in the number of muscle fibers in vertebrate animals after hatch or birth except fish. The development of muscle is characterized by hyperplasia and hypertrophy in prenatal and postnatal stages of individuals, respectively, through Wnt signalling pathway including environment, nutrition, sex, feed, growth and myogenic regulatory factors. Therefore further studies could elucidate new growth related genes, markers and factors to enhance meat production and enrich knowledge on muscle growth.
Zoomorphology, 2000
Non-uniformity of fascicle parameters (fascicle lengths and orientation) within one skeletal muscle is well known. These parameters have an effect on the physiological cross-sectional area and lengthening rate of the skeletal muscle. Using a binocular microscope with a table driver (q-and p-axes) and vertical drive (v-axis) as a tool for reconstruction of the spatial orientation of single muscle fascicles, we developed an approach for three-dimensional analysis of the arrangement and length distribution in the skeletal muscle of small mammals. Two subunits of the triceps brachii muscle of the Galea musteloides forelimb, triceps longum and triceps laterale, were quantified and compared. Our data show that in the triceps laterale the fascicles are significantly longer (10.23 mm, SD=1.19, n=41) than those in the triceps longum (6.58 mm, SD=2.88, n=39). In the triceps laterale, the fascicle orientation is more or less uniform, whereas, in the triceps longum, there are two areas with different orientation of fascicles: anterior and posterior ones. Different inner architecture of the subunits can be interpreted as an adaptation to the main locomotory function of the triceps muscle, namely production of propulsive force during limb transfer phase and keeping dynamic stability during stance phase. Comparison of our data on the fascicle length and geometry with our previous histochemical results on G. musteloides, shows that the anterior region of the triceps longum, which differs in the fascicle orientation, also contains a significantly larger percent of slow muscle fibres. It is hypothesised here that this small region is involved in keeping posture.