Chemical calibration, performance, validation and applications of the polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) in aquatic environments (original) (raw)

Tetraphasic polar organic chemical integrative sampler for the determination of a wide polarity range organic pollutants in water. The use of performance reference compounds and in-situ calibration

Talanta, 2017

In the present work, a homemade polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) was studied for the determination of 16 target analytes. The suitability of the combination of triphasic mixture (used in so called pesticides-POCIS) and octadecyl-functionalized silica gel (C 18) as sorbent for POCIS was evaluated for the determination of alkylphenols (APs), several hormones, bisphenol-A (BPA), synthetic musk fragrances and herbicides such as trifluralin (Tri) and alachlor (Ala). With this purpose, POCIS laboratory calibration study, using a continuous-flow calibration system, was carried out in order to determine the uptake behavior and sampling rate (R s) values for each target analyte. While the most hydrophobic compounds, (synthetic musk fragrances, some APs and Tri), showed poor linearity and low accumulation, a linear accumulation was observed for compounds whose logarithmic octanol-water partition coefficient (log K ow) ranged from 5.3 (4-tert-octylphenol, 4t-OP) to 3.1 (cis-androsterone, ADT). The R s values obtained ranged from 0.190 L day −1 (4t-OP) to 0.042 L day −1 (BPA and equilin, EQ). The addition of C 18 to the commonly used triphasic mixture increased the applicability of the POCIS sampler to compounds slightly more non-polar, such as 4t-OP. As far as we know, this is the first time that a combination of tetraphasic sorbent composed by the commercially available triphasic sorbent (Isolute ENV+polystyrene divinylbenzene and Ambersorb 1500 carbon dispersed on S-X3 Biobeads) and C 18 was evaluated for passive sampling of the target analytes. The developed POCIS samplers were applied in field experiments from Halle (Germany) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent. Concerning the calculation of R s values, the time weighted average (TWA) water concentration C W TWA values were determined considering three different approaches: (i) R s from laboratory calibration (ii) R s from laboratory calibration corrected with the use of performance reference compounds (PRCs) and (iii) R s derived from field experiments or in-situ calibration. Several deuterated compounds such as, [ 2 H 3 ]-17β-estradiol ([ 2 H 3 ]-E 2), [ 2 H 4 ]-nonylphenol ([ 2 H 4 ]-NP), [ 2 H 4 ]-equilin ([ 2 H 4 ]-EQ), [ 2 H 3 ]-tonalide ([ 2 H 3 ]-AHTN) and [ 2 H 15 ]-musk xylene ([ 2 H 15 ]-MX) were also studied for their applicability as PRCs. Finally, a reasonable agreement between grab sampling and C W TWA was found when results from in-situ calibration were considered, but not when PRCs were used for correction.

Sampling in the Great Lakes for pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and endocrine-disrupting substances using the passive polar organic chemical integrative sampler

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2010

The passive polar organic chemical integrative sampler in the pharmaceutical configuration (i.e., pharmaceutical-POCIS) was calibrated for sampling at water temperatures of 5, 15 and 258C to determine the influence of temperature on chemical-specific sampling rates (R S ), thus providing more robust estimates of the time-weighted average concentrations of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine-disrupting substances (EDS) in surface water. The effect of water temperature and flow on the R S of these analytes was evaluated in the laboratory with a static system. The loss of the test compounds from water by uptake into POCIS was linear over an 8-d period, and these experimental data yielded R S values in the range of 0.07 to 2.46 L/d across the temperature range for the 30 compounds tested. Water temperature and flow influenced POCIS uptake rates, but these effects were relatively small, which is consistent with the theory for uptake into POCIS samplers. Therefore, under a narrow range of water temperatures and flows, it may not be necessary to adjust the R S for POCIS. Except for acidic drugs and sulfonamide antibiotics, R S values were positively correlated with octanol-water partition coefficients (log K OW ) of the test compounds. A linear relationship was also observed between R S and chromatographic retention times on a C18 reversed-phase column. These observations may provide a rapid method for estimating the R S of additional chemicals in the POCIS. The application of the R S to POCIS deployed for one month in Lake Ontario, Canada, during the summers of 2006 and 2008 yielded estimates of PPCP and EDS concentrations that are consistent with conventional concentration measurements of these compounds in Lake Ontario surface water. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2010;29:751-762. # 2009 SETAC

In-situ calibration of POCIS for the sampling of polar pesticides and metabolites in surface water

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Polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) uptake rates for 17 polar pesticides and degradation products: laboratory calibration

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2012

Polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) are useful for monitoring a wide range of chemicals, including polar pesticides, in water bodies. However, few calibration data are available, which limits the use of these samplers for time-weighted average concentration measurements in an aquatic medium. This work deals with the laboratory calibration of the pharmaceutical configuration of a polar organic chemical-integrative sampler (pharm-POCIS) for calculating the sampling rates of 17 polar pesticides (1.15 ≤ logK ow ≤ 3.71) commonly found in water. The experiment, conducted for 21 days in a continuous water flow-through exposure system, showed an integrative accumulation of all studied pesticides for 15 days. 3 compounds (metalaxyl, azoxystrobine and terbuthylazine) remained integrative for the 21-day experiment. The sampling rates measured ranged from 67.9 to 279 mL day-1 and increased with the hydrophobicity of the pesticides until reaching a plateau where no significant variation in sampling rate is observed when increasing the hydrophobicity.

Estimation of in–lab sampling rates and uptake kinetics for 24 polar organic micro pollutants by polar organic chemical integrative sampler “POCIS”

MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences, 2018

Pesticides are between the major contaminants that invade aquatic environments. Pesticides monitoring programs were usually conducted using active sampling method in environmental water sites to evaluate the real state of the aquatic media. Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) was recently used for the monitoring of polar pesticides residues in environmental water. The application requires its prior calibration in order to determine the sampling rate "Rs" needed to evaluate the real water concentration of analytes. This paper generates the "Rs" values in water for 24 pesticides never been generated previously. The POCIS laboratory-calibration was performed in glass beakers on the basis of static renewal exposure under stirred conditions for 25 days. The accumulation kinetics of these pesticides was evaluated and the Rs values found varied from 0.0186 to 0.316 L day-1 with RSD˂ 24%. The effect of hydrophobicity on sampling rates (Rs) was also evaluated. Furthermore, we evaluated the applicability of deuterated Atrazine (ATR d5) as Performance Reference Compounds (PRC) to account for between-site variation. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used for the analysis.

POCIS Calibration for Organic Compound Sampling in Small Headwater Streams

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2020

Field-based atrazine sampling rates (R s) by the polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) were measured in nine headwater streams in three years covering 5 to 6 exposure periods of 2 to 3 weeks per site per year. Rates were best in line with the model R s = 148 mL/d, with a standard deviation of 0.17 log units (factor 1.5). POCIS canisters reduced mass transfer coefficients of the water boundary layer by a factor of 2 as measured by alabaster dissolution rates. A mechanistic model that accounts for flow and temperature effects yielded a fair estimate of the effective exchange surface area (12.5 ± 0.8 cm 2). This model could only be tested for higher flow velocities because of uncertainties associated with the measurement of flow velocities < 1 cm/s. Pictures of sorbent distributions in POCIS showed that the effective exchange surface area varied with time during the exposures. Error analysis indicated that sorbent distributions and chemical analysis were minor error sources. The main conclusion of this study is that an atrazine sampling rate of 148 mL/d yields consistent results for all three years across nine headwater streams.

Evaluation of polar organic chemical integrative and hollow fibre samplers for the determination of a wide variety of organic polar compounds in seawater

Talanta, 2018

The calibration of two passive samplers for the determination of 20 emerging organic compounds in seawater is described in this work: i) a new version of polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) containing 100 mg of mixed-mode anion exchanger (Strata X-AW) and 100 mg of polymeric HLB (Plexa) sorbent materials and using a highly porous Nylon membrane (30-μm pore size) and ii) polyethersulfone (PES) hollow fibre. Among the studied contaminants, herbicides, hormones, life style products (stimulants and artificial sweeteners), industrial chemicals (corrosion inhibitor and fluorinated compounds), personal care products and several pharmaceuticals were included. In the case of POCIS, both the sorbents and the Nylon membranes were extracted and analysed independently. The calibration set up consisted on a continuous-flow tank that was fed with a continuous flow of seawater (2 L/h) and a stock mixture of contaminants (20 mL/h), assuring a nominal concentration of ~ 600 ng/L (each ...

Development of a Passive, in Situ, Integrative Sampler for Hydrophilic Organic Contaminants in Aquatic Environments

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2004

Increasingly it is being realized that a holistic hazard assessment of complex environmental contaminant mixtures requires data on the concentrations of hydrophilic organic contaminants including new generation pesticides, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and many chemicals associated with household, industrial, and agricultural wastes. To address this issue, we developed a passive in situ sampling device (the polar organic chemical integrative sampler [POCIS]) that integratively concentrates trace levels of complex mixtures of hydrophilic environmental contaminants, enables the determination of their timeweighted average water concentrations, and provides a method of estimating the potential exposure of aquatic organisms to the complex mixture of waterborne contaminants. Using a prototype sampler, linear uptake of selected herbicides and pharmaceuticals with log K ow s Ͻ 4.0 was observed for up to 56 d. Estimation of the ambient water concentrations of chemicals of interest is achieved by using appropriate uptake models and determination of POCIS sampling rates for appropriate exposure conditions. Use of POCIS in field validation studies targeting the herbicide diuron in the United Kingdom resulted in the detection of the chemical at estimated concentrations of 190 to 600 ng/L. These values are in agreement with reported levels found in traditional grab samples taken concurrently.